A more detailed modifier proposal for GPencil and LANPR
What is this all about?
Grease Pencil has received a lot of great improvements since Blender2.8. LANPR used to render all the strokes by its own. Now GPencil already have some style and texture options that we are able to use, so It is also reasonable for LANPR to utilize this part of the functions. At the current stage, GPencil's modifiers and stroke material are of the most interests. Since Freestyle is well known for its ability to generate feature lines with artistic shapes and textures, and people loved it, so it is necessary for us to implement such kind of functions into LANPR.
Since we can already share data between LANPR and GPencil, we then need more stroke modifiers to help us achieve the target.This short proposal is dedicated to extending GPencil modifier development for better NPR rendering usages.
What are we lacking?
How do we get LANPR data into Grease Pencil eventually? Now it is done by manually calculate the feature lines, and then create GPencil modifiers. There's a need to automate the process, or at least to notify the user about LANPR data (Thanks for Antonioya for mentioning this). This process should be something like this:
- Use stroke generation modifier to automatically set LANPR a default present. User can adjust those arguments later.
- Use a operator similar to "Quick Smoke", the "Quick LANPR" should create the GPencil object and set up everything you needed.
To me the first solution may be better, since one can use the stroke generator with their existing GPencil objects, and later could utilize LANPR's line select functions to give different GPencil objects different strokes and effects. Both methods doesn't necessarily have to be executed in LANPR engine though, because GPencil is used to draw. Hence I also put it in this modifier proposal.
There are some requirements (which isn't of great importance if the only thing GPencil does is drawing) to meet specific needs for stylized rendering: Please give feedback on what you think is also necessary too.
- Sketchy stroke effect, Which may include effects like:
- random curves along the stroke
- not accurately placed stroke tips
- multiple strokes in similar directions
- simplified stroke to represent a collection of similar strokes.
- Graph with industrial characteristics, To be used in e.g. structural representations:
- dot/dash/doubled line styles
- adjustable line tips, e.g. caps, arrows or something else
- regulated geometric patterns along the stroke e.g. sinus wave.
Current GPencil has some basic modifiers. But to make better use of them, which means to better adapt them to algorithm-generated strokes, few existing modifiers may need some re-works:
- Simplify: When in adaptive mode doesn't preserve geometry features very well. It will lose turning points. See image for demonstration.
- Noise: Only does "visually predictable" noise patterns, and it is only in 2D (appears to be only perpendicular to the stroke normal direction?). A noise back-end like something that we use in the animation curve editor would be much better in terms of randomness. See image for demonstration.
- Thickness: Can adjust thickness factor, but not override the original, also not able to adjust influence from by the distance from two end points.
Combining those points can give us a general considerations for what functions that those modifiers should have:
- Able to control the density and distribution of the points in a generated stroke.
- Able to manipulate the geometric pattern of a stroke more freely.
- Able to simplify single or multiple strokes at once, in a shape-preserve matter.
- Able to sometimes deconstruct one stroke into multiple strokes to represent one shape.
- Able to apply textures to strokes.
- And most importantly, most factors that goes into operations above should be able to be randomized or regulated according to the desired outcome.
But also keep in mind, the modifier shouldn't be too general that setting up an effect could use too many of them, that is not how it works on the artists side. For example, a "Sketch modifier" is much more convenient than "Split, Multiply, Random, Offset". It is better to bare a mind that put user's not programmer's thought first, but I don't know how far can I go to be honest.
OK, but where are the proposed modifiers?
Propose to add such modifiers:
Stroke Generation modifier
- Should automatically set up and call LANPR.
- Should add options to be able to cache the frame result for GPencil.
Sampling modifier
- To regulate/randomize the distance between adjacent points in a stroke, also control the density.
- Able to place points using a length-based pattern to create e.g. dot and dash stuff.
Extend/Shrink modifier
- Able to extend the end points, better with a curvature that can be controlled to follow the original stroke.
- Able to shrink the stroke by/to a specific length.
Multiplication modifier
- Able to duplicate segments around the original stroke, with optional randomness.
- At the same time, it should also be able to split stroke into multiple separate strokes. Should add options to co-operate with Sampling modifier.
Simplify modifier [MODIFICATIONS]
- Make it more shape-aware.
- Should be able to merge multiple similar strokes into one.
Smooth modifier [MODIFICATIONS]
- Add another algorithm to generate more controlled curve lines like Freestyle's Bezier modifier.
More stuff that is worth considering
There are some things that aren't specifically related to LANPR->GPencil modifier development. But they can also be relevant, opinions are welcomed.
One interesting comparison of LANPR now would be Pencil+. On technical side (and let's just ignore the cartoon highlight stuff it has), two things still needs improvements on LANPR's side. 1) Time-coherence of patterned/textured stroke. 2) perspective disortions. Will take some time to achieve, the algorithm itself isn't too hard. However, with GPencil, I can already see some different stylization approaches, such as time-based warping and even geometry re-generation from strokes.
There are another use that I've been mentioned to is rotoscoping. I don't quite grasp how this is going to work because we can already use stuff like cyptomatte for rendered passes. But could be something to look forward too. This will require further refines to LANPR chain algorithms, also the help from Smooth Contour modifier.