Warmup (December 2017)
after some time not being active did some warmup in the tracker
Tracker Triaging
- #53639: confirmed, investigated, posted patch [made a commit -- see Master Commits]
- #53630: found commit causing this, posted hacky workaround, mont29 did real fix and closed
- #52977: found commit causing this, mont29 did real fix and closed
- #53624: posted solution, outcome pending
- #53646: confirmed, posted backtrace, still open
- #53212: investigated -> not reproducable
- #53625: confirmed, investigated, suggested workaround, real solution pending
- #53647: confirmed, investigated, posted patch [somewhat made a commit -- see 2.8 Commits]
- #53513: confirmed, investigated, shied away, but dfelinto fixed/closed
- #53579: raised from incomplete to confirmed, investigated, found cause, lijenstina did fix and closed
- #53645: investigated, asked for more info, closed later (see Week 1)
Master Commits
- Fix T53639: text sequence strips no stamped into render rB08b063a1
2.8 Commits
- patch that 'Fix T53647: Outliner crashes when active object is deleted' was based on rBf2a24afe
Week 1 (January 2nd - 5th)
spend time mostly triaging/investigating tracker reports. Also looked into running tests for 2.79a release
Tracker Triaging
- #53677: triaged incomplete, suggested solution, closed later (see Week 2)
- #53676: triaged incomplete (missing info), closed later (see Week 2)
- #53679: triaged incomplete, suggested solution, closed later (see Week 2)
- #53212: triaged incomplete (not reproducable), response pending
- #53662: investigated, still have to discuss with mont29, pending
- #53650: confirmed, investigated, posted patch [made a commit -- see Master Commits]
- #53681: closed as invalid (not a bug), posted solution
- #53680: confirmed, investigated (tbc in Week 2)
- #53668: triaged normal, investigated, solution pending
- #53682: confirmed, but triaged invalid (2.8 report)
- #53620: confirmed, assigned mont29 (fbx)
- #53672: confirmed, investigated a bit, brecht claimed
- #53673: triaged normal, investigated, solution pending
- #53661: triaged normal, solution pending
- #53686: confirmed, investigated, solution pending
- #53687: confirmed, investigated, solution pending
- #53664: marked as todo, solution pending
- #53628: triaged incomplete (not reproducable), response pending
- #53623: triaged low, posted workaround, reporter closed as resolved
- #53258: triaged incomplete (expected behaviour), no response, closed later (see Week 2)
- #53622: triaged invalid (not a bug per se), suggested/posted workaround
- #53697: triaged incomplete (missing info), closed later (see Week 2)
- #53695: triaged invalid (2.8 report)
- #53645: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53353: reopened (some information was given), but asked for even more info, closed later (see Week 2)
- #53698: confirmed, investigated a bit, solution peding
- #53693: triaged incomplete, suggested solution, reporter closed as resolved
- #53699: triaged incomplete, response, then closed as invalid (not a bug)
- #53694: closed as duplicate of #T45854
- #53691: confirmed, investigated, assigned sergey, sergey did fix and closed
- #53590: investigated, asked campbell, he closed as todo
- #53601: investigated, closed as invalid (windows internal problem)
- #53553: triaged normal, solution pending
Master Commits
- Fix T53650: remove hard limits on force field size and max distance rBc6abf41f
Week 2 (January 8th - 12th)
spend time mostly triaging/investigating tracker reports. Had to refresh blender-deps and enabled them for some reports (alembic,...) Also tried to investigate some of the pending solutions more in depth [only limited success]
Tracker Triaging
- #53704: confirmed, investigated, solution pending
- #53708: confirmed, campbell investigated and closed as invalid (corrupt input file)
- #53716: triaged incomplete (missing info), response pending
- #53732: closed (graphics driver bug)
- #53711: confirmed, assigned sybren (alembic), solution pending
- #50227: reopened (could confirm the issue), assigned sybren (alembic), solution pending
- #53745: confirmed, assigned sybren (alembic), solution pending
- #53679: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53677: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53676: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53746: triaged incomplete (missing info), response pending
- #53733: [LONG] confirmed, investigated, solution pending
- #53744: confirmed, campbell moved to todo
- #53701: confirmed, tested provided patch, bjornmose commited and closed
- #53692: assigned sergey (cycles), brecht fixed and closed
- #53700: assigned aligorith, solution pending
- #53710: confirmed, assigned campbell, he closed as todo
- #53690: triaged incomplete (graphics driver issue), response pending
- #53596: investigated (cannot reproduce), added Windows tag
- #53582: triaged incomplete (file renders fine here), response pending
- #53455: investigated, found commit causing this, assigned campbell, he fixed and closed
- #53751: investigated, closed as invalid (not a bug)
- #53752: investigated, suggested patch [made a commit -- see Master Commits], but WARNING / OOPS: there are issues with it and should be reverted for now...
