Onboarding & Modules report
I wanted to find out how the onboarding process is working, see how the modules are doing and where help is needed.
Therefore I sent a small survey to all module owners, to get a better understanding of the current situation.
Onboarding questions:
- How do you see the current onboarding process? What can be improved?
- Do you feel our documentation is fine for new developers (Getting started, Compilation…) or are there things missing or need improvement?
- How do you handle onboarding in your module? Anything special, something that is / isn’t working well?
Module questions:
- How is your module doing? What do you want to improve, what are you happy with?
- Do you need help with roadmaps, more developers, artist member involvement…?
This report summarizes the answers given, and proposes improvements to the onboarding process.
The first few steps in the onboarding process, like getting Blender to compile, submit a patch or report a bug is described as working well. Afterwards two main issues are mentioned with wide consensus: Long response times for code review and lack of documentation.
Issues in the current onboarding process
Response time
Waiting times for code review are too long. Both the initial time to the first response from a developer as well as follow ups often take weeks or even months. This is a huge problem and can result in new contributors losing their interest and giving up. Two reasons were mentioned:
- Lack of time / not enough (experienced) developers who could do the code review. Some modules are split thin, in maintenance mode or people are busy with other projects.
- No open communication of expectations. When a contributor is not experienced enough for the task, the feature is low priority or results in additional work and is therefore not a good use of time, this isn’t communicated openly (probably to not step on peoples feet) and so some developers rather say nothing.
Quality expectation
There are lots of low quality contributions:
- UI guidelines and conventions are ignored
- No backwards compatibility
- Implemented quickly / hacky, where a bigger refactor would be needed
It is time consuming to bring patches and new developers up to speed, especially if they don’t stick around long term. This is also an issue with possible follow ups: Bug fixes, additional work like docs or release logs are often done by others, as we often fail to keep people involved there after a patch is merged. In the end it is often faster to implement the feature/fix ourselves.
We need more (experienced) developers, but also better documentation. The documentation for compiling Blender and getting started is described as good, but documentation for the architecture and overall design is lacking. Especially for the core design and architecture of Blender, better docs would be very helpful, to get a better understanding how areas communicate to each other. Even experienced developers often spend a lot of time talking to the original author or reading a lot of code, before they can work in a new area. Things that could be explained in a simple diagram end up taking several hours of reverse engineering. New contributors are not likely to spend their limited time on this and give up. The availability of docs varies a lot with the age of the code. Newer features and areas usually have better documentation and are easier to get started with than legacy ones. We also have to differentiate between experienced developers (e.g. from corporations) and hobbyist / enthusiasts. Our docs seem to be written more for the second group.
Possible improvements in the onboarding process
Many suggestions were made, how to improve things.
Response time & Quality expectation
In order to keep contributors happy we have to decrease our response time. At the same time we need to ensure patches meet a certain quality level so the actual reviewer can focus on the feature/fix, rather than spending lots of time on trivial things like explaining code style. This can be achieved by automating things or have more people help with the review process. Some ideas:
- Automate code style checks for submitted patches and have buildbot check if patches compile
- Have a checklist on the patch submission form for things like UI guidelines, backwards compatibility, tests passing and code style.
- Move to a better system overall like gitlab (pitfalls of arc have been mentioned several times).
- Have junior reviewers do a first round of review: Tagging the correct project, check code style, testing functionality, spot obvious code errors. A code review playbook could be helpful here, similar to the bug triaging playbock we have Triaging Playbook
- Encourage new contributors to reach out to developers on the forum or chat, and discuss a planned feature/fix and its design before working on the patch. This may avoid the issue of having to reject a patch because of hacky implementation / design.
There are also other ideas, like having a pre approved list of features, that can be picked up by new contributors. But letting them work on their own projects is often more fun, but still could be good to maintain such a low hanging fruit list actively.
Obviously, time needs to be spend on writing documentation, especially for older areas. In general, anything that a developer can write about his/her area (philosophy, structure and conventions) would be helpful! Other possible improvements are to have (additional) forms of documentation like videos for topics like compilation and patch submission. Documentation for processes and tools can also be a bit overwhelming for new contributors, maybe too much and counter productive.
Onboarding in the modules
I asked if modules do anything special in their onboarding and checked what is working well and what isn’t: Most modules have a dedicated chat room on, answer questions there and are available to help new contributors. This seems very important and helps in the communication process. Some have (bi)weekly meetings to further foster planning and communication. The Render & Cycles Module has lots of corporate contributions that go via other channels or have NDAs involved, but they try to move things into the regular development process as much as possible.
Status of modules and where help is needed
Grease Pencil
Core members are volunteers but very passionate and the module is running fine. Regular and smooth meetings. They are already working together for five years, so it’s a very well balanced team. Passionate artists like Daniel and Matias help a lot with great ideas. Help is needed with EEVEE materials for Grease Pencil. Clément is on it, but could use an update on status.
Render & Cycles
Development is pretty active, but incoming patches could be handled more efficiently. Better regression testing, performance and GPU testing is needed, and that is being worked on. There is especially need for contributors to do maintenance and bug fixing. Artists members are involved, getting help with images for release notes and feedback is fine, but could use more help with docs, writing release logs…
The module is doing okay but suffers from not having more dedicated developers, most people involved spend time on different projects too. So there is not enough time to focus on larger projects and there are no regular meetings. Artists involvement is okay. Modeling is in some sense in maintenance mode. Mostly smaller projects are done. Campbell would like to plan more sprints / projects, 6-8 week tasks, like this optimization work:
- Blog:
- Progress:
More developers are needed who learn and understand the modeling code. Also it would help to keep track of feature requests on Right Click Select and put the promising ones into a roadmap.
