< User:Mont29 | Foundation
Weekly Reports for Year 2014
Week 068 - 12/27 to 01/02
Spent a nice part of the week polishing and porting the work from asset branch that is ready to master.
- General Development:
- Fixed RNA's Object.matrix_local, its getter was using BKE_object_matrix_local_get(), which was only correct in basic object parenting case (D958, fb7ff31315).
- Fixed/Updated 'import images as planes' addon (468a984565).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Asset:
- Worked on preparing master patches from asset-experiments branch...
- Made a few fixes/enhancement in asset branch too.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #43095 fbx file doesn't import (08846e0aab).
- Fixed (unreported) 'pad9' not shown by UserPrefs' KeyBinding filter (8e37a45ac0).
- Fixed (unreported) RNA Image.frame_duration not giving valid value in some cases (8a288953cc).
- Reviewed/cleaned up/applied D638 Select Similar (Smooth Faces, c79c48cc93).
- Fixed: 1; Fixed unreported: 2; Reviewed/applied: 1; Closed: 19;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on file/asset browser.
- Keep merging stuff now that master is unfrozen.
Week 067 - 12/20 to 12/26
Small week (journey back, Christmas, all that…). Kept working on file browser, chasing bugs and mem leaks, merged in my work for using UILists in Bookmarks UI, and being able to rename those.
- General Development:
- Worked on improving file browser towards 'asset-ready' state.
- Committed refactor of 'immediate update' of text buttons (used for search boxes currently, 3e034831de, D938).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42641 Graphical fragments showing on Blender 2.71 and higher when baking (cf178f71ac).
- Fixed #42994 In metric units gridtitle/-snapping ignores griddivisions (own recent regression, e483a21ce6).
- "Fixed" #42982 Quick fix for new themed ui elements (abf39fa31f).
- Fixed #42973 BI Viewport Render Preview Update Issue (1fe7b84c73).
- Fixed #42975 FBX Binary export fails with grouped batching when one of the groups contains no objects (e22da49ade).
- Fixed #42912 FBX: export/import issue (665b1a4113).
- Fixed: 6; Closed: 14;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on file/asset browser.
- Keep merging stuff now that master is unfrozen.
Week 066 - 12/13 to 12/19
Spent most of the week on file browser, aiming to enhance it to be more usable for current append/link feature, and more ready to be used in a more complex asset environment. Among other things, we now have a first basic operator to generate previews in .blend files for objects.
- General Development:
- Worked on improving file browser towards 'asset-ready' state.
- Worked on GHash improvements.
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42885 mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4).zero() returns None (9c81833430).
- Fixed #42945 Imperial Snap Grid Element Perspective (5cc199e495).
- Fixed (unreported) missing UI ID messages and/or I18N contexts for MovieClip/Mask/Palette/PaintCurve ID types (090ab750b3).
- Fixed (unreported) nasty typo in CPP RNA that would break on int or bool dynarrays (72330b97a).
- Fixed (unreported) previews being written in all undo steps (dc2617130b).
- Investigated #42944 Add shortcut to a modifier random crash.
- Fixed: 2; Unreported fixes: 3; Investigated: 1; Closed: 20;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on file/asset browser.
- Prepare several small stuff, and TransferData, to merge after release branch is done.
- Back home!
Week 065 - 12/06 to 12/12
Spent most of the week on file browser, aiming to enhance it to be more usable for current append/link feature, and more ready to be used in a more complex asset environment. Among other things, file listing is now done in a background job, which avoids locking the UI during listing.
- General Development:
- Worked on improving file browser towards 'asset-ready' state.
- Worked on the 'UIList' stuff for file browser.
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on better 'shapekey compress' patch (not much promising in the end :( ).
- Added 'shift-drag- toggle to expanded enums too (d7e4944e5b).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42472 Tweaking last operator after duplicating+rotating group instance resets previous duplicate if 3D cursor is used for rotation (01bda15832).
- Fixed #42863 Can't import fbx files. KeyError : 919884416 (6454d95e19).
- Fixed #42882 Animation data are not appended even if I append armature object (a6343696c1).
- Investigated #42748 Crash in subsurf_ccg.c ccgdm_getVertCos (possibly due to improper use of GET_INT_FROM_POINTER) (with proposed patch, D930).
- Fixed: 3; Investigated: 1; Closed: 10;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on file browser (would like to get a basic preview for objects working).
Week 064 - 11/29 to 12/05
Spent most of the week on file browser, aiming to enhance it to be more usable for current append/link feature, and more ready to be used in a more complex asset environment.
- General Development:
- Started to layout draft of what could be 'asset engine' interface (similar to render engine one we already have).
- Worked on improving file browser towards 'asset-ready' state.
- Started the 'UIList' stuff for file browser, but will continue working on this outside 'official' work time.
- Finished (as in, it's now in working state) data transfer branch (re the 'TubeCase' islands stuff).
- Made some int/bool cleanups (perfect work for train).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42760 Drag-to-add feature fails in a case (503dbb65c0).
- Fixed (unreported) more issues related to drag&drop (fd4cd626be).
- "Fixed" #T42797 -Werror=sign-conversion Triggered in blf_glyph.c (2420a3c189).
- Fixed: 2; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 15;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on file browser.
Week 063 - 11/22 to 11/28
Spent nearly the whole week on data transfer, finding a solution to the ugly 'tube case' raised by user testing (re UVs and UV islands, see Code is nearly finished, needs some cleanup and polish yet though.
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on mesh transfer data.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42688 python crash: bpy.context.scene.update() (789eaa0f5b).
- Fixed #42730 FBX Binary Export - animation last keyframe is a duplicate of previous (f9a39c7e1d).
- Fixed: 2; Closed: 9;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Finish transfer mesh data.
- First of three weeks at BI, who knows? ;)
Week 062 - 11/15 to 11/21
Spent again most of the week on data transfer, handling changes needed from first review from Campbell, think we are coming close to mergeable state now . Also kept working on shapekey-gsoc-related topics, and a bit of FBX.
- GameDev:
- FBX Import: link first imported animation/action to objects (old request/todo, much more user-friendly, b83c118142).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on shapekey gsoc branch.
- Worked on mesh transfer data.
- Refactored (simplified/cleaned up) a subset of ShapeKeys handling (a52fbfa828, d526ef607d, b7f5ab0cd3, e82e67584d)
- Refactored part of vgroups code (mostly, move from ED to BKE area, 19cc516f51, D903).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42567 ColorBalanceNode doesn't use Autokey correctly (141064d7ae).
- Fixed #42613 Dyntopo, Constant Detail mode (10813996e8).
- Fixed #35170 Undo bug between shape keys (dab0bd9de6, based on patch D460 by revzin).
- Fixed #42638 Roll angle inconsistent flip in edit mode (391096252b).
- Fixed #42482 FBX import issue when scale is not 1.0 (f41378dc75).
- Fixed #42421 HDR image thumbnails cause blender to crash (cc0623ff6c).
- Reviewed & committed #42581 Python API - icon_value support for operators and enum properties items (97e2d62c79).
- Fixed: 6; Reviewed/accepted patch: 1, Closed: 17;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 061 - 11/08 to 11/14
Spent again most of the week on data transfer, handling changes needed from first review from Campbell, there are still some hairy issues on hold though :/ . Also kept working on shapekey-gsoc-related topics, like e.g. adding Murmur2a hashing algo to BLI.
- GameDev:
- Worked on custom split normals (after first round of review).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on shapekey gsoc branch.
- Worked on mesh transfer data.
- Added murmur2a hashing to BLI, and reorganized hashing code a bit (D892, 64c0c13e6e).
- Reviewed some patches.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42476 Mocap addon: "Clean noise" didn't work properly (9d276937de).
- "Fixed" #42557 Crash on delete or separate vertices with subsurf modifier + vertex parenting (b49df09d89).
- Fixed #42586 Error when attempting to export FBX (765c84e507).
- Fixed #42593 Rigify crash when when I press "Generate" (6e17fb8fe3).
- Fixed: 4; Closed: 22;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 060 - 11/01 to 11/07
Spent most of the week on custom split normals (first review from Campbell, we agreed on need to have data transfer in first), and mostly finishing data transfer.
- GameDev:
- Worked on custom split normals (after first round of review).
- General Development:
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42410 Bug fixed of FBX plugin (0ce975d080).
- Fixed #42531 Setting 'Undo' steps to '1' causes weirdness (5604a3d31d).
- Fixed #42375 Hallo Objet fracture tool error (63aba82339).
- Fixed: 3; Closed: 18;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on transfer mesh data, hopefully ready for a first review.
Week 058 & 059 - 10/18 to 10/31
Two weeks at once, since a fair amount of time was spent at the BConf 2014 meeting with everybody! Yet, could keep working on tracker, mesh transfer data and some other minor tasks.
- General Development:
- Worked on transfer data (adding support for more data types, advanced mixing for color-like ones, tons of fixes...).
- Started working on shapekey gsoc branch, ported to master work on 'move keyblocks' (with own, heavy edits, 62ceada48f, be4b2e42c6, 00ff9da2ee).