- #53754: moved to todo (not a bug per se), but want to discuss with campbell also
- #53757: triaged incomplete (missing info), response pending
- #53240: closed/archived (graphics driver bug and no response)
- #53680: investigated more, got closer, but this was a time-sink also..., gave up and assigned campbell for now
- #53762: triaged incomplete (caused by addon, which one? response pending)
- #53765: triaged incomplete (missing info), response pending
- #53766: confirmed, solution pending
- #53768: investigated, suggested workaround
- #53258: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53697: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53353: closed (more than a week without reply)
Master Commits
- Fix T53752: Draw curve fails w/ stylus rBd0cc5d89 WARNING / OOPS: there are issues with it and should be reverted for now...
Next Week
I'd really like to spend more time on actually fixing (pending previous but also older bugs), but priority will still be triaging what's incoming/already there... Also need to make entries in the wiki TODO for the things I marked as TODO
Week 3 (January 15th - 19th)
More time was spent on reading code and trying to fix bugs myself [with limited success in the timespan of 1hr / report...]. Most of the time I hopped on tho other reports if I hit that timelimit (marked by '[LONG]'). Had a day off on tuesday but made up for this on Saturday. Summary: involved in 30 reports, 4 longer investigations
Tracker Triaging
- #53744: [LONG] investigated, solution halfway there...
- #53791: confirmed, solution pending
- #53788: assigned to sergey, he closed
- #53792: confirmed, some investigation, solution pending
- #53786: [LONG] some investigation, asked campbell, he fixed and closed
- #53814: invesigated, not reproducable
- #53812: investigated, assigned mont29, he fixed and closed
- #53809: investigated, not a bug, suggested solution, reporter then closed
- #53813: checked, was already fixed in master
- #53816: checked, suggested 'nota bug', brecht as well and closed
- #53746: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53628: [LONG] dived into dupli(group) code but 1hr was not enough to find cause/solution yet...
- #53820: closed (3rd party addon)
- #53821: investifated, assigend mont29, solution pending / is TODO
- #53827: closed after short investigation (not a bug)
- #53823: confirmed, made crash-preventing patch, assigned campbell who fixed and closed
- #53826: made sure every information is there, brecht took over (OSX issue)
- #53828: investigated, moderated, bastien/campbell decided to remove old version
- #53773: too little info, no response after suggestions, closed
- #53768: claimed (py API addition), pending
- #53829: closed, spam
- #53802: invesigated, assigned (but will likely fix myself if still enough time)
- #53783: invesigated, assigned, howardt already had this TODO in another task and closed
- #53757: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53758: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53745: some more investigation (testing different file)
- #53838: confirmed, assigned
- #53246: investigated code, found cause, assigned sergey, pending
- #53839: investigated, but missing information
- #53763: [LONG] investigating custom normals code, assigned mont29 in the who closed as invalid (known limitation)
Next Week
General rate of incoming reports leaves about 4-5hrs [out of 20] of longer investigations [diving deeper in code] for selected reports. I have a couple of these still with pending results. Try to finish these off while still keeping the priority of handling incoming (new) reports.
Week 4 (January 22nd - 26th)
Still struggeling to get to good results investigating certain reports when constraining to 1-1.5hrs max (which is a good limit though to get other stuff done)
Summary: involved in 37 reports, 4 longer investigations, 3 master commits
Tracker Triaging
- #53835: [LONG] investigated, found cause, assigned sergey
- #53841: investigated, suggested patch, mont29 committed similar [somewhat made a commit -- see Master Commits]
- #53801: checked, couldnt reproduce
- #53843: confirmed, suggested patch, assigned campbell who fixed differently
- #53842: assigned luciorossi who closed as invalid
- #53845: [LONG] investigation, hit time limit, move on...
