Week 7
Things have done
- Make operations in GPU and CPU modes more consistent, including object/collection usage flags and modifier selections.
- Option for using world background color.
- Rendering with background alpha now blends properly.
- CPU mode in viewport camera mode now aligned with actual scene, able to zoom and move around now.
- Initial SVG export investigation.
- Safer chaining value settings for CPU mode.
It's been a tough week for me the last few days. Thank god things finally cleared up on Monday :/ Next week should have a very free time frame.
Next week
- To Complete SVG export functions.
- To Complete Code style migrations, including file structure, naming conventions and internal function usages. Prepare the code to reserve time for the review.
- Should not have drawing errors and shader memory leaks by the end of the week.
- LANPR in GPencil mode will not automatically update, should fix this.
- GPencil Sample modifier is still problematic, fix it using another pre-process algorithm.
- Report says object/collection selection will not work properly in duplicated object/collections. This should not work in current code, will sure investigate this.
- Try remove Freestyle code base from Blender.
- Remove image filter mode from LANPR temporally. (It doesn't seem to get many love from the users or me :') )
If you want to use the crappy SVG exporter now...
Follow these steps:
- You should have a GPencil object to be exported.
- Select(Activate) the object, in object mode.
- Search(F3/Space) for "Export to SVG".
- Go to one of the text editors in Blender, pull the text file from the drop down selector, each corresponding to a GPencil layer.
- Use the text editor to save the content as *.svg file.
The file will suffer from ratio differences, way-off stroke width, filled regions, and uniform stroke pressure.