

December 11-15

PR and Issue review


* And subsequent fix of the resulting build break: Fix: update collada export code to use the new bone collections array.

December 04-08

PR and Issue review


November 27 - December 01

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Started working on UX design for the MVP data model.

November 20-24

PR and Issue review


  • More work on hierarchical bone collections: finished changing BoneCollections to be stored in an array rather than a listbase.


November 13-17

PR and Issue review


  • Worked on hierarchical bone collections.


  • Helped translate for visitors from some Japanese studios.
  • Then got sick again, and was out for the rest of the week.

November 06-10

PR and Issue review


  • Continued work on hierarchical Bone Collections. Changed approaches after discussion with Sybren.

Animation 2025

  • Discussed layer mixing behavior with Sybren. No hard conclusions yet.


October 30 - November 03

PR and Issue review


October 23-27

  • Helped prepare the animation presentation for Blender Conference 2023.
  • Blender Conference 2023.

October 16-20

PR and Issue review


  • Started implementing hierarchical Bone Collections.

Animation 2025

  • Made a detailed schedule for phase 1 of Animation 2025.
  • Worked with Sybren on the Animation 2025 talk for BConf 2023.


  • Made comparison images of Filmic and AgX for the Blender 4.0 release notes.

October 09-13

PR and Issue review


  • Hooked up the new Animation datablock to the dependency graph, to trigger animation evaluation.

Animation 2025

  • Finished the draft schedule.
  • Meeting with Sybren and Fiona about the schedule.
  • Meeting with the studio animators a keying workflows and other misc. topics.
  • Started learning Blender's depsgraph, and figuring out how the new Animation system "MVP" should get hooked up there.


  • Started writing up the findings about key framing workflows.

October 02-06

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Started putting together a draft development schedule for Animation 2025.
  • Meeting with animators about selection sets, bones pickers, and keying sets.
  • Meeting with Sybren to figure out how we can reliably dedicate more time to Animation 2025 work.


September 25-29

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Read through and gave feedback on Proposal: Object Parenting UX #112758
  • Meeting with Blender Studio animators about bone colors.
  • Meeting with Falk and Sybren about Grease Pencil integration in the new animation system.
  • Meeting with Fiona and Sybren about Animation 2025 scheduling.

September 18-22

PR and Issue review


September 11-15

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Had a UI/UX powow with Sybren about the animation editor, resulting in some rough draft designs.
  • Met with the studio animator about those rough draft designs.
  • Met with Sybren and Brad to share and compare the different draft UI/UX approaches we've come up with for the animation editor.


  • Took some time to improve my development environment, particularly around quickly switching between different build configurations.
  • New desk!
  • Helped interview potential new hire.

September 04-08

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Met with Hjalti to talk about the new animation system design.

August 28 - September 01

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Bone Collections are in! Group effort along with Christoph and Alexander.


  • Attended meeting with and presentation from Alexander Wilkie about spectral rendering.

August 21-25

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Finished writing up the rationale document for why we decided on unidirectional pointers for connecting animation and IDs.
  • Met with Sybren and Brad about Brad's ongoing work on the Animation 2025 design document.
  • Met with Sybren and Dalai about object nodes.

August 14-18

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Planned initial MVP for the animation system with Sybren.
  • Meeting with Pablico about the proposed animation data model, to get feedback and ideas. Very positive response, and some good insights about workflows we need to make sure to accommodate.


  • Put together a test file for Amelie, for checking if her work on grease pencil layers in the dopesheet unexpectedly impact other things.

August 07-11

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

July 31 - August 04

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Started work on an "animation-level constraints" Python prototype, built on top of the existing data model Python prototype from Christoph and Sybren. It immediately became clear that there are some likely prerequisites to a system like this working, and we'll need to consider the trade-offs involved with that.


July 24-28

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • A little more brainstorming about animation-level constraints, control rig, and simulation layers.
  • Wrote up a summary of the brainstorming I've been doing about animation-level constraints: There's at least one promising direction, which would also potentially address other things in a unified way (switching control rigs, animation remapping, etc.). But it remains to be seen if it would actually make sense / be feasible.

July 17-21

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Finished editing and published the Animation Workshop Lessons blog post.
  • More brainstorming about how control rig, animation-level constraints, and simulation layers could integrate into the new animation system design.