- Reviewed/edited Greg Zaal's AutoTileSize addon (#36785).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42304 blender 2.72a 3D view object selected color (04178d7fe4).
- Fixed #42328 Layer manager error when locking layer objects (eab3c9b2cb).
- Fixed #42260 blend file is huge, verts count only 7000, lag is huge (21836250c0).
- Fixed #42372 demo addon in doc was not handling keymaps correctly during (un)registration (e5c13aebea).
- Fixed #42138 Sapling Add-On full of errors (51b6f00666, patch by mangostaniko (Nikolaus Leopold)).
- Fixed #42394 UI update issue - Rigid Body Tools -> Copy Rigid Body Tools - Wrong behavior, when copying to objects that are NOT rigid bodies (279cfdeef5).
- Fixed #42441 Smoke doesn't render if object's maximum draw type is set to "wire" (3ea11c1ac8).
- Fixed #42447 Shrinkwrap constraint / wrong rotation of the constrained object in "project" mode (b154aa8c06).
- Fixed #42454 Some colors in all themes (except "Back to Black) need changing (72454fafb0).
- Fixed (unreported) wrong handling of 180° rotation in align snapping code (d8094b62e2).
- Investigated #42264 Can't select vertices in a negative scale object, with ALT-B mask active and "limit selection to visible" disabled (with proposed patch).
- Fixed: 9; Unreported fixes: 1; Proposed patch: 1; Closed: 52;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 057 - 10/11 to 10/17
Spent most time on MeshDataTransfer this week (we now start to get interesting results, even on complex things like UVs...), left tracker a bit aside.
- General Development:
- Worked on 'testbuild'/'experimental-build' buildbot issue.
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on transfer data (poly & loop handling fixes, loop islands are now working, more general work on geometry mapping too, like normal-projected interpolated edges...).
- Added weight support for vertices to Bevel modifier/bmesh matching tool (8d1d16bf0d, 7e64a020ed).
- Refactored code of Editmode 3DView Transform panel (ab3290048c).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42190 FBX - script error when trying to export an animation without leaf-bones (811c2b12bf).
- Fixed #42238 Node Efficiency Tools and blender backgound mode error (4d41b47026).
- "Fixed" #42256 Translation operator moves Child-Of constrained bones in the parent space instead of world (61d1477415).
- Fixed #42258 Drivers:
is always invalid, butdimensions[0]
works (d30abdf3ec). - Fixed #42262 Ocean texture options cannot be edited while in Cycles (b28aa182f3).
- Fixed: 5; Closed: 33;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals (sigh).
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 056 - 10/04 to 10/10
Spent many time on tracker, finalized FBX, and kept working a bit on MeshDataTransfer.
- GameDev:
- Custom Split Normals: Updated the branch, made some new testbuilds (, yeah!).
- FBX IO: Merged experimental version into 'stable' one, and removed experimental for now.
- FBX IO: Minor fixes and enhancements.
- Notes about FBX: Consider things done. We could add a few more stuff, refactor code to make it better organized and readable, etc. etc., but for now would consider that waste of time and energy - this stuff ate way too much of mine already. Think with Jens’ work in, all areas are mostly fine and usable. Will keep it on maintenance stage (i.e. bugs handling, have a few still to tackle) for some time, for now.
- General Development:
- Worked on transfer data (poly & loop handling, not fully functional yet though).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #42065 Shading issue using modifiers (8ac3c3d3ee).
- Fixed #41922 FBX exporter causes crashes in other software when smoothing groups are active (3d5cd1956e).
- Fixed #41983, reloaded - Array Modifier "Merge" bug? (1dd428ff6d).
- Fixed #42093 Bug on Zoom Border (9e53a97ddf).
- Fixed #40350 Offset doesn't turn purple when driver added (8cb1b35bee).
- Fixed #42088 Creating new keybinds can cause duplicates when saving key config profile (0d8a007c69).
- Fixed #42000 STL export scale incorrect (e6b174a3b6).
- Fixed #42137 Keymap editing is broken (e36cc29a69).
- Fixed #41661 Themes updates (7a76b1a003).
- Fixed #42145 Ctrl+B (Bevel edges) & Ctrl+Shift+B (Bevel vertices) has no clamp option (a62b806d70).
- Fixed (again) #42135 FBX Exporter Armature not linked to mesh (bone parenting issue on export, 00d84a2cb5).
- Fixed #42163 ctrl-clicking visibility keyframes only parent (91d2485c52).
- Fixed #42171 add curve: extra object (1c8717d484).
- Fixed #41950 Parent-Child Menu behaves weird (b100bdca25).
- Investigated #42074 Material viewport shading receives light from light sources on other layers when they have a texture assigned (with proposed patch).
- Fixed: 14; Proposed patch: 1; Closed: 39;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals (sigh).
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 055 - 09/27 to 10/03
Spent most of this week again on Mesh Data Transfer feature, fighting with poly and loop mapping. And still waiting for start of review work on custom split normals…
- GameDev:
- FBX IO: Minor fixes and enhancements.
- General Development:
- Worked on transfer data (and created branch on git repo, mesh-transfer-data,
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41978 shadow exclude error (bf8cd9011d).
- Fixed #41984 Can't use Render Image as Background Image (653b67055b).
- Fixed #41995 Box selection - Edit mode - Header not updated (101a1dddae).
- Fixed #41977 Shading panel don't update (a0b7d24a6f).
- Fixed #41905 linked or appended objects appear always on a firm selection of layers (file specific issue) (b4efe25119).
- Fixed #41999 Fbx Export with "Apply Transfrom" and import Unity ,blenderShape is error (c58170fbe2).
- Fixed #42026 Unit scale affects camera focal length (c7684b456a).
- Fixed #42054 Problem when using Cast modifier with Wireframe modifier (d4758badf6).
- Fixed #41931 FBX batch export with custom scene units and scales --> worked fine in UE4 editor, but when importing to Maya or 3DsMax for post-editing, the models are 100 times bigger (c210f87f12).
- Fixed #42029 FBX Export -> Unity Import (34998c87c0).
- Fixed (unreported) crash when select edit bones by link/shortest path (160236acaf).
- Investigated #41983 Array Modifier "Merge" bug? (with proposed patch).
- Updated/committed #25582 Added smoothing factor to vertex smooth operator (da78dd78be).
- Fixed: 10; Unreported fixes: 1; Proposed patch: 1; Reviewed/committed patch: 1; Closed: 26;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 054 - 09/20 to 09/26
Spent most of this week on Mesh Data Transfer feature, now have basic design set in code, together with a few early working data types. And still waiting for start of review work on custom split normals. ;)
- General Development:
- Worked on transfer data (see D800 for current state of work, intend to add a working branch to git repo asap too).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41890 Mirror subserf and array modifiers cause arrayed objects to have inverted normals (398ca952ab).
- Fixed #41939 Dupliface: Inherit scale didn't update viewport render (f1976cbde7).
- Fixed #41933 Node Editor: Crash occurs with Select by Suffix (e18a74849c).
- Investigated #27356 Addons search also search addon description (with proposed 'search caching' patch).
- Fixed: 3; Proposed patch: 1; Closed: 26; Closed oldies: 15.
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 053 - 09/13 to 09/19
Another week spent on tracker (including some FBX work), and Transfer Mesh Data feature (which turns out to be a nice piece of work, after all). Still waiting for start of review work on custom split normals.
- GameDev:
- FBX IO: Minor fixes and enhancements.
- General Development:
- Worked on transfer data.
- Added an option to to store BUILD_NOTES.txt in a specific path (d76d3144b4).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41811 unreachable code in wm_keymap.c (fdb12ff564).
- Fixed #41808 FBX exporter does not properly position and rotate group instances aeb4cb010e).
- Fixed #41843 World refresh bug (045b26dbf5).
- "Fixed" #41840 bpy.context.object.collision.thickness_inner has no effect (c793042577).
- "Fixed" #41851 Sound - no functions for first row of strip input panel (f0f398dcf3).
- Fixed #41766 FBX (binary) exporter does not export actions with one frame animations (f7ef101d09).
- Fixed #41875 Timeline is not showing keyframe (680d0db83c).
- Fixed: 7; Closed: 23;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on transfer mesh data.
Week 052 - 09/06 to 09/12
Another week mostly spent on tracker, with some other smaller TODOs/tasks, still waiting for start of review work on custom split normals. Also resumed work (mostly fixing) on FBX side.
- GameDev:
- FBX IO: Added an experimental addon to test code, and committed to it Jens' work from this summer (0edbcbca6c, a6916776e795 a6916776e7, 075a6a5916, 866397a8ff).
- Fight hard again to get UE4 working on my VBox, finally got it using DirectX WARP (software emulation :/ )...
- Investigated some FBX reports (#41719, #41766, …).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Started working on 'transfer data' for meshes.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed (again!) #41712 [FBX Importer] Does not impor fbx model (1ba40272a0, f539dbf190).
- Fixed #40507 Blender Internal Render's Gather don't use node's emit color (3a47c1a9d3).
