User:NBurn/2.80 Python API Changes
Eventually move to Reference/Release_Notes/2.80/Python_API
Update to embedded Python version (last checked: 2018-12-05)
-Python 3.5.3 (May 20 2017)
+Python 3.7.0 (Aug 26 2018)
Renamed lamp type
- The
type from 2.7x has been replaced byLight
Matrix multiplication
- mathutils now uses the PEP 465 binary operator for multiplying matrices
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix
mat_foo = Matrix(( (1, 2), (3, 4) ))
mat_bar = Matrix(( (11, 12), (13, 14) ))
mat_baz = mat_foo @ mat_bar # result: (37, 40), (85, 92)
BGL module (Over 700 entries removed, partial sample below)
-row = column.row(True)
+row = column.row(align=True)
-row.prop(self, "ctrl", "Ctrl", toggle=True)
+row.prop(self, "ctrl", text="Ctrl", toggle=True)
Additional resources:
- Updating Scripts from 2.7x (older version?)
- Blender 2.8x / Python, Proposed Changes
- T52599: Python API, changes to type registration in 2.8
- Blender 2.8 Python Meeting Notes
- 2.8: Addons UI
- Blender 2.8 Planning Update
Blender 2.80 API Changes
This section was backed up from:
+# no longer exists
-bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None)
+bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) = True = False
+not bpy.context.object.visible_get()
-bpy.context.object.hide = False
+# no longer exists, use collection.hide instead
rna_Scene_ray_cast requires a scene_layer argument.
If you copy context and override scene_layer, but not scene_collection what's going to be the override scene_collection?
It depends!
Is the original context.scene_collection linked (directly, or indirectly via nesting) into the overridden scene_layer? Then this is still the one you will get.
Is it not? In this case you get the active collection of the overridden scene_layer.