- #53846: incomplete report, asked for specific info, closed later (no answer)
- #53624: investigated, suggested solution, talked to lijenstina, [committed -- see Master Commits]
- #53861: closed spam
- #53861: closed spam
- #53870: triaged incomplete suggested something to try, no answer yet
- #53871: triaged incomplete suggested something to try, no answer yet
- #53856: added similar reports
- #53766: investigated, suggested fix, talked to nBurn [committed -- see Master Commits]
- #53779: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53793: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53796: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53797: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53686: [LONG] more investigations, got closer to cause but hit time limit, asked brecht/sergey instead
- #53884: first incomplete, after more information: confirmed, assigned sybren
- #53882: checked, was already fixed in master
- #53595: checked, assigned luciorossi who closed as invalid
- #50620: checked, involved campbell, probably todo rather then bug
- #53886: confirmed, brecht resolved (tradeoff simple vs complex scene)
- #53887: confirmed, assigned nexyon
- #53888: confirmed, assigned nexyon
- #53363: checked, assigned mont29 who fixed
- #53904: [LONGISH] more a todo, but had a closer look at view code, no real result yet
- #53902: confirmed, brecht closed as duplicate
- #53615: discussing the report, no real solution yet
- #53911: closed spam
- #53891: checked, not reproducable, external addon? yes
- #53907: marked incomplete
- #53909: checked code closely, assigned aligorith
- #53912: no bug but todo, suggested workaround
- #53773: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #53846: closed (more than a week without reply)
Master Commits
- Fix T53841: Can not import .obj or .fbx generated from Marvelous Designer rBA29ae03c
- fix T53624: A.N.T. Landscape should not be operating in edit mode rBA87579bd
- fix T53766: MeasureIt measurements not appearing on all layers an object exists on rBAdc6704a
Week 14 (April 2nd - 6th)
Most time spent triaging incoming reports, also took a first round of looking at older open/untriaged reports. Summary: involved in 46 reports
Tracker Triaging
- #54468: sugested better python usage, crash involved needs confirmation still
- #54485: confirmed, claimed, looked at code a bit, but postponed
- #54482: no real bug, but asked @severin as well, not closed yet
- #54489: confirmed, not solved yet
- #54490: cannot reproduce, special hardware, needs triage still
- #54502: investigated, asked for more information (no answer, later closed)
- #54495: investigated, suggested to try it the right way (no answer, later closed)
- #54497: asked reporter to try stuff, he then could resolve
- #54504: investigated, found cause and workaround but not solution, assigned brecht
- #54515: investigated, clarified, mont29 closed then
- #54445: investigated, could not reproduce, user could resolve, closed then
- #54511: investigated, suggested workaround, user happy, still need proper code fix
- #54517: incomplete, no answer (closed later)
- #54507: confirmed, assigned @aligorith, solution pending
- #54506: assigned @akitula, solution pending
- #54519: suggested workaround, assigned @severin, solution pending
- #54520: checked, couldnt reproduce, but archived (as is 2.8 report)
- #53745: added information given in IRC
- #54442: confirmed, claimed, but not high prio atm
- #54521: checked, suggested better .blend but closed as not a bug
- #54493: incomplete, asked for info, user could resolve, closed then
- #54494: confirmed, also checked suggested patch, campbell did real fix
- #54524: investigated, found causing commit, assigned @severin, solution pending
- #54525: investigated, claimed, suggested patch, review pending
- #54528: investigated, suggested better/correct usage, closed as not a bug
- #54526: investigated, claimed, solution pending
- #54527: confirmed, @blendify fixed later
- #54529: checked, found user error, closed as not a bug
- #54532: investigated, asked for more information, Tamito Kajiyama took over later and closed as duplicate
- #54057: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54291: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54307: closed (factory startup fixed issue in report)
- #54318: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #54355: closed as resolved (user feedback suggested issue is gone)
- #54390: closed as resolved (user feedback suggested issue is gone)
- #54394: closed as resolved (user feedback suggested issue is gone)
- #54464: investigated, could not reproduce, solution pending
- #54469: closed as invalid (external addon)
- #54258: checked, could not reproduce, no answer, @lijenstina closed later
- #54201: confirmed, claimed, will look into it later
- #54303: triaged incomplete, @lijenstina closed later
- #54352: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #54294: closed as not a bug (with explanation to reporter what the misunderstanding was)
- #54405: closed as archived (was on TODO already)