- Fixed #41740 Different behaviour of custom hotkey (65da19b0cd).
- Fixed #41703 Blender crashes trying to load character file (9c19ad1f79).
- Fixed #41573 Compositing reroute converts floats to red color (876ccc8373).
- Fixed two (unreported) issues with UI searchbox items (965205d0e2).
- Fixed #41767 Memory free problem when console area copy fail (20d6b792a4).
- Fixed #41802 Layer numbers may be mis-numbered (307d64fa68).
- Investigated #41757 AFTER 2.72 - Inconsistent hotkey label with setting (with patch).
- Fixed: 7; Unreported fixed: 1; Investigated: 1; Closed: 20;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on small TODOs.
Week 051 - 08/30 to 09/05
Another week mostly spent on tracker, with some other smaller TODOs/tasks, still waiting for start of review work on custom split normals.
- General Development:
- Cleanup of wm_event_types.h (mostly defines -> enums) (c23733d290).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Worked on #37699 Modal options are missing from 3D view header for many operators.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41642 Zoom View hotkey: Zoom Position Y doesn't working (16791fbecf).
- Fixed crash part of #41561 custom properties don't see in drivers windiw (094433faa9).
- Fixed #41657 Text Editor highlight bug when a very long line scrolls (87c76ddaff).
- Fixed #41704 2.71.6 no longer reading user ui panel arrangement from earlier saved blend files (bf54ed0c7c).
- Fixed #41712 [FBX Importer] Does not impor fbx model (5adfe7b7a8).
- Fixed #41713 Lattice - Influence vertexgroup in curve modifier gets ignored (9c95fd0a98).
- Fixed #41711 add trees addons bug (f028fe8563).
- Fixed #41714 Maya and 3DS keymaps throw error when (94b29cd8b4).
- Fixed (unreported) INPUTCHANGE/WINDEACTIVATE/TIMER events being considered as keyboard ones by ISKEYBOARD() macro (1979ae3a42).
- Investigated #41703 Blender crashes trying to load character file (already three different proposed patches, nice first serious dive into depsgraph…).
- Fixed: 8; Unreported fixed: 1; Investigated: 1; Closed: 22;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Hoping for review of custom split normals.
- Keep working on small TODOs.
Week 050 - 08/23 to 08/29
Smaller week, mostly spent on tracker as “usual”. Also worked a bit on custom split normals.
- Game-dev related:
- Custom split normals: Tweaks/fixes based on user feedback.
- Custom split normals: Wrote some initial user doc.
- General Development:
- UI tweaks for split normals (custom theme color + icon for face corners, ba35761d33).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41550 Python: frame_set skips frame -1; frame_set(n) sets to frame n-1 for (only) negative number n, and sets to frame n for non-negative number n. (9541f75200).
- Fixed #41548 Menu pulldown button behaves incorrectly on click if menu shadow width is set to 0 in theme prefs (7a026971dc).
- Fixed #41118 Mesh cache modifier cannot use sub-frames stored in .pc2 files? (09dd79eddd).
- Fixed #41534 Bevel practically unusable interactively if set to percent amount type (b638696ca6).
- Fixed #41580 Cast modifier - Edit Cache problems (d822624adc).
- Fixed #41590 When scene scale is not 1.0, and units are "None," Blender assumes translations are in meters (0e3fa0b761).
- Fixed #38999 Tool tabs and Old Addons living in perfect harmony (3d6ed42c3b).
- Fixed #39020 Undo/Redo/History buttons missing in "Edit mode" (f34685d8a1, see also D733).
- Fixed #41266 Copy and paste operation on f-curves do not respect keyframe tangent handles... (6891f1c9e0).
- Fixed #41630 Edge Split Modifier don't work anymore when a Array Modifier is after the Edge Split Modifier added (cba2e0afa7).
- Fixed (unreported) several issues with numinput for some non-transform modal operators (66b84ad159).
- Investigated #41611 Skin modifier - Slow process with deactivated deform modifiers (with WIP patch), closed as TODO.
- Fixed: 10; Unreported fixed: 1; Investigated: 1; Closed: 29;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on custom split normals!
Week 049 - 08/16 to 08/22
Big tracker week again. Also worked quite a bit on custom split normals. Think it's narrowing to a first real review stage.
- Game-dev related:
- Custom split normals: Worked on optimizing custom split normals.
- Custom split normals: Worked on SetSplitNormal modifier (cleanup, bugfixes, new 'from target split normals' mode...).
- Custom split normals: Made new testbuilds, updated status on
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41467 Modifier view buttons changing positions (e85bcfab04).
- Fixed #41462 "Reload from trusted" made me lose my work without prompting for save (71ce415f4a).
- Fixed #41426 floating menus - scroll issues (de12cd706f).
- Fixed #40653 Modified keymap: MMB not behaving like RMB? (eb10cda135).
- Fixed #41477 Some UI op buttons have no more option to edit shortcuts (28c6982b37).
- Fixed #41485 No priority: typo in "effectors effect themselves" (1a20074acb).
- Fixed #41500 annoying exception when running blender from terminal with '--background --python' (c24bd5bb2f).
- Fixed #38722 Adding units in Imperial setting results in inconsistent values (at last! 8535b9bd15, D340, #39267).
- Fixed #41497 Colour Ramp UI Bug (7a36251bc9).
- Fixed (unreported) bad clipping of file names in splash (fe2b461398).
- Fixed (unreported) bad poll func in a py op of cycles (1ad9987af1).
- Fixed (unreported) disabled modifiers no more showing as such (red name) in UI (968389d7b6).
- Fixed: 9; Unreported fixed: 3; Closed: 33;
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Keep working on custom split normals!
Week 048 - 08/09 to 08/15
And another big tracker week! Did a few fixes in FBX area too, and tried to get my mind around Jens’ work on export/import transformations issues, but feel a bit demotivated here tbh… :/
- Game-dev related:
- FBX IO: minor updates/fixes.
- FBX IO: spent time reviewing Jens’ work, not much satisfying things here, this turns into a transformation/matrices hell... :/
- General Development:
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41381 Moving shapes keys up/down, after last, they don't go to first (as Vertex Group) (7284e6aedd).
- Fixed #41295 Rigid bodyfield weights not working (3cd2c6145a).
- Fixed #41396 FBX export fails with some very simple material setups (07747bcf64).
- "Fixed" #40203 Fluid simulation needs more memory than displayed (c4814c8764).
- "Fixed" #40047 Smoke: Maximum value for initial velocity (3225762049).
- Fixed #41403 Grid Particles only partially generated (bd623d9da3).
- Fixed #41405 FBX export issue with 2.71.3 Hash: ee8dafe (28a69aaac4).
- Fixed #41411 Undo crashing with background images set (ca5c02fc93).
- Fixed #41409 Copy Custom Property function does nothing with pose bones (561f375109).
- Fixed #41418 Modo Theme has some issues (2b2e5c11f2, b8a23ccac1, 256182495e, 309c3739e1).
- Fixed #41415 Lasso keymap not working in UV editor (4bd252d8c3).
- Fixed (unreported) 'quick smoke' not visible in render (da1801969b).
- Fixed #41427 Region overlap moves into wrong window (968e1b3b10).
- Fixed bug in 'preview' option (weights/vcols) of modifier's stack (side-reported in #40523, b22831e5ce).
- Fixed #41454 Command "Dirty Vertex Colors" prompts Python error (bb39925ec5).
- Fixed: 14; Unreported fixed: 1; Closed: 33; Closed oldies: 59.
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Still have one or two (too) old reports waiting for Campbell’s review… :P
- Keep working on custom split normals!
Week 047 - 08/02 to 08/08
Yet another big tracker week, with some nice progesses on split normals too, and some maintenance on FBX side. Also started rampaging in (very) old reports (mostly patches of four years or more…).
- Game-dev related:
- FBX IO: minor fixes.
- Custom split normals: got first general OK from Campbell's review, added temp branch on our git to keep working on it.
- Custom split normals: Switch from floats to shorts for encoded clnors data (a482385354).
- Custom split normals: Worked on parallelization of splitnor code, with mitigated results (8ee96b142b).
- Custom split normals: Fixed/optimized 'set custom normals' code (cb28ccb0d0).
- General Development:
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41284 The python ops log doesn't work (6fa6fa2fa2).
- Fixed #41175 Quad View - Properties Region - Clip Tickable option bug? (6ba4db2906).
- Fixed #41062 "copy to selected" doens't work for all attributes (5336e68e11).
- Fixed #41323 bug with video sequence edit (f37c3dd6a6).
- Fixed #41333 Selected mask points don't stand out visually (ab8bcd4038).
- Fixed #41317 Move Named Layers addon to release (026c9fe1c9, 6ec1c46f1a).
- Fixed #41316 FBX exporter in Blender cause artifacts to appear on meshes with Shape Keys (c9cde56179).
- Investigated #41308 With small units, cannot adjust Normals so well (with [rejected] patch, closed as TODO in the end).
- Fixed: 7; Investigated: 1; Closed: 35; Closed oldies: 81.
