
Roadmap planning for Blender 3.x

This wiki page is used to collect information and schedule meetings regarding the Blender 3.x series roadmap.

Questions and infos for module teams:

  • Are there plans / roadmaps for the 3.x series already?
  • Ton is proposing a series of chats in September with the modules to give them a chance to present their plans, and to give the community an opportunity to be involved in the Blender 3 plans.
  • Please note available times during regular European workday, preferably not later than 16/17:00 CEST so we can schedule the chats.

Animation & Rigging

Plans / Roadmaps:

  • Improve bone selection/interaction, potentially via face maps (i.e. interacting with subsets of the mesh, rather than selecting bones and interacting with those).
  • Hierarchical bone interaction, to make it easier to switch between coarse/intermediate/fine controls.
  • Improve evaluation speed of rigging & animation system.
  • Stretch goal: Rigging via nodes. Needs more design & planning discussions to decide between generative nodes (node system to generate current-style rig) or to have constraints, and maybe bones themselves and their parent/child relations, expressed & evaluated via nodes.

Available times: Mo, Tu, Th, Fr 11:00 - 18:00 CEST. Earlier than 11:00 also possible, but not that comfortable on a regular basis (already used by weekly kickoffs, daily standups, etc).


Plans / Roadmaps:

No official roadmap, lots of ideas and known TODOs (including some fairly big ones).

The project workboard, in particular the version-tagged columns and the 'Long-Term - Official' tasks.

Available times:

Regular Amsterdam office hours.

Grease Pencil

Plans / Roadmaps: -

No official roadmap, but main two topics will be asset manager integration and new Eevee materials for grease pencil.

Also we have a list of ideas for LineArt and other improvements

Available times: Usually >= 16:00 Amsterdam time, but could get some time during the morning if we arrange the meeting before.


Plans / Roadmaps: -

Available times: -

Nodes & Physics

Plans / Roadmaps:

  • Geometry Nodes fields and other workflow improvements (blog).
  • Support for curves and volumes in geometry nodes.
  • Integrate simulations into node based workflow (blog).

Available times: Usually 10:00 - 18:00.

Pipeline, Assets, I/O

Plans / Roadmaps:

Main two projects will be:

  • Assets (stabilization and completing features).
  • USD: The importer will be in 3.0. Plans for further developments are unclear, besides stabilizing. One possibility would be to work on the Collection IO project in relation with Core module.

Smaller projects:

[The project workboard], in particular the version-tagged columns and the 'Long-Term - Official' tasks.

Available times:

Regular Amsterdam office hours.

Platforms, Builds, Tests & Devices

Plans / Roadmaps:

I'd consider the platform module a service module to the others, there's no roadmap it's essentially being driven by the requirements of the other modules, only plan is to codify the operation of the module.

Available times:

Ray: MST(GMT-7) - 6.30-15.30

Python & Addons

Plans / Roadmaps:

  • gpu module (replace the bpy module completely).
  • Python 3.10 support (mostly complete).

Available times: -


Plans / Roadmaps:

Available times:

Brecht: Amsterdam local office hours

Virtual Reality

Plans / Roadmaps:

Available times:

Peter: 9:00 - 13:00 CEST.

Sculpt, Paint & Texture

Plans / Roadmaps: -

Available times: -


Plans / Roadmaps:

Get untriaged reports under 100 again and keep it stable there. Take on more first round Diff review (perhaps limit this to bugfixing patches). (both of the above are constrained by limited resources atm, without more staff improvements are unlikely)

Available times:

Philipp: 8:30 - 17:00 CET

User Interface

Plans / Roadmaps: -

Available times: -

VFX & Video

Plans / Roadmaps:

No official roadmap: been busy with Cycles X. There are smaller projects/improvements happening in VSE and Compositor.


  • Full frame compositor.

Available times:

  • Sergey: Amsterdam local office hours
  • Jeroen: Amsterdam local office times except Thursday.
  • Richard: No fixed schedule, If not avalable in morning, then afternoon.