- #54423: investigated, suggested code change, mont29 commited and closed later
- #54536: investigated, suggested code change, mont29 commited and closed later
Week 15 (April 9th - 13th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports Summary: involved in 34 reports, 1 master commit
Tracker Triaging
- #54535: incomplete, asked for more info, no answer, closed later
- #54541: investigated, clarified, claimed for the time being, solution pending
- #54544: investigated, suggested substitution of code to @campbellbarton,solution pending
- #54546: investigated, found code cause, assigned @campbellbarton, solution pending
- #54547: investigated, found (user) cause, suggested better usage, closed as not a bug
- #54548: investigated, explained cause in detail, mont29 then closed as not a bug
- #54549: investigated, made patch [committed -- see Master Commits]
- #54552: investigated, explained cause in detail, then closed as not a bug
- #54257: [LONG] investigated in detail, archived as 'known bug, won't fix in 2.7x, will be fixed in 2.8'
- #54557: first incomplete, but user could verify it was caused by external addon, closed then
- #54553: confirmed, found relating issues, possibly fixed now, will need to recheck
- #54228: confirmed, detailed report, assigned @howardt, solution pending
- #54558: [LONGISH] confirmed, found causing commit, assigned @campbelbarton in the end
- #54563: investigated, closed as feature request
- #54567: investigated, closed as already fixed in master
- #54560: [LONGISH] investigated, suggested possible patch workaround, but no easy fix, @sergey closed as TODO
- #54509: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54517: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54502: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54495: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54478: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #54352: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #54080: incomplete, asked for more information
- #54000: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #53979: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #53801: closed (wasnt closed though issue seems resolved)
- #54569: investigated, explained somewhat hidden reason, closed as not a bug
- #54578: investigated, found causing commit, assigned @campbellbarton, solution pending (though fix might be in already)
- #54559: [LONGISH] investigated, but dont think this is a bug, asked@sergey, solution pending
- #54554: [LONGISH] investigated, confirmed, also confirmed user provided patch, solution pending
- #54585: [LONGISH] investigated, confirmed, found causing commit, assigned @nBurn (who fixed and closed)
- #54581: [LONGISH] investigated, confirmed, assigned @sergey in the end
- #54580: investigated, detailed report, asked @campbellbarton for advice, solution pending
- #54593: investigated, detailed report, assigned @campbellbarton (who fixed and closed)
Master Commits
- fix T54549: Vector Transform node in wrong nodeclass rB5a3c1466
Week 16 (April 16th - 20th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports Summary: involved in 48 reports, 1 master commit
Tracker Triaging
- #54390: closed, was resolved by user actually
- #54535: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54257: closed (after some of my investigation mont29 then also asked sergey and this will be solved by 2.8 CoW)
- #54578: closed (checked, and was also resolved by a previous campbellbarton commit)
- #54553: closed (checked, and was also resolved by a previous campbellbarton commit)
- #54602: closed (checked, and was also resolved by a previous campbellbarton commit)
- #54598: closed (2.8 report)
- #54610: investigated, then closed as duplicate
- #54637: investigated in some depth (UI code), claimed, but solution pending
- #54597: investigated in some depth (bmesh op), claimed, but solution pending
- #54684: investigated, was corrupted UVs, no answer how these were imported/generated, closed later
- #54673: investigated, confirmed and claimed, solution pending [might as well be corrupt .lwo] but needs another look
- #54671: investigated, closed as archived, suggested workaround [cycles terminator issue]
- #54594: confirmed with some further investigation, assigened to sergey (busy)
- #54584: confirmed, assigned campbellbarton (undo rewrite), might have another look myself if time permits
- #54698: closed (feature request)
- #54692: triaged incomplete, no answer, lijestina closed later
- #54700: triaged incomplete, example file came a lot later, needs triage now actually
- #54703: investigated but is a limitation of alembic, added to TODO
- #54551: confirmed (though similar report existed), assigned sergey but he archived as not a bug
- #54397: confirmed (surface deform modifier violating modifier stack), assigned lucarood, but no answer yet (might also have a go at it)
- #54583: mixed report (user error which I explained) and graphics glitches (which I marked incomplete, no answer, lijenstina closed later)
