User:OmarSquircleArt/GSoC2019/Documentation/Procedural Textures

Procedural Textures

This document covers the possible improvements to procedural textures in Cycles/EEVEE. User input is of essence here, so this document also serve as a guideline for discussing the topic and eventually deciding on the final set of features and improvements that we shall implement.

The discussion is taking place in the following devtalk thread. Feel free to engage in the discussion and weight in with your opinions.

Higher Dimensional Textures

Textures like Noise, Voronoi, and Musgrave can be evaluates in a 3D space. Often, it is useful to evaluate those textures in a 4D space, the fourth dimension typically being a function of time. A 4D evaluation of the textures can also be utilized to create a loopable 2D animation by evaluating the the textures on a particular 4D path. So extending those textures to a higher dimension can be rewarding for artists and TDs.

Extending those textures to a higher dimension, however, is not without its complications. In particular, the computational cost and user experience.

User Experience

Evaluating a 4D texture means the user have to supply a 4D vector, which tends to be rather confusing for artists. So, typically, we split the 4D vector into a 3D vector and a scalar. This scalar is usually labeled Time or Evolution. We are most likely going to use this same structure to implement our nodes as it is more artist friendly.

Computational Cost

It is obvious that a higher dimensional texture will be more computationally demanding and expensive. While there is no way around this, it makes no sense to add that overhead for all users if only a small subset of users will utilize those higher dimensions. In other words, most users will keep the higher dimensions constant.

A potential fix for that is to implement multiple versions of the textures for 2D, 3D, and 4D dimensions, either as separate implementations or as a generic algorithm if possible. Giving the user the ability to choose the target dimension as an option.

Moreover, we could change the textures computation methods to methods that are more suited for higher dimensions, something like Open Simplex noise as an alternative to Perlin Noise for instance.


Our point of discussion should be around those questions:

  • Which textures should support 4D evaluations, if any?
  • How should 4D evaluations happen? UX/UI considerations.
  • Should we have separate implementation for different dimensions? Or should there just be a single implementation of the highest dimension?
  • Should we look into alternative methods like Open Simplex?

More Flexible Textures

Users have asked for more noise types and more flexibility for existing types. But there isn’t an official list of the features that will be implemented yet. This list will be formalized after the discussion in the devtalk thread, so please engage in the discussion if you have any proposals.


We should try to follow the following guidelines during the discussion:

  • Requested textures should be those that are otherwise hard or impossible to create using other textures.
  • Requested textures should be general and not specific to a certain situation.
  • Avoid requests like “A texture that look like this”. Provide as much information as you can.


Our point of discussion should be around those questions:

  • What new textures should be implemented?
  • What lack of flexibility should be handled?
  • What textures are not behaving as expected?