User:Yiming/Proposal 2018/Week3

GSoC Week3 Status


Things have done

The coding seems not going as fast as expected. I had three class reports this week, these are things I've done during the week for NPR project:

1. Improved line rendering performance by moving all line segments in to one drawing batch. 2. Added several switches to control rendering method. Currently the engine can choose to render edge detection filter result, thinning result and vectorization result. 3. Moved my DPIX code into the engine, but still modifying code to adapt blender's data structure. (and can be used very soon) I used #ifdef blocks to prevent it from compiling now. DPIX shaders have problems too. 4. Some other minor changes in struct SceneLANPR includes more parameters for controlling vector line extending and curve sensitivity, which is used to mimic hand-sketched images. (Still implementing these features currently)

Screenshots shows the new rendering parameters.

Snake UI Modes
Snake Effects UI Panel

Next week

1. Turns out that DPIX algorithm needs a lot more work than I was expecting, I've decided to focus more on DPIX implementation next week and make sure it produce correct result by next friday. 2. Currently, the Snake algorithm produces a lot of jaggy lines, and frequently misses short feature lines. Will look into it to see if there's anything I can do to improve the line rendering quality.


I have listed questions (and some answers) here in a seperate wiki page. Check here>>>