- #54704: was fixed already, but Chaosgroup didnt update their version of our addon, closed
- #54701: second part of report was valid, comited fix (see master commits)
- #54482: archived (design of scale manipulator), redirected to 2.8 design task
- #54410: confirmed, found causing commit, assigned campbell, solution pending [could also look into it]
- #54314: [LONGISH] interesting problem that boils down to have py access to renderings etc, claimed as TODO
- #54478: could not reproduce, but newest blender version also solved it for user apparently, closed
- #54542: closed (not a bug, there are options to control this already)
- #54459: confirmed and claimed, but solution pending, needs a second look
- #54729: not a valid report, closed later
- #54730: more of a question about 2.8, closed
- #54340: fancy hardware, asked for more information
- #54358: confirmed and claimed for the time being [needs a second thourough look later]
- #54734: cannot reproduce, even after second answer
- #54736: closed, 2.8 report
- #54735: marked incomplete, no answer, lijenstina closed later
- #54349: more of a TODO, but claimed, no patch yet though
- #53621: older report, one suggestion was there, but no answer anymore... closed later
- #54080: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54574: closed (more than a week without reply)
- #54579: needs triage again (user provided more info since incomplete triage)
- #54321: confirmed and claimed, simple fix will do later
- #54341: more a TODO, but claimed (sergey approved to work on it), patch follows (needs some cleanup still)
- #54346: cannot reproduce, marked incomplete, lijenstina closed later due to no answer
- #54325: [LONGISH] investigation, claimed, but no solution yet
- #54743: confirmed, assigned campbell (undo refactor)
Master Commits
- Material Library VX: fix error when clearing category rBA8d3301f
Week 17 (April 23rd - 27th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also gathered a couple of claimed reports now that I also prepared some patches for. Next week I want to push some of these. Untriaged reports are down from 70 to around 40 now, some remaining are a bit fuzzy, but these also have to go down next week...
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify.
Summary: involved in 38 reports, 3 master commits
Master Commits
- Fix T54789: A Simple Typo in the "Node Wrangler" Addon rBAb678ef7
- Fix T54803: Materials Library VX: follow strict class naming rBA9e97716
- Fix discontinuity in default UVs for a torus rBd37dcc48
Week 18 (April 30th - May 4th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also going over claimed reports now.
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify.
Summary: involved in XXX (havent counted yet) reports, 1 master commit
Master Commits
- Fix T54341: Particle Instance Modifier doesn't preserve edge datas rB288d7794
Week 19 (May 7th - May 11th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also going over claimed reports now.
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify. Summary: involved in XXX (havent counted yet) reports, 5 master commits
Master Commits
- Fix T54324: remove stencil entries from weight paint keymap rB9eb5aa32
- Fix T54525: crash when setting number of frames to use between dupoff frames rB1f76e6c3
- Fix Movieclip editors 'graph' and 'dopesheet' view using themes region background setting rB66ec3c7e
- Fix T54997: simple typo in property description rB34c474e6
- Fix T54992: Lattice modifier on another Lattice object does not take the
Influence vertexgroup into account rB69f23054
Week 20 (May 14th - May 18th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also going over claimed reports now.
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify. Summary: involved in XXX (havent counted yet) reports, 2 master commits
Master Commits
- Fix T55065: lipSynch Importer not handling relative file paths correctly rBA4747021
- Fix T55115: crash when iterating SmokeDomainSettings color_grid property through python rB5e7a21a5
Week 21 (May 21st - May 25th)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also going over claimed reports now.
Note: one public holiday, also took one day off
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify. Summary: involved in XXX (havent counted yet) reports, 3 master commits
Master Commits
- Fix T54336: Extend property of Lasso select tool in Node editor does not work rB54f2e584
- Fix Extend property of Lasso select tool in Mask editor not working rB3e9b592b
- Fix T55034: Setting duplication group for multiple selected items only affects one item rB1318660b
Week 22 (May 28st - June 1st)
continued with triaging incomming reports, some more cleanup in older reports. Also going over claimed reports now. Also started porting old wiki over to new wiki (see T48096) and started looking into porting over the TODO list to phabricator.
Tracker Triaging
Will provide info in a more compressed form from now on, going over every report again seems more timeconsuming than its benifits justify. Summary: involved in XXX (havent counted yet) reports