User:NBurn/2.80 Python API Changes

Eventually move to Reference/Release_Notes/2.80/Python_API ?

Update to embedded Python version (last checked: 2018-12-05)

-Python 3.5.3 (May 20 2017)
+Python 3.7.0 (Aug 26 2018)

Renamed lamp type

The Lamp type from 2.7x has been replaced by Light

Matrix multiplication

mathutils now uses the PEP 465 binary operator for multiplying matrices
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix
mat_foo = Matrix(( (1, 2), (3, 4) ))
mat_bar = Matrix(( (11, 12), (13, 14) ))
mat_baz = mat_foo @ mat_bar  # result: (37, 40), (85, 92)

BGL module (Over 700 entries removed, partial sample below)




-row = column.row(True)
+row = column.row(align=True)

-row.prop(self, "ctrl", "Ctrl", toggle=True)
+row.prop(self, "ctrl", text="Ctrl", toggle=True)



Additional resources:

Blender 2.80 API Changes

This section was backed up from:

+# no longer exists
-bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, use_active_layer=True, name=None)
+bpy_extras.object_utils.object_data_add(context, obdata, operator=None, name=None) = True = False

+not bpy.context.object.visible_get()
-bpy.context.object.hide = False
+# no longer exists, use collection.hide instead
rna_Scene_ray_cast requires a scene_layer argument.



If you copy context and override scene_layer, but not scene_collection what's going to be the override scene_collection?

It depends!

Is the original context.scene_collection linked (directly, or indirectly via nesting) into the overridden scene_layer? Then this is still the one you will get.

Is it not? In this case you get the active collection of the overridden scene_layer.