
GSoC 2019 Embree on GPU

Example performance gain on a scene with motion blur

This is the final report for the GSoC 2019 project: Embree on GPU.

All of the code can be found in this branch: soc-2019-embree-gpu, and in this diff D5522. It contain a patch that summarize all the change to Embree. Those change can also be found in this repository :

Work done

The creation of all the BVH structure are extracted from Embree internal structure, and support the existing following traversal features :

  • instanced mesh
  • motion blur
  • curves (without motion blur)

Embree also support these new features that have been added to the traversal code :

  • node that are only valid for a range of time
  • linear interpolation of bounding box at traversal time

Remaining work

  • Support for motion blur on curves
  • The convert step is currently single threaded, and can benefit from multithreading.
  • Improvement to creation of leaf: Creation of leaf still require some access to blender object data, and thus is slow.
  • The shrink step can be optimized :

Embree has a BVH4 tree, but GPU expect a BVH2 tree, thus the conversion step create two inner node :

Original BVH4 tree
Converted tree (BVH2)

The computation of the two bounding box for the inner node, can be optimized (especially with unaligned node), see bvh_shrink.

Try it yourself

git clone git://
git checkout soc-2019-embree-gpu
  • Install dependencies, but force to build embree from source :
./blender/build_files/build_environment/ --with-embree --build--embree
  • Install dependencies, but force to build embree from source :
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DWITH_CYCLES_EMBREE=ON ../blender
make -j <N> install
  • Enable Embree converter from Render panel : Performance » Acceleration Structure » BVH Builder » Embree, then convert
  • Then render


The converter shows the best performances on the scenes with a deformation motion blur, but on other scene, it is usually around 10% slower.