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Still have one or two (too) old reports waiting for Campbell’s review… :P
- Keep working on custom split normals!
Week 046 - 07/26 to 08/01
Yet another big tracker week, together with finalized first testbuild of custom split normals, and review & integration in master of Jens' FBX work.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX IO: Reviewed and merged in master work done by Jens in fbx_io_development branch (various fixes & minor enhancements, support for custom properties in importer).
- FBX IO: minor fixes.
- Worked on Custom Split Normals (many fixes, we now have an inlined check&fix of inconsistent clnors data, possibility to set clnors from vert normals, etc.).
- Custom Split Normals: Finished first round of dev by finalizing 'setsplitnor' modifier (now has its two modes, from spheroid and from geometry).
- Custom Split Normals: Made testbuilds (see
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Various cleanup (eea7521e21, 74758576fc, c11777b211, 3c9e11df37).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41191 Face snapping doesn't work properly (c4b47b89f7).
- Fixed #40949 Importing STL file fails and produces a python error - Mac (a3d8d01b0e).
- Fixed #41227 restricted select bones in 3d view (e0fd1bf432).
- Fixed #41228 Selection of bones bug (976526559d).
- Fixed #41223 F-Curve sliders won't update values during playback when mouse cursor is outside the left panel (42ba931fed).
- Fixed #41245 FBX import error (2b27ba8d49).
- Fixed #41238 FBX exporter corrupts model's pose (1c5da4b0b4).
- Fixed #41241 VSE: cropping strips puts a transparent line through the image (fa8d38da74).
- Fixed: 8; Closed: 32.
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Campbell is back, have a few (too) old reports waiting for him… :P
- Would like to get a first review of current custom split normals work (general level, have yet quiet a bit of work to do on it, esp. on performance aspect, looking at threading some part of the code actually).
Week 045 - 07/19 to 07/25
Mostly big tracker week, and setting up testbuild system on buildbots also took a fair amount of time, which only left me few spare to make small fixes to split normals & finish own FBX todos for 2.72…
- Game-dev related:
- FBX IO: fixed spaces/transform mess of rigged meshes due to FBX not parenting those to 'armature', while Blender does (905f58dedb).
- FBX import: Refactored and added animation support to master (09c9fa9a7b).
- FBX IO: some doc work…
- Worked on custom split normals.
- General Development:
- Spent some time investigating and implementing usage of buildbot to make 'testbuilds' of in-development projects (see mails and bbot web page).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Updated install_deps to new (ugly!) OSL and OIIO versions (8bda8ec006).
- Hopefully fixed once and for all libyaml-cpp version mess in install_deps (though it’s not a nice hack, should work on all distro, d0f0d82205).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41122 Mask modifier followed by hair particles causes crash on render (cycles) 3ca78a40e8).
- Fixed #41128 Box selection bug with armatures (6a43ee6e38).
- Fixed #40432 Scaling to zero with manipulate center points works precisely on second time (1526620416).
- Fixed #40729 FBX branch animation import bugs (944016ab78).
- Fixed #41086 VSE separate images increases file size abnormally (2e436173aa).
- Fixed #39450 CTest 'script_load_addons' fails (2bcc13357b).
- Fixed #41156 UILayout.prop_enum() does not observe "text" parameter override (cf9d5db75b).
- Fixed #41149 Dissolve Crash Due to AutoSmooth (f5cee25a12).
- Fixed (unreported) crashing bug in mesh
area (51120efbce). - Reviewed 'Default UV generation for mesh primitives' patch (D481).
- Fixed: 8; Unreported fix: 1; Reviewed patch: 1; Closed: 20.
- Next week:
- Usual BT & patches work…
- Will try to focus more on SplitNormals stage II.
Week 044 - 07/12 to 07/18
Nice week, got basically working custom split normal code with FBX import & demo 'set nromals' modifier. Not review yet, though, some points (esp. in Edit mode) remain unfinished.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX IO: Merged most remaining part of WIP branch in master, despite some known issues (we need to get this tested as much as possible!). Only animation import remain in WIP, would like to rework it a bit before it goes to master. c6a804b9e2, dbfb5209c0, 4555427506 and 272b809317.
- FBX: Some doc/mail work…
- FBX: Some minor fixes.
- Split Normals: Worked on custom normals, import of those from FBX, and 'SetSplitNormals' modifier.
- Split Normals: Spent some time trying to optimize a bit current code, with not much luck (can be up to 15 times slower than mere auto-normals, in worst case - more usual case (CAD object imported from FBX) is about 4 times slower). Probably not surprising actually!
- General Development:
- Committed 'Add helper to validate (and fix) material indices of polygons' patch (D650, 1097a3f70d).
- Updated/worked on 'Fix T38722: Adding units in Imperial setting results in inconsistent values' patch (D340).
- Proposed cleanup of timing system, but abandoned (D657).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41015 FBX importer does not check material indices of polygons are valid (15054752be).
- Fixed #41088 Canceling pose library preview does not reset to previous pose (0fd194c2cb).
- Fixed #41075 Segfault when attempting to escape from bone translation (57a3403bc0).
- Fixed #41113 Hide doesn't work on particle systems (8620008ccd).
- Fixed #41010 MetaBall Duplivert Unwanted Movement Bug (e0d8e62f2b, found and fixed other issues with mballs and duplis as well).
- Fixed (unreported) Bug in BI: dupliobjects always hiding parent, even when it also has some particle systems (80d3eb6964).
- Investigated #41062 "copy to selected" doens't work for all attributes (with patch).
- Reviewed 'Default UV generation for mesh primitives' patch (D481).
- Fixed: 5; Unreported fix: 1; Proposed patch: 1; Reviewed patch: 1; Closed: 27.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- Still some patches to review.
- Still some FBX TODOs (known issues, reports & patches) to check here.
- Will try to keep working on SplitNormals stage II.
Week 043 - 07/05 to 07/11
Intensive FBX week - and as usual, highly frustrating (lost two days trying to fix the bones orientation issue, with no luck)…
- Game-dev related:
- FBX import: added support for rootbones-as-armatures case to WIP (51b7d41459).
- FBX io: merged into master minor cleanups from WIP branch (a1d1012a0c, fbce6598e).
- FBX export: merged into master work from WIP branch (i.e. shapes export, including animation, and anim handling rework, 0abd36f1ec, 59ff66fa7a, closing TODO #40305).
- FBX io: Spent 2 days trying to make needed 'bone orientation correction' working (FBX and Blender do not use same axis for bones), epic failure… :/
- FBX import: added support for shapes anim (af0507aeaaf4 af0507aeaa).
- Wrote FBX TODO list.
- Worked on Split Normals Stage II.
- General Development:
- Finalized and committed new()/remove() for RNA bone groups patch (DD522, 08eac0c367).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #41012 Error importing DXF (74393fe915).
- Fixed (unreported) unlikely bug in current split normals code (db1ab7b150).
- Reviewed D636 Fix T40921: Gravity in walk mode hard-coded, cannot use alternate scene scale Fix T40925: Scene gravity hard limited.
- Fixed: 1; Unreported fix: 1; Reviewed patch: 1; Closed: 16.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- Still some patches to review.
- Still some FBX TODOs (known issues, reports & patches) to check here.
- Would like to spend most time on SplitNormals stage II. 2.72 is most likely no more a serious goal, but would like to get a mergeable code very early in 2.73, which means development has to be done now (given how long such a big stuff is likely to spend in review step).
Week 042 - 06/28 to 07/04
Epic BT week… which means I failed again finalizing FBX shapes anim import (more stuff also piles up about FBX :/ ).
- Game-dev related:
- FBX import: Fixed import un-skinned armatures (a74d5998c7).
- Reviewed FBX Exporter: Fix space transform on first child, apply to bones and armatures (D607).
- FBX export: Fixed UV/texture linking (df966fb0c5).
- FBX import: Tried to solve the 'root bone' mess issue (export + import, will take some time, since I have to handle two different cases, one in which 'armature' is a distinct empty parent object, the other where root bones *are* armatures themselves :'( ).
- Committed D629 FBX Binary exporter, initial pass of Unity3D options (c01ed441f3).
- General Development:
- Finalized and committed render cache patch (D553, 78cdc707ab).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Finalized and applied 'select grouped' patch for nodes (D288, e3c8cf0a9e, 52d7c35778).
- Worked on '' patch (D522).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40792 Pack all into and Blender report Missing Files (50ca320f57).
- Fixed #40841 Copy and Paste objects no longer functions from one running instance of Blender to another running instance for OSX (4c83fae16d).
- Fixed #40851 "Sequencer" auto-check after changing spaceview and scene (0caee7843e).
- Fixed #40829 Collada Export with 'Include Material Textures' selected crashes (b5acd1aa87).
- Fixed #40832 Imperial Units 2.71 (cadf77d5ef).
- Fixed #40885 "Reset Curve" is backwards on Custom Falloff Curves (Lights) (2e64b8354b).
- Fixed #40904 FBX exporter does not store parameter, which is used in FBX SDKs FbxProperty::IsValid() (df966fb0c5).
