
Analyzing a Windows Memory Dump with WinDbg

This is a small guide on how to get a stack trace from a .dmp file with WinDbg in case Blender is unable to write a .crash.txt. Visual Studio can be used to view .dmp files as well, but isn't covered here.


In order to use WinDbg you should set up two directories and environment variables pointing to them. They will be used to store the symbols downloaded from the symbol server and for caching. In this guide, C:\symbols is used for storing the symbols and C:\SymCache for the cache, but you can replace these two directories with any other one of your choice. Create the two directories, then add the following two environment variables (adjust the path if you are not using the suggested directories).



Additionally, you will need a copy of the exact Blender version that the memory dump was created from. Blender is shipping a with a blender.pdb file that contains a stripped version of the symbols. WinDbg will be looking for a file named blender_private.pdb though. In order to get the stack trace with function names instead of memory addresses, you will need to create a copy of the blender.pdb file and rename it to blender_private.pdb.

Analyzing the Memory Dump

Open WinDbg and load the .dmp file. Next the debug symbols of Blender need to be loaded, this is accomplished through the .sympath+ C:\path\to\Blender command which adds a new directory to the paths WinDbg checks for symbols. Replace the path with the actual path to the Blender version, matching the one used in the .dmp file. After the command has been run, WinDbg should automatically load Blender's symbols. If it doesn't load the symbols, try to run .reload /f C:\path\to\Blender\blender.exe.

Once this is set up you should be able to run !analyze -v and get a proper stack trace with function names.

If something doesn't work you can enable verbose error reporting through !sym noisy which should show where symbol loading fails to work. The detailed output can be disabled with !sym quiet.