< User:Sybren | SfA
Scripting for Artists: User Interfaces
- After many requests: user interfaces.
- We have all the ingredients now: create operators, create add-ons, we have seen registering classes.
- As a basic concept, making a UI is the same as we have seen before. Create class, register it, and in some functions add your own code. For operators this was
, for drawing a UI this isdraw
. - Easy to cheat.
Your Own Panel
- Simple to add, like operators only requires some properties + registration of the class.
- Cheat by looking at other panels. If no "Edit Source", enable "Developer Extras" in the preferences.
- First look: 3D view, N-panel, View, 3D Cursor.
- Naming:
, similar to operators. - Uses
instead ofbpy.types.Panel
. - Scroll to top, see
from bpy.types import …
- Instead of
you can usePanel
. - Be careful with this, only use it if there is no doubt about where it comes from.
- Optimise your code for readability, make it easy to understand. You will read it more than you write it, so never do something only because it saves writing time. Only do it if it makes things easier to understand.
- Naming:
class VIEW3D_PT_monkeys(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Monkeys"
bl_label = "Grid"
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.operator('mesh.monkey_grid', text='Grid')
- Second look: Scene Units. Multiple inheritance: "ask mom"
Appending to Existing Things
- Menu item
- Panels