- Fixed (unreported) broken scons build with sources' archive (when git is available, but no git repo... e81b938631).
- Applied #40568 Decrease image user count when deleting a background image (320b7a59c3).
- Investigated #40891 After Ful Copy Scene, particle system still uses object from previous scene, closed as TODO.
- Fixed: 7; Unreported fix: 1; Applied patch: 1; Closed: 41.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- More patches to review.
- FBX: Finish shapekeys import? And more TODOs (known issues, reports & patches) to check here.
- If times allows, keep working on SplitNormals stage II (*sigh*)…
Week 041 - 06/21 to 06/27
Small week, will have to catch up a bit in next one. Most time ended up being spent on split normals work.
- Game-dev related:
- SplitNormals II: worked on importing custom normals from FBX files (request from a user). Code is dirty and needs some cleanup currently, yet it is usable. Was a nice occasion to do first real use of code written so far - and showed a few bits to enhance in core code first, as well.
- FBX import: Shape support (no anim yet, 702f793d0f).
- General Development:
- Finalized/committed temp_data patch (D531/#39690/414c70435d).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed: 0; Closed: 25.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- Have some patches to review too.
- FBX: Will finish shapekeys import, also have a few reports & patches to check here.
- rendercache pacth will be committed!
- If times allows, keep working on SplitNormals stage II.
Week 040 - 06/14 to 06/20
Bigger week, only regret is I did not find time (motivation :/) to finish FBX shapekeys import…
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Rework of animation handling, to add shapes animation, tested working with Unity (6e0b57ff16, dd32b1cdbd).
- FBX export: Removed texture influence threshold (see D600, bf38cb7252).
- FBX export: Do not export textures from disabled textslots (see D601, 35d2c407ee).
- General Development:
- Finalized and committed patch about units pyapi (D416, ab5f4c4dfa, f94b87bbb f94b87bbb, 94b574ee02, fa257adf96).
- Updated and worked on patches about temp data & renderresult caching (D531, D553).
- Updated D340 about handling units (string to value conversion).
- Cleaned up BLI_md5.c, and added an helper to it to convert raw 16 bytes digest into nice 32 chars hexadecimal string (fb7c71383b, 01d802976f).
- Reviewed D598 Make the manipulator and transform visual center care for the deformed cage.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40609 Typing/Mechanical Error Major (871a8eb6b2).
- Fixed #40629 Dynamic Space Bar adds Lattice instead of empty after adding at least one lattice object (12f04ea8ca, patch by meta-androcto).
- Fixed #40648 Bevel Tool - Amount value slider maximum does not adapt to Amount Type settings automaticly (tested in 2.70a and 2.71RC) (5ca44ff952).
- Fixed #40694 Curve path messed up (4bf8b04025).
- Fixed (unreported) wrong link to release notes in splash (d1b45f7f7c).
- Fixed: 4; Fixed unreported: 1; Closed: 33.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX: Will finish shapekeys import, also have a few reports & patches to check here.
- Try to finalize the tempdata/rendercache pacthes!
- If times allows, keep working on SplitNormals stage II.
Week 039 - 06/07 to 06/13
Rather frustrating week - as usual when working on FBX :/ Still managed to get basic export support for shape keys, animation is WIP.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX io: add support for the 'visibility' property of FBX models.
- FBX export: finished first step of shape keys support (99dcf0d273, c786b201ad).
- FBX export: Started rework of animation handling, to add shapes animation.
- FBX format: updated some doc (
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40549 box selection starting point in the file requester (f1f33ba7be).
- Fixed: 1; Closed: 10.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX: Would like to finish animation shapekeys work this week, and ideally handle import side as well.
- If times allows, keep working on SplitNormals stage II (sooooo much funnier!).
Week 038 - 05/31 to 06/06
Early report, since I’ll be away that weekend. I let tracker a bit aside this week, and mostly focused on SplitNormals stage II (i.e. custom normals support). Did some FBX work too, though not as much as I would have liked.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: added support for 'deform bones only' armature option.
- FBX export: Started shapekeys work...
- Worked on SplitNormal Stage II (working proof-of-concept code for diff normals, in both Mesh and BMesh world).
- Wrote some doc on current "loop normal space" (how it is defined, how custom loop normals are represented in it), see this page.
- General Development:
- Spent some time tracking and handling 2.71 splash screen.
- Investigated uiList issue with Campbell’s 'refresh popups' patch (see D578).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40500 misleading link in Support > FAQ page.
- Fixed #40516 Binary FBX export missing deform bones only option (ba7f4237ef).
- Fixed #40522 Viewport layer name is not redrawed (607cd0e8bc).
- Fixed #40520 Properties panel in properties region in 3D view does not go away (553264ff8e).
- Fixed: 4; Closed: 14.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX: Would like to finish basic shapekeys work this week.
- If times allows, keep working on SplitNormals stage II.
Week 037 - 05/24 to 05/30
Lighter week, spent mostly over tracker and many small things. Also resumed a bit work on split normals, mostly design still, nothing showable.
- Game-dev related:
- A few FBX minor issues.
- Started designing split normals stage II (i.e. support for custom normals - main piece here is the 'normal diff' system, so that custom normals remain valid across geometry deformations and, to some extent, topology changes...).
- General Development:
- Finished first version of 'render result cache' feature (D553).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Made a small review of the 'ShapeKeys' GSoC proposal, main concerns are about UI part.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40303 FBX export: Embedding textures does not work (7ab602b730, db6e3acd34).
- Fixed #40331 Incorrect display of path of editted data (c75261c8cb).
- Fixed #40438 Pressing G key to move the camera quits Blender (aef443ab2d).
- Fixed #40388 2.70a - Blender Render - Texture Stack - persistent checkbox state (4b15a54ede).
- Fixed #40405 Blender crashes on FBX export instantly (74cc3974fe, spent a huge amount of time on this one :/).
- Fixed #40445 Disabled modifiers prevent cage edit mode (6b538f4271).
- Investigated #40155 Alt (and ctrl) keys remain active after switching to Blender app (not much useful results for now, Ghost event mess).
- Investigated #40350 Offset doesn't turn purple when driver added (with patch).
- Investigated #40411 UI incorrectly permits changing material in materal_slots on linked mesh, but changes are not saved (with patch).
- Applied patch #40416 replace various uses of math.sqrt with more concise math.hypot (97039067da).
- Fixed: 6; Proposed Fixes: 2; Patch applied: 1; Closed: 18.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX: since most issues seem to be tackled in existing (export) code, will start working on last missing feature (i.e. shape keys).
- Finish design work/proposal for splitnormals stage II.
- Tackle splash & "Game Dev" article by Mitchell.
Week 036 - 05/17 to 05/23
Again, week spent mostly over tracker and FBX (main news being, we now have a basic anim support in importer).
- Game-dev related:
- FBX import: Finished first basic support for animation (loc/rot/scale for both objects and bones, see the fbx_io_development branch).
- FBX export: Enhanced a few "details" (better 'simplify anim curve' code, fixed some bugs found in the way).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40246 Speaker Object is missing from Tabs > 'Create' tab in the Toolbar (9127b8f2a3).
- Fixed #40251 Rename of Shape key is not redrawed in Dopesheep (d1dde3c981).
- Fixed #39897 shape keys created while the Relative checkbox is unchecked start out with frame=0 (875aff2a9a).
- Fixed #40269 Transform Constraint Doesn't Obey World/World Setting (Inherits from Parent instead!) (3bba558944).
- Fixed #40274 FBX Export: Group instances export a "No Material" material (0962e65894).
- Fixed #40271 recalculation of the bone roll does not work correctly (ebbeb082d1).
- Fixed #40297 Crash while ripping an edge when autosmooth is activated. (a217db0d63).
- Fixed #40325 UILists do not save their height anymore (01f5845778, d3a94941ef).
- Investigated FBX reports #40303 and #40305.
- Fixed: 8; Proposed Fixes: 1; Closed: 27.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX will likely keep feeling my hours.
- …and guess what? trying to flesh out next stage for split normals would be nice!
Week 035 - 05/10 to 05/16
A bit of a frustrating week, spent too much time on some minor points (like getting the windows-specific part of new temp data system working… :/). As usual, some bug tracker, not much FBX this time.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX io: enhanced/fixed behaviors regarding orientations, scale and fps (b54d30693).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39879 extra UV seams where meshes overlap (887fad6a01).
- Fixed #40014 Broken shading with mirror modifier and auto smooth normals while hiding verts (70303dfefe).
- Fixed #40115 Smoke simulator memory leak with high poly mesh emitter (355709432e).
- Fixed #40191 Misleading TypeError message when registering CollectionProperty wtihout kwarg "type" (6b2689c3f2).
- Fixed #40214 Wrong size calculation on new curve objects (48fcadc88d).
- Fixed #40216 Binary FBX exporter doesn't export proper materials to Unity when there's a modifier added (29072f8d46).
- Proposed fix for #40167 Numeric input for rotational transform resolves to modulo 360. Should it?
