
Scripting for Artists: for vs. while & control statements

Prerequisite: Collections API

Chapter 3: Stuff on Lists showed for-loops.

Tweet by Rodger:

I see you have "For" loops. When is it better to use "While" loops instead?



  • for: iterates over 'iterable', 'iterable' is something you can iterate over.
  • To iterate = to repeat. In Python it often means asking 'Next, please?'.
  • There can be an end to the iteration, or it can be infinite (f.e. 'all odd numbers greater than five').


  • while: also repeats, while the condition is true.
  • Does not ask 'next, please', but asks 'should I keep going?'
  • One can be transformed into the other.

Changing while you loop:

  • for: important to not change the thing you iterate over (SfA chapter 3: Stuff on Lists).
  • while: investigates every time, so things can change.

Reasons for while

  • Unknown end of the loop:
    • "while the network connection is open".
    • "while the parent is not None".
  • do/while construct, do it once, repeat if necessary.
  • Changing what we're looping over.
    • while queue not empty

== Controlling the Loops

  • continue: to skip the rest of the loop body, and continue with the next iteration.
  • break: to skip everything and continue after the loop
  • for/else: for finding things

Behind the scenes of for (not included in the video)

names = ['Rain', 'Spring', 'Dixey', 'Hendrik']

for name in names:
    print(f'Name is: {name}')

# unrolls to:
iterator = iter(names)
while True:
        name = next(iterator)
    except StopIteration:
    print(f'Name is: {name}')