July 10-14

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Began exploring ways for control rig, animation-level constraints, and simulation strips/layers to fit into the proposed animation data model.
  • Gave some feedback on Sybren's draft blog post about the Animation Workshop.
  • More work on my blog post about lessons from the workshop.

July 03-07

PR and Issue review

  • Looked into Bake actions operator converting F-curves to linear #109528. No bug, the new behavior is intentional. Users can always set the keys back to bezier if they want, but linear is a more sensible default for bakes.
    • Having said that, in the process of looking into this and speaking with Brad Clark about it, it became clear that there are some related issues:
      • The fact that baking always bakes to linear curves now isn't documented. Not a bug, just a documentation thing.
      • The "Overwrite Current Action" option for baking leaves existing keys in place on a baked fcurve if they aren't overwritten by a baked key. This isn't a bug, but seems like undesirable behavior.
      • F-Curve ghosting seems buggy in certain ways. For example, it doesn't work properly for parts of the f-curve that extend before/after the view frame when turned on, among other things.


Animation 2025

  • Wrote a "Workshop Lessons" blog post. It's about ways we think we can make workshops more effective in the future, based on our experiences at the animation workshop last week. The post isn't published yet, but is more-or-less "done", pending review.
  • I did some thinking/investigation into pointer direction for hooking up IDs with Animation blocks in the new data model. We basically have three broad options (although there are sub-variants of each): Animation -> ID, Animation <- ID, and "strict" bidirectional Animation <-> ID. All-in-all, I think we just don't have enough information to make a good decision yet about which to go with. Specifically, I think it's going to depend at least partly on how control rig, animation-level constraints, procedural animation, simulation layers, etc. fit into this. And we haven't figured that out yet. Fortunately, most of the design decisions in the data model aren't fundamentally impacted by this, so we should be able to move forward regardless, just with the knowledge that we may need to change this aspect of it in the future.
  • Talked to Sergey about how the dependency graph might need to be impacted for some of the things we want in the new animation system (e.g. control rig, animation-level constraints, animation metastrips, etc.). Main take-aways: control rig (perhaps surprisingly) might actually be the lowest-impact of these things, and things like animation-level constraints and metastrips might be the harder things to tackle. Still needs more investigation, however, and it will of course depend on how we actually approach these features.

June 26-30

Animation 2025

  • We had the animation workshop!
    • Together with Sybren, Brad, Christoph, Demeter, Brecht, and a bunch of other people who popped in at various points, we have gotten *much* closer to a final data model for the new animation system.

June 19-23

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Had a meeting with Midge Sinnaeve and Sybren about motion graphics and "weird" uses of Blender.
  • Explored possibilities for how constraint/space/rig switching could work with the new data model proposal.
  • Finals bits of workshop planning with Sybren for next week.

June 12-16


Animation 2025

  • Meeting with Brad about animation data model requirements, pain points, etc.
  • Meeting with Sybren and Jason Schleifer about animation layers and NLA workflows.
  • Meeting with Ian Hubert about using motion capture in indie VFX pipelines.
  • Impromptu meeting with a visitor about their animation workflow: they made a 7-minute animation in about 1 day.
  • Put together a second data model draft proposal (high level).
  • Put together a presentation for that new draft proposal.
  • Meeting with Brad and Sybren about the new draft data model proposal.


  • More work on the tweakable tone mapper. Experimented with a different approach for desaturating colors as they blow out.
  • A bunch of time tweaking how the tone mapper gets exported to OCIO. Lots of annoying fiddly stuff to avoid artifacts that aren't in the tone mapping operator itself, but rather are due to the lossy nature of trying to represent that operator in OCIO (OCIO is really limited in what it can represent analytically, so things are forced into LUTs, which is... fiddly).

June 05-09

PR and Issue review

  • Further reviews and merged Armature modifier - Preserve volume + Scale #108134. The new updated solution from the author is really nice, and addresses the large majority of issues with DualQuat + scaling.
  • Confirmed #87313 as still an issue, and marked as bug. Also provided more details on proper reproduction.
  • Confirmed #88482 as still an issue, and marked as bug.
  • Closed #87487 because it's the intended behavior.
  • Reviewed #104673
  • Closed #88689 as a current limitation of the dependency graph, not a bug.
  • Confirmed #88752 as still a bug.