- Fixed: 6; Proposed Fixes: 1; Closed: 28.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- Maybe keep working on FBX anim import.
- …and trying to flesh out next stage for split normals would be nice!
Week 034 - 05/03 to 05/09
This has been an intensive week this time, with a bit of bug tracker, but mostly FBX work.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Fixed a bunch of bugs!
- FBX export: Heavy refactors (mostly FBX-Model part of the code, and splitting big file, 4f1fd99bef, 4dacb21127).
- FBX export: As part of "bug fixes", added 'All Actions' anim option, and support of dupliobjects.
- FBX import: Armature import & binding to mesh is mostly working (still needs more testing with complex files, though). Added in a new FBX WIP branch (54f80d067b, 850e731a1e, 529d056e9d).
- General Development:
- Did support for script (new python = many users using it again :/ ).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #40001 Opening a 2.66 blend file in 2.7, a bone appear "rolled but not rolled" (39dc3bce30).
- Fixed #40025 generating wrong make flag for OSL (f7aac45488).
- Fixed #40041 Incorrect UVs with FBX export (ae74dc51cf).
- Fixed #40040 Binary FBX export only exports one action (f125c03bdf).
- Fixed #40038 Binary FBX export does not handle group instances (6bd79aa49a).
- Fixed #40069 PLY import vertex colour scaling (3e19e7145f).
- Fixed #40084 psk/psa export contains issue with source code (f09c520a58).
- Fixed #40091 FBX Export: Python error with dupligroups (90a1962233).
- Fixed #40074 Autosmooth option causes assert failure when selected (5a8d7af642).
- Fixed: 9; Closed: 18.
- Next week:
- Usual BT work…
- FBX export: have issues with the 'Squirrel' test file, rest armature and binding is OK but pose (and anim of pose) are completely broken, can’t find the reason yet (many other rigged characters exports OK), so will take more time investigating that one.
- Maybe start working on anim import.
- …and trying to flesh out next stage for split normals would be nice!
Week 033 - 04/26 to 05/02
Well, a slightly less intense week this time… Again, mostly bug tracking, but had some time to start Armature FBX import (complete WIP stil).
- Game-dev related:
- FBX import: Worked on armature (still WIP).
- General Development:
- Worked on py api for units (D416).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- "Fixed" #39914 "Save Screenshot" doesn't share "Save as Image" settings.
- Fixed #39919 Collada export crashes blender when using a "Copy Location" constraint (4aea8f1085).
- Fixed #39921 Collada export creates invalid XML when using Track To constraint (f0ec202099).
- Fixed #39692 Text fields in datablocks editor are broken (f328f45e22).
- Fixed #39806 Koro rig (Caminandes) wrong in master, worked in 270(a) (c089150426).
- Fixed #39934 Duplicate node shown in outliner's datablock display (49a5c57957).
- Fixed #39938 fails when compiling OSL (9fb4c487ed).
- Fixed #31555 Username with special chars in Windows 7 (bb5b608deb).
- Fixed #39987 The new "redirect to bone constraints" button at the object constaints tab is wrong in bone edit mode (e2288255fb).
- Worked on #39491 Rig>Deform:Curve bones>Segment 32 (ease in 0 ease out0) ..max rotation causes this segmented bone stop rotating and flips (with patch).
- Fixed: 9; Proposed Fix: 1; Closed: 25.
- Next week:
- Should finish FBX import of armature.
- Again, trying to flesh out next stage for split normals would be nice!
Week 032 - 04/19 to 04/25
Turned out to be a 100% bug tracking week. :/
- Game-dev related:
- FBX: More tweaks and fixes.
- General Development:
- Spent some time on compat issue due to degrees/radians conversions...
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39818 Strips from file with long filename broke auto-naming - animation can't be apply on it (6ee8670fca).
- Fixed #39735 New auto smooth creates artifacts with flat shaded faces(BI) (3de8f255d7).
- Fixed #39833 Nurbs Crash (0e2f6c7fc4).
- Fixed several (unreported) issues with split normals shading and modifiers (ea753710bf, 11cddaa5d9, dcd2a8fcc4).
- Fixed #39781 Autosmooth feature: erroneously showing hidden vertices' normals too when in "vertex per face" display (70fdcebb93).
- "Fixed" #39828 Incorrect render layer visibility display for animated render layers (14ab812da5).
- Fixed #39867 Hotkey is not displayed in the node editor's menu (258a9b5fc1).
- Fixed #39861 UI destroys float precision (d12ceec401).
- Fixed #39874 Bone roll resets if bones are moved in edit mode (16443b1ae0).
- Fixed #39792 Tangents/bitangents missing from exported FBX model (7aebdfb396).
- Fixed #39895 Displaying the armature layers popup in edit mode always fails (18060d8632).
- Spent some time on #39862 Drag-to-toggle visible/selectable/renderable (with patch).
- Fixed: 11; Proposed Fix: 1; Closed: 44.
- Next week:
- Would like to let a bit aside the bug tracker, and work on FBX import, to match export & import supported features (mostly animation & armatures).
- Also, trying to flesh out next stage for split normals would be nice!
Week 031 - 04/12 to 04/18
Most time was spent on bug tracker this week. Among other thing, tweaking/fixing new FBX & SplitNormals features.
- Game-dev related:
- Committed Split Normals Stage I (18e4224142, 0b7f581397, 41b8f88732, 776f8d5a6f, e29698d3cd).
- FBX: More tweaks and fixes.
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Added edges and vertices "smooth/sharp" to 3DView shading tools (7d45ddae33).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39736 Ctrl+V reports "Objects Pasted" regardless if it worked or not (4f00737f4b).
- Fixed #39740 New Autosmooth instant crash entering Edit Mode (3cf39fc72a).
- Fixed #39742 Crash with Cycles + new autosmooth crash (4f1a5192c2).
- Fixed #39607 Audio not in synch when the blend file loads (9f17300d37).
- Fixed #39743 Crash when deleting faces in with new autosmooth (a15ae56421).
- Fixed #39234 popup menus behave poorly when they have not enough width for all their columns (09e5aa5156).
- Fixed issue with split normals (over-reported in #39735, a7120b9730).
- Fixed #39750 Bones disappearing with strange transforms (ee387c6add).
- Fixed #39766 bone calculation from edit mode goes wrong (bd3231c760).
- Fixed #39758 Blender Crash when removing pinned Scene (88ae0be1c4).
- Fixed #39771 Armature Tools and Options Panel appears in other TABs (419f7750db).
- Fixed #39777 Blender 2.65-2.7 Sapling Bug (b5e7aac94f).
- Worked over #39735 New auto smooth creates artifacts with flat shaded faces(BI), with proposed patch.
- Fixed: 12; Closed: 20.
- Next week:
- Still mostly bug hunting.
- Will try to find some time to work on FBX import, to match export & import supported features (mostly animation & armatures).
Week 030 - 04/05 to 04/11
As usual, spent some time on bug tracker. I also spent a large part of the week on FBX animation (mostly animation), implementing some missing minor features, addressing user requests and… fixing bugs! Looks like we finally got something rather functional and complete now, at last. Finally, got rather positive review from Campbell on last part of Split Normals patch, so this will likely go to master next week.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export: Added animation to bones (armature) as well (2bc5fbf3ea).
- FBX export: Added per-strip AnimStack export too (aa634bcea0).
- FBX export: Added support for the 'apply modifiers' option, and non-mesh geometry export as meshes (39cde16787).
- FBX export: Added support for most FBX framerate modes (since Unity does not support 'custom' mode, sigh - 55da788bb8).
- FBX export: Spent another bunch of hours fixing various animation bugs (f40fa234a1, a88815d45f, f664078ef0, see also #39644).
- Split Normals: Updated patches, got first review from Campbell!
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Committed better bone direction/roll to matrix computation (#39470/D436) as 07f8c5c3b6 (doing early commit so that it gets as much testing as possible before next release). Org patch by tippisum.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39479 Transform mouse constraint fails in some situations (ae792e930c).
- Fixed #39563 Tiny unit-display problem in constraint panels (8714ae09f8).
- Fixed #39562 Properties panel Pinning is broken (95b25e7333).
- Fixed #39663 Blender crashes when trying to triangulate uv unwrapped mesh (c777f691ad).
- Fixed: 4; Closed: 30.
- Next week:
- More bug hunting.
- Split normals should go to master.
- Probably some FBX export polishing (and why not, add some armature/animation support to importer?).
Week 029 - 03/29 to 04/04
So, still spent some time on bug tracker, though quite less than previous weeks. I also made an epic hunt on FBX animation, and finally found out the culprit - we need some specific handling at binary level for some animation elements - insane!!! Also refactored the "Noise" modifier patch, and committed a few patches after review by Brecht, thanks! :)
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export: After countless hours of investigations, tries and failures, finally found out that some FBX elements "classes" (at least AnimationStack & Layer) need some kind of special tweak in binary format... Yes, exporting animation works now (88f9248faf)! Obviously, many things to finish yet.
- FBX export: various misc fixes/enhancements.