Bug triaging
They are happy with response time, but some reports still slip through. More time to review fix patches (instead of feature patches) wished. Issues with certain GPUs are still an issue. An updated list with hardware used by / available to active developers would be good. They can always need more triagers. Some sort of rewards/badges might motivate people to do more.
Compositor & Render/Viewport
Compositor is doing ok, Render/Viewport could use more experienced developers, especially with big projects like EEVVE2, Viewport compositing and Vulkan.
Sculpt / Paint
They are redesigning the whole workflow for asset creation right now. The legacy status of the code and the lack of development slows down progress too much. They need more people involved full time and a more flexible and faster way of decision making. They think about outsourcing development (such as mesh processing algorithms), which don’t need to happen within the Blender project.
VFX & Video
Not moving forward as much as one would expect. Some small development is going on. Bigger projects are planned and have partial designs but there is no experienced developer to really push them forward. Having more people with experience will make it easier and more exciting. Sergey reports that side projects like Cycles X make it difficult to focus on module owner work. More developers with good design skills and developing experience would be a very nice addition to the module.
Nodes & Physics
The module is doing quite well, at least the geometry-nodes part of it. The rest of the Nodes & Physics module maybe not so much. Maybe because no one feels fully responsible for the Nodes & Physics module, because it contains so many unrelated things. Artist involvement was great with several people joining the meetings, but that happens much less regularly nowadays.
User Interface
The UI module activity is largely on hold. Developers are busy with other projects and demotivated to work on smaller things due to many controversies since 2.8. There's mostly a lack of quality design work and general direction. Just adding more developers will not solve this. Technical debt is a big issue too. They were working on Human Interface Guidelines, which is an important project. They need workshops to define a direction/vision and designers. Communication to other modules and the public is seen as an issue. Somebody could help communicating the what, how and why of UI development. HCI specialists to help professionalizing the process would be helpful too. Later on they may want to look for more UI developers.
EEVEE & Viewport
Bugs are stacking and there are often obscure driver dependent bugs. Communication could be improved (bug tracker, review, roadmap). Clear plans for large projects (GPU selection, Vulkan port) need to be made, then additional developers could help.
Improving the onboarding process
Talking to module owners and getting up to speed with everything was very important and interesting this week. It was also great to connect with everyone again, lot’s of familiar faces! Unfortunately, long standing issues in the onboarding process, like response time for patch review and documentation is nothing that can be fixed quickly, but there is definitely room for improvement.
Improving patch review
As described in the previous chapters, response time and code quality are the biggest issues here. Here are some ideas that can improve the process and reduce the frustration for both new contributors and reviewers.
Encourage communication before starting to code
Encourage new contributors to get in touch with us, before starting to code can reduce the risk of work being wasted and not ending up in Blender. When people reach out to developers, for example in or on devtalk, developers can point to relevant documentation, check if the proposed change fits into Blenders design and inform the contributor about problems to watch out for. This avoids frustration, increases the chances of success and also brings everyone up to speed with the project from the beginning. It can reduce the response time as well, as both developer and contributor are connected from the beginning and might feel more motivated to see the process through. Another way to have an indirect communication is to maintain a list of good first issues. Of course it is more fun for new contributors to work on their own projects, but having a list of pre approved and easy tasks can make the first contact with Blender development and patch review less frustrating, hence improve the chances of contributors staying on board longer and trying more complicated things. Automate parts of the patch review process As suggested already by developers in the survey, the patch review process could be automated more, increasing code quality and spotting errors before a first review is even done.
- Have more information on the patch submission form, or requiring to check some boxes to confirm contributors checked code style, backward compatibility, UI guidelines…
- Automatically check the submitted code for code style, have buildbot compile it…
Strengthen the Triaging module
According to the module description, they are already responsible for “First round of Differential review “. We can try to get more people involved to help with this. Benefits:
- Have a quick first response. Contributors see that something is happening and that people are looking at the patch. We have patches that haven't had a (first) response in months.
- First round of review reduces the work for the actual reviewer.
- Things that can be checked during first round of review
- Correct tagging of modules, reviewers…
- Check on code style, compilation, see if UI guidelines are followed, test the feature, spot obvious code errors
- This gives the contributor a chance to fix these things and have a more clean patch for the actual reviewer who needs to do less work and can focus on the actual feature and architecture of the patch.
Improving documentation, especially for core modules in Blender is very important. I don’t know yet how this can be fixed efficiently, but experienced developers should spend a bit of time on this. Maybe one hour every week, that should be doable without making it to tedious. In a first step, we should identify the most pressing issues, by asking contributors and active developers which areas are most complex and in need for better documentation. We should also check where the biggest impact can be made with relative small amount of work.
Project platform
Some developers mentioned a possible move to gitlab and added that phabricator has its limitations and pitfalls (arc). This is more a longterm project, but a better project platform could increase efficiency, reduce work and make the contribution process easier. For example the bug reporting process could be improved. Instead of trusting people to fill out the template given, we could require information like operating system, Blender version, an example .blend file… Or promote the inbuilt functionality more: Help → Report a bug, which already fills out some of the information.