User:Yiming/Proposal 2018/Week1

GSoC Week1 Status


Things have done

1. Modified some cmake files and added external sourcefiles.

2. Reviewed Sebastian Parborg's new code for smooth line solution, link here May probably not include the algorithm now as I am trying to merge exiting code.

I finished most of the classes last Thursday then I started to work on the project. Sorry for the late respond, I was at lectures this weekend.

Next week

1. Make the whole thing work in blender's infrastructure, most works shall go into adapt the memory allocation stuff and adjust the (NPR)intermal mesh structure.

2. The most basic viewport post processing stuff will hopefully be added. Will also adapt the BGL APIs.

3. If time permits, will add RNA stuff into blender and prepare for ui parameter access.


1. I currently added offline NPR rendering stuff as a "source/blender/bf_line_render" project, or shall I put it under extern?

2. Is it okay to mess around realtime NPR stuff in eevee's code or something or shall I create a seperate project?

3. Does blender's internal memory management (the BLI_ ones)have any limitations on using them? e.g. during different running state of the program.

Another not-so-relavent one question: When debug using RelWithDebInfo build, sometimes hit render will trigger a breakpoint and VS gives a warning. But blender is able to continue running seemingly without any problem. Is it normal? I'm using VS2015 with update 3 on Win10, this problem appears since maybe two or three years ago.

That's it so far. I'll be on IRC as YimingWu during the day on my side, and If there's anything I should do for the code review please send me mail or IRC messages.