- Split normals: Brecht reviewed the "render" parts of the patch, still waiting review on core parts by Campbell… ;)
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Committed D342 and D343 (resize of tex/mat/etc. previews + simplification of grip for scopes and uilists, 4faef1e10c, 9b3bd5582b and 9caf702941).
- Reviewed/edited #39470 New algorithm on computing bone matrix with improved accuracy (see also D436).
- Review/refactor of "Noise" feature for Displace modifier (D320).
- Updated script (6ff0fcdae7)...
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39524 Backface culling is always on in Textured view in BI (f1186cb113).
- Fixed #39521 Render with two Blender processes on same computer: compression issues? (6cd717e0a3).
- Fixed #39589 FBX: binary exporter is with buggy normals (c6407d53d1).
- Fixed: 3; Closed: 37.
- Next week:
- Usual bug hunting.
- Hopefully split normals review will be finalized?
- I should be able to wrap up main dev regarding FBX export (there will still be many small issues & enhancements afterward, though). Maybe update a bit importer as well (would be nice to support armature and some basic animation in importer as well?).
Week 028 - 03/22 to 03/28
Well, like previous ones: yet another bug tracking week! Still found some time for FBX export (frustrating!!!) and other minor topics.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export: Reworked how FBX properties are handled (since I now understand them better).
- FBX export: Worked over basic animation support (a6f8095463), does not seem to work.
- FBX export: Spent hours trying to find the culprit in animation exporting, found some issues but stuff is still not working :(.
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Enhanced/fixed behavior of numinput when resetting (i.e. leaving numinput back to usual mouse transform, 3bad243cb8).
- Review of GSoC proposals.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39342 Node wrangler image sequence node (7223289719).
- Fixed #39347 Pressing backspace during empty number input for translation results in 0.5828 increments (fcaa018249).
- Fixed #39353 Make Single User menu entries do not work correctly (4c73001093).
- Fixed #39356 unsatisfied with uv pin unpin button, small bug (7a21330421).
- Fixed #39383 Blender crash when renaming bone in outliner (weight paint mode) (07578bed4d).
- Fixed #39392 Python bindings for geometry.box_pack_2d() return invalid total height (e9a64e2770).
- Fixed #39424 VSE: Bake Sound to Curve CRASHES Blender (fd3de8b042).
- Fixed #39484 Time line: highlighted area for frame range one frame too short (e9d733a8bd).
- Fixed #39487 Index Of Refraction when export to obj (fa5cbcd02b, patch by Zer0, thanks).
- Fixed: 9; Closed: 50.
- Next week:
- More bug hunting, as usual…
- Still have some patches awaiting reviews (loop normals, but also grip-resize...).
- Fixing/enhancing FBX will likely take some time too (probably will have to do another ugly test session to find the issue with animation :/).
Week 027 - 03/15 to 03/21
Yet another bug tracking week! Still found some time for FBX export and other minor topics.
- Game-dev related:
- Loop normals: Still awaiting review.
- FBX export: Various enhancements/fixes...
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export: Added support for baked axis-transformations (#39251, 53f7bbde2c).
- General Development:
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39210 Grid Fill is generating mesh that's inconsistent with selected edge loops (0e9084d5ec).
- Fixed #39208 Adding scene to another scene's VSE causes audio and video to be unsynchronized (930765faa8).
- Fixed #39203 Boid particle naming UI semi-freeze (c450ea2ab0).
- Fixed #39252 Regression: Auto perspective fails when switching from {front, side, top} to camera view, and then to user persp (df25dbf917).
- Fixed issue with RNA path resolve functions (broken
, 1f63b0807b). - Fixed #39306 Backface culling in Multitexture is on permanently (0f95149a78).
- Fixed #39312 Multipling two values in the Transform Tools Number Input not possible (7148c97796).
- Fixed #39323 Animation playback is interrupted when you toggle an editor window full screen (54a8753df3).
- Investigated #39256 UI jitter when scrolling.
- Investigated #38587 Multi-Button Drag: not working properly for Object Dimensions, with proposed patch.
- Fixed: 8; Proposed fix: 1; Closed: 46 (!).
- Next week:
- Will keep bug hunting, I guess…
- Still have some patches awaiting reviews (loop normals, but also grip-resize...).
- Fixing/enhancing FBX will likely take some time too.
Week 026 - 03/08 to 03/14
This week again bug tracker kept being kind of mad… So I spent most of my time on it. Still worked a bit on FBX export (fixed a nice, stupid bug about exported orientation) and other small topics.
- Game-dev related:
- Loop normals: Review started slowly.
- FBX export: moved current code to Blender's repo (3879603620).
- FBX export: Various enhancements/fixes...
- FBX export: Spent more hours trying to sort of an issue with normals... May now have a lead (looks like new format expects 4D normals), still have to test/confirm this.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #39112: increment snap does not work in perspective view at 0.01 scale (for scene and grid floor) (6919ffbf4b).
- Fixed #39060: "Choose by numbers" do not work with Enum-menus, but work with operators-menus (330272be9a).
- Fixed #39152 Blender crash when duplicate mesh with hooks and laplacian deform (0141265073).
- Fixed #39158 Help > Operator Cheat Sheet causes a python recursive loop (0c6e74436f).
- Fixed #38897 Problems moving animation channels up and down in dope sheet/action editor (1f3655d224).
- Spent hours making access to all regions of quadview as an RNA collection (#39028, a2ffd8e423).
- Spent hours investigating #39029 Blender Internal: Render tiles do not appear until render is finished if Save Buffers enabled...
- Investigated #39114 Sun-Glossy Ray Visibility still rendered.
- Fixed: 6; Proposed fix: 0; Closed: 33 (!).
- Next week:
- Will keep bug hunting, I guess…
- Still have some patches awaiting reviews (loop normals, but also grip-resize...).
- Fixing/enhancing FBX will likely take some time too, since it is in main repo bug reports should start to come in!
Week 025 - 03/01 to 03/07
Well, this week bug tracker went kind of mad… So I spent most of my time on it. Still worked a bit on FBX export (fixed a nice, stupid bug about exported orientation) and other small topics.
- Game-dev related:
- Loop normals: Worked over a "SetLoopNormal" modifier (setting normals of vertices based on some ellipsoid of other geometry). Partly working, but need to implement diff loop normals first!
- Loop Normals: Updated patches.
- FBX export: Added support for custom properties (see blender-io-fbx on GitHub).
- General Development:
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38873 Crashing on undo of ocean modifier (D374, f01d19431d).
- Fixed #38941 Laplacian Deform crashes on OSX (dad9600004).
- Fixed #38987 Dope sheet is inoperable by numpad [.] (cfefc5d0d4).
- Fixed #38955 Misleading tooltip for Clean Tool in Weight Tools Toolshelf (a28dce6cc8).
- Fixed #39000 Align Objects Axis button is not redraw (571f184d35).
- Proposed fix for #38897 Problems moving animation channels up and down in dope sheet/action editor (D376).
- Investigated and proposed fix for #39012 Redo panel displays incorrect value when using Shift+E.
- Fixed: 5; Proposed fix: 2; Closed: 26.
- Next week:
- Will keep bug hunting…
- Hopefully will have time to get a few patches reviewed, work over loop normals, etc.
- I’d like to move FBX exporter code into blender addons (old 6.1 ASCII code is still present, so would not remove any feature, and easier to get some review and testing this way). Would keep making "advanced" development in own branch though, to avoid cluttering main repo history.
Week 024 - 02/22 to 02/28
Since I was still offline part of the week, I kept working over split normals - I’d consider the first stage to be pretty much complete now. Once I got back internet, bugs were the main topic…
- Game-dev related:
- Loop Normals: Finished first version of BMesh/EditDerivedBMesh support (D11).
- Loop Normals: Finished first version of Cycles support (D11).
- Loop Normals: Split that big patch in pieces, should make review much easier!
- loop_normals_basis (D365): Basic split normals handling in non-edit mesh/DM code.
- loop_normals_bmesh (D366): Handle split normals in BMesh/EDBM code (depends on D365).
- loop_normals_3dview (D367): Handle split normals in 3DView drawing (depends on D365 and D366).
- loop_normals_renderer_bi (D368): Handle split normals in Blender Internal rendering (depends on D365 and D366).
- loop_normals_renderer_cycles (D369): Handle split normals in Cycles rendering (depends on D365 and D366).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Updated numinput (and release notes).
- Cleaned up RNA modifier code (D364)...
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38743 Modal input feature appears to be missing from 2.70 test builds (c1cdce364b).
- Fixed #38342 Cell Fracture is in the wrong tab (8ec6e6018e).
- Fixed #38843 Bone parallel to world z axis flicking when scale in edit mode (65c5be9676).
- Fixed #38678 Long strings on Search widget not getting shortened/no tooltip (c35ac8f7ac).
- Fixed #38849 Modal Input: '=' not working on osx (tweaked again numinput mode toggling code, 17d2e6422c).
- Fixed #38877 F-Curve modal input is incorrect when set to Imperial units (96a51e99fb).
- Fixed #38467 Animation playback is not synchronized when Screen Layout changes (d2a5ea04ed).
