User:Yiming/GSoC2019/LANPR Document/layer

Line layer

Modifying line layer

When using LANPR as a render engine, you are able to configure multiple line layers for rendering. Typically different line layers consists of lines with different occlusion levels, also other customizable properties.

Line layer configuration is initially empty. At least one line layer is needed to produce a visible render result. The simplest way is adding one line layer by clicking the plus button, or adding default line layers by clicking the default button.

Using up/down button to adjust the overlay order. This is particularly useful when you have thick lines in multiple levels.

Occlusion levels

By setting different value in the level entry, you can select lines with different occlusion levels up to 127. Zero means selecting visible lines. Typically, for structural visualizations, this value won’t exceed beyond 3 levels (which also matches ISO standard). For usages that doesn’t require invisible lines, only one layer with level zero is enough.

When you want to include multiple levels in one layer, Enable multiple levels option.

Line types

LANPR can extract different line types from your mesh, in the future this functionality may be extended. Currently it supports:

  • Contour lines
  • Crease lines
  • Material separate lines
  • LANPR edge mark (compatible with Freestyle data, this function is preserved)
  • Intersection lines
  • Modifier deformed original edges (inoperative yet)

You are able to toggle the checkbox beside each line types your line layer. Intersection line is only available when intersection is enabled in LANPR options.

Line style

LANPR engine offers a very simple line style system. You are able to configure line color and thickness.

The Use Same Style option is for simplicity, this is enabled by default. When disabled, you can configure individual styles for different line types. Please note that the thickness of line types are relative to the master thickness.