Week 2 Report
(Reported on Friday, still some weekend works to do, and I have two tests this week :( )
Solved problems from last week
- Fixed GPencil stroke vertex attribute error in chaining.
- Split stroke chains based on their occlusion levels.
- Fixed overlay method for GPencil strokes, now use Viewport Display->In Front.
- Fixed Triangle culling bug in LANPR geometry pre-processor. (during the weekend)
- Fixed DPIX wrong object position error.
And something else
- GPencil modifier works:
- A proposal on some new modifiers and some modifications to the existing ones, please check here.
- Added a (experimental) sampling modifier and a end-point extending modifier, which proved it is possible to do such edits in the modifier.
Still unsolved problems
- engine_free() still not working for LANPR.
- When GPencil stroke generator is present, LANPR should automatically disable the line drawing output from itself and let GPencil handle the rest.
This weekend and the next week
- I'm pretty sure that I can grab my hand on the interface.
- Implement all proposed modifier, and integrate the suggestions from users and artists.
- According to the original plan, the near-far plane triangle intersection calculation should work flawlessly by the end of the week. (Done)
- If still have time, fix the camera lens "shift" support for software mode.
- Remove "snake mode" from being accessed?
- DPIX is broken under new DRW_view APIs. (Done)
After discussing with my mentors, I found out that It is better for me to fix most of the bugs, and make sure all the internal features working properly, then it makes more sense to implement the interface features. Which means this will be the priority for the next week.