- Fixed #38881 Cloth preset rubber not working with custom Cloth modifier name (32c18276ef).
- Proposed fix for #38873 Crashing on undo of ocean modifier (D374).
- Investigated #38768 new "audio" button in 2.70 release does not 'mixdown' audio -> ffmpeg issue, reassigned to Sergey.
- Investigated #38870 Freezes when jumping in front of a keyframe -> looks like race condition in threaded depsgraph, assigned to Sergey.
- Spent more time over editbones roll correction issue... to revert ultimately to 2.69 code. We need way deeper changes.
- Fixed: 8; Proposed fix: 1; Closed: 4.
- Next week:
- Will do mostly bug hunting again.
- I’ll still try to find some time for FBX, esp. as I found a tester, have to feed him!
Week 022 & 023 - 02/08 to 02/21
Worked on FBX export (mostly armature topic, mostly done now), and split normals, as well as some BT and UI work as usual.
Note that since 02/14 I’m mostly offline (no phone at home due to storm), hope it will be fixed soon now!
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Worked on material and armature support (see blender-io-fbx on GitHub).
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export related: Finished setting up a win7 vbox and Blender vc12 build, so that I hopefully can test FBX easier... sigh...
- Loop Normals: Worked on BMesh/EditDerivedBMesh support (D11).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Fixed Editderivedmesh not using weighted normals when computing vertices' normals (D311, 70905a6e02).
- UI: Implemented resize for ID preview template (for mat/tex/world/lamp), using a new GRIP button type (D342).
- UI: Changed "scopes" UI widgets and uiList to use new GRIP button for resize (consistency with preview widget, and greatly simplifies/deduplicates code - over 200 lines less! -, D343).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Submitted tweak to new numinput code to have by default a limited "simple" mode in which XYZ or -/ old shortcuts still work (D332, committed by Campbell as 32d6f853f3).
- Proposed fix for #38722 Adding units in Imperial setting results in inconsistent values (D340).
- Proposed fix for #38678 Long strings on Search widget not getting shortened/no tooltip (D341).
- Spent hours trying to solve issues related to bone roll in Edit mode, think we just have to think about another system for ebones.
- Fixed #38407 Bone roll calculation flips local axes at wrong rotation angle (3fe487217d).
- Fixed: 2; Proposed fixes: 2; Closed: 0.
- Next week:
- Until internet is back for me (hopefully won't be long anymore!), I’ll keep working on stuff I can do offline, mostly pending todo's and split normals.
- As soon as I’m back online, will tackle BT and FBX export again.
Week 021 - 02/01 to 02/07
Started by working on BT again, before hitting FBX work again, focusing on Armature/skinning export support.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: Worked on FBX structure doc.
- FBX export: Worked on armature support (see blender-io-fbx on GitHub). Code seems to not be functional yet (though generated FBX looks valid, probably some small tweaks and/or dummy hidden mistakes). Big thing to check too are matrices, become very hairy here with all those conversions, local/world spaces, etc.
- FBX export related: set up a win7 vbox and Blender vc12 build, so that I hopefully can test FBX easier... sigh...
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Updated install_deps (handle possibility user is using jack2 instead of jack on Deb-like systems, remove completely all-static option, 2ebffd01da & 142228433a).
- Updated install_deps to handle an Ubuntu 14.4 glitch (ocio package using libyaml-cpp03 while default version is 0.5..., e2e9c51900).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38432, #38429, another error from 3dview ray work, sorry (a9e7c7b848).
- Fixed #38435 Crash when pressing MMB in walk (another sequel of recent snapping work, 482823a1ab).
- Fixed #38469 Strip delimiter handlers don't move strip correctly with keyboard input (b29bfd5daa).
- Fixed #37577 Joining two objects with different UVs destroys UVs of one object in some specific, reproducable, cases (605910f060).
- Fixed #38370 Ubuntu 14.04 opencolorio segfaults blender on parsing colormanagement/config.ocio (e2e9c51900).
- Fixed: 6; Closed: 4.
- Next week:
- As agreed with Ton and Campbell, will focus on FBX export (ideally, would have valid armature export before the end of the week, and could start working on animation - time will say).
- Some BT work (mostly on issues in my areas, if any)...
Week 020 - 01/25 to 01/31
A bit frustrating this time, I did not had as much time as previous week, and I spent nearly all of it on bugs…
- Game-dev related:
- Nearly nothing (a bit of investigations regarding loop normals and bmesh…).
- General Development:
- Cleanup of BLI_smallhash code (see D259, d292d6ad74).
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38356 Crash when UIList.filter_items returns too few items (c0a4089265).
- Fixed #38359 Material selector for particles does nothing (c7ac0edb34).
- Fixed #38366 export collada crash - if you set a keyframe (bb83bdf891).
- Fixed #38354 Excess memory allocation when projecting onto object with multires (afb9393dda).
- Spent two days on #38358 Face snapping fails on Orthographic view (see D268 - fixed by 77089a3bf2).
- Related to snapping issues, fixed a nice bug in ED_view3d_win_to_vector(), which also affected e.g. bisect tool (f54ed9f5e0).
- Fixed #38409 Snapping Bug (follow up of #38358, 0cb49286ce, 1e096ee816).
- Fixed: 7; Closed: 8.
- Next week:
- Will work on both FBX export and loop normals.
- Usual UI and BT work of course...
Week 019 - 01/18 to 01/24
That was a good week! I finally found the stupid FBX glitch, and expanded a bit more the exporter. Texting is still an issue though, I can only check basics of exported file works... I also kept working on loop normals, the "Object mode" part of the patch is becoming quite nice imho. As usual, spent some time on bugs.
- Game-dev related:
- FBX export: added "json2fbx" tool, to ease tests (see blender-io-fbx on GitHub).
- FBX export: Fixed (finally!) FBX in sdk.
- FBX export: Fixed 'Edges' layer export, added loose edges support (as 2-verts polys), added TSpace support (exports one binormal/tangent set of vecs per UV layer).
- Loop Normals related: improved tessellation code, now up to two times quicker than previously (D226, c691551249).
- Loop Normals: Updated patch for new tessellation code.
- Loop Normals: Changed tessellated loop normals from floats to shorts (suggested by Campbell, saves half of the mem).
- Loop Normals: Added support of loop normals to subsurf OGL code (D11).
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38244 memory leak when scaling any panel (Most work already done by Campbell, a780e7f3f0, 6b283f1168, d358f1f9e7).
- Fixed #38251 "Apply Visual Transform to Pose" Offsets bone unpredictably (be87a65f49).
- Fixed #38316 Half of a Face is Missing on Newly Created Cubes or Cylinders (own fault, 28ca299d4d).
- Fixed #38328 GLSL display shows texture mapping completely messed up in some cases (own typo, 12348318d1).
- Fixed #38150 implementation mismatch in bmesh python (last part, 18db6c58ec).
- Worked on patch for infamous 'F8 crash' (D214 and D238), final fix and commit by Campbell.
- Fixed: 5; Closed: 12.
- Next week:
- Will keep working on both FBX export and loop normals.
- Usual UI and BT work of course...
Week 018 - 01/11 to 01/17
I mostly worked on loop normals this week, expanding current patch, doing some profiling, etc. As usual, spent some time on bugs (no UI-related stuff this week!).
- Game-dev related:
- General Development:
- Usual i18n weekly update.
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38124 Grease Pencil Line thickness (d785c64397).
- Fixed #38190 Linux tablet: Issue with XInput/GHOST? (75ab57efed).
- Fixed #38231 Export/import separate vertices (bunch of points) via Wavefront OBJ do not works (cd712f003b).
- Fixed #38161 Copy Material to Others causes incorrect viewport display if target object uses more materials (df88dbf955).
- Proposed fix for #38190 infamous 'F8 crash' (D214).
- Fixed: 4; Closed: 8.
- Next week:
- Will concentrate on FBX issue this week, hopefully we have fixed it after a hours of tries & tests...
- Will keep working on custom normals patch (stage I), if time allows.
- Usual UI and BT work of course...
Week 017 - 01/05 to 01/10
I was finally able to resume work on loop normals - mostly regarding computation and accessing tangent data (for normal mapping) through python. As usual, spent some time on UI-related tasks and bugs.
- Game-dev related:
- Loop Normals: Updated the patch, resumed work on it.
- Finished and committed tangent (normal map space) patch (D185, 8952f58375).
- General Development:
- More 'middle_clipping' fixes/tweaks.
- Committed better precision handling for numinput draw string (use same code as numbuttons, D186, d5c9b509ec).
- Bug Tracker:
- BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
- Fixed #38135 Global start and end point of the curve was set to zero radius & weight, when using 'linked' option (08eaa8daac).
- Spent some time over #38124 Grease Pencil Line thickness, with not much luck so far.
- Fixed: 1; Closed: 3.
- Next week:
- Still don’t understand what's missing for FBX export to work, think will let this aside a bit to focus on work raised by Campbell's review of custom normals patch (stage I).
- Usual UI and BT work of course...