Sample Heading 1 bar
Sample Heading 2 bar
Sample Sub Heading 3 bar
Sample Sub Heading 4 bar
Sample Sub Heading 5 bar
'single quotes'
italic text (2x single quotes)
bold text (3x single quotes)
bold italic text (5x single quotes)
'''''bold italic text''''' (above with wiki formatting removed)
[ required link title]
external link example syntax (no title == ref[1])
[[Main Page|optional link title]]
internal link example
[[Main Page]]
internal link example without title
#REDIRECT [[Main Page]]
(redirect to Main Page)
Bravo Lima Echo November Delta Echo Romeo
# python code formatting test
import bpy
def main():
ob_names = [ for o in bpy.context.scene.objects]
for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
print("obj name:",
// C code formatting test
#include "stdio.h"
int main(void) {
printf("Sample text.");
return 0;
wiki syntax links
Article Drafts:
- User:NBurn/Setting up a Python Debugger with Blender
- User:NBurn/Glossary
- User:NBurn/2.80 Python API Changes