Reference/Release Notes/4.1/Nodes Physics

Nodes & Physics


  • The new Split to Instances node allows separating a geometry into multiple pieces based on a group ID (5bee6bcedc).
  • The new Index Switch node allows choosing between an arbitrary number of inputs with an index (8d5aa6eed4).
  • The new Bake node allows saving and loading intermediate geometries (00eaddbd51).
  • The Fill Curve node now has a "Group ID" input to limit filling to specific curve groups (90de0368cd).
  • Node tools are now supported in object mode (3fcd9c9425).
  • Five nodes have been changed to use the rotation socket introduced in the last release (600a133521, 49087a84d0).
    • Distribute Points on Faces
    • Instance on Points
    • Rotate Instances
    • Transform Geometry
    • Object Info
    • Instance Rotation
  • The Active Camera input node gives the scene's current camera object (75f160ee96).
  • The Musgrave Texture node was replaced by an extended Noise Texture node.
  • The Set Curve Normal node now has the ability to set free ("custom") normals (f63a7c1ee9).

User Interface

  • The Ungroup operator now ungroups all selected group nodes instead of just the active one (f3cd25370c).
  • Socket picking when creating node links has been improved to reduce the number of mis-clicks (74dd1e044b).

Auto Smooth

  • The mesh "Auto Smooth" option has been replaced by a modifier node group asset (89e3ba4e25).
    • This means geometry nodes now has the ability to set edge sharpness and create split normals without the need for an "original" mesh with the auto smooth option.
      • The behavior of sharp handles in the *Curve to Mesh* node is also controllable, and possible to create from scratch.
    • Blender automatically chooses whether to calculate vertex, face, or face corner normals given the presence of custom normals and the mix of sharp/smooth edges and faces.
    • Face corner "split" normals are calculated when there is a mix of sharp and smooth elements.
    • For more information on the impact to modeling, see the Modeling section.
    • For more information on the Python API changes, see the Python API section.
A node group asset to replace the behavior of the "Auto Smooth" option