
Pull Request workflow

This guide explains how to create a pull request (PR) on This is the new prefered way of submitting patches.

Fork the repository

Gitea PR CreateFork.jpg

  • Confirm the fork by clicking on the green Fork Repository button. (XXX Private / Non Private? Guess private should be avoided here and won't work for PRs later?)

Gitea PR CreateForkConfirmation.jpg

Checkout & Development

Gitea PR ForkCheckout.jpg

Create a new pull request

  • Once a change has been commited and pushed to a branch on your fork, a new pull request can be created by switching to the branch and then clicking on the PR button next to it.

Gitea PR CreatePR.jpg

  • You can see all the changes that are ahead of master now and can click on New Pull Request. Enter a title and a description, attach additional files if needed and submit it.

Alternative text

One Time Setup

This assumes you have the blender/blender repository already checked out on your computer, following the build instructions.

  • Go to and click the Fork button.
  • Confirm the fork with the default settings.
  • Now you will have to add your personal fork as a remote in your local git repository. Click SSH to see the correct URL, and then add it like this:
git remote add me [email protected]:<USERNAME>/blender.git

Create a Pull Request

Now in your git local git repository, make your changes in a branch:

git checkout -b my-feature master
git commit file1 file2

When you are done, push this branch to your fork:

git push me my-feature

If all goes well, a message will be printed to the console with a link to create a PR:

TODO: get example of message

Alternatively, you can go to the page of your fork on<USERNAME>/blender. There you can select the branch, and click the icon next to it create a PR from the branch.

Update a Pull Request

You can update the code by simply pushing the same branch, and the changes will be reflected in the pull request.

git checkout my-feature
git commit --amend file3 file4
git push -f me my-feature

You can also add additional commits instead of amending an existing one, if changes are more clear when separated into multiple commits. Reviewers are able to squash everything into a single commit if needed.

Checkout a Pull Request

For a given pull request #123, checkout it out into a local branch their-feature like this:

git fetch origin pull/123/head:their-feature

Merge a Pull Request

Blender developers with commit access to the main repository can merge pull requests. There are two strategies:

  • Rebase and fast-forward: push all the commits in the PR, with commit messages unchanged except Pull Request #123 being added at the end of the last commit.
  • Squash: squash everything into one commit, using the PR title and description as the commit message. You will have the opportunity to edit the title and description in the user interface before the push goes through.