Animation 2025

  • Met with Brad and Sybren about requirements for the data model.
  • Met with Falk, Amelie, and Sybren about Grease Pencil and how it and Animation 2025 fit together.
  • Met with Sybren about an alternative direction for the data model that he came up with. Really promising.
  • Met with Dalai about dynamic overrides and how they might impact the direction we take Animation 2025's data model.
  • Worked on thinking up and writing up use cases and user stories that will hopefully help us flesh out the requirements for the data model in a more grounded way.
  • Looked into breaking changes we might want to make to Armatures for Blender 4.0 (e.g. bone layers -> bone collections).

May 29-June 02

PR and Issue review


  • Fixed #106801 in PR #108548. Pending review (particularly needed because it's an unfamiliar area of Blender's code for me).

Animation 2025

  • Worked with Brad Clark on brainstorming UX options for "where do keys go" and "what data are you working with" in an NLA-like system. This led to some promising new ideas for the animation data model.

May 22-26

(A very meetings-heavy week.)

PR and Issue review


  • Added better code documentation for the Sobol sampler(s), describing best practices for using the different sample dimensions.

Animation 2025

  • Meeting with other Blender Institute developers to discuss the proposed animation data model. Lots of good feedback. The data model definitely isn't done yet!
  • Meetings with Brad and Sybren about the animation data model and how it relates to animation system UX.

Color Management

  • Several meetings with the visiting Gimp, Inkscape, and Wayland guys about color management and how we can make all our software play well together in that respect. No concrete outcomes yet, but we definitely have general alignment on how things should be approached.
  • Reviewed Wayland's WIP color management protocol. Basically no complaints. They've done an awesome job.

May 15-19

PR and Issue review

  • Narrowed down #106801 to a minimal reproduction case.


  • More work poking at heat diffusion weighting failures.
  • Worked on tracking down #106801, to actually fix it. No luck yet.

Animation 2025

  • Continued work on the performance prototype, adding a basic model of ID Blocks and the ability to query the animation system for a specific ID Block.

May 8-12

PR and Issue review

  • Proposed a design for #103802, based on the idea of simply respecting handle selection in the graph editor.
  • Confirmed #76549 as still an issue, and marked as bug.
  • Closed #85350 as not a bug, but with notes about why it is indeed confusing.
  • Identified #86371 as already fixed in main, but still affecting the current LTS releases (which were referenced in the issue). Left a comment asking if anyone needs a backport to one or both of the LTS releases. Original reporter says they don't need a backport. Also discussed with the animation module and decided to not backport, because the backport would likely be involved, and the bug is easily worked around.
  • Confirmed #84609 as still an issue, and provided a partial explanation of what's happening and how (for now) users can work around it.
  • Reviewed and approved #107869.
  • Reviewed and approved #107173 for Blender 4.0 (since it's a breaking change for the Python API).


  • Investigated a quick fix for #84609 (automatic weights failure), and although it fixed the reported issue, it also caused other problems. So it's not a viable fix. Following that, figured out (experimentally) a "fix" that allows automatic weights to succeed over-all, leaving only the problematic vertices unweighted. Certainly a better behavior, but I want to better understand what's going on and hopefully figure out a better fix.

Animation 2025

  • Worked on animation data performance prototype. Some promising results, but I'm not confident it models current Blender internals well enough yet.
  • Talked to Falk David about whether the proposed animation data model would work/conflict with the new Grease Pencil design. Conclusion: they'll work quite well together.
  • Talked briefly with Rik about some of the ideas for Animation 2025. Definitely want to talk more with the animators! Great feedback and skepticism, which will help push the design to be really strong and useful.

May 1-5

PR and Issue review

  • Confirmed #106410 and marked as bug.
  • Confirmed #106542 and marked as bug.
  • Closed #106980 as not a bug.
  • Looked into #103802. It's not a bug, but probably needs discussion as to what the desired behavior is.
  • Finished #107223 and got it merged.
  • Identified #106340 as a duplicate (already fixed).

Animation 2025

  • Finished the draft animation data proposal, and gave a presentation at the animation module meeting.
  • Started a "performance prototype" of the proposed animation data system. One of the unknowns of the proposed system is how fast we can make it. So this is just a quick-and-dirty outside-of-Blender skeleton to get a broad-strokes idea of what the performance might look like. This is explicitly not to be the code of the actual system (e.g. it isn't even in the right programming language).

April 24-28

PR and Issue review


Animation 2025

  • Created an outline of a concrete animation system foundations proposal. Still need to write/draw it up properly to share with the module.

April 17-21