Added multiple new Geometry Nodes demo scenes to the file server and Demo Files download page, including a parametric building generator (temporarily deactivated until the Blender 2.93 release).
Updated three 2.92 Blender demo scenes that didn't work correctly in 2.93: 'Spherical eye', 'Cubic whirlpool' and 'Text morph'.
April 26 - May 02
Daily checking, moderation, participation and answering at Blender Developer Talk and
Added a new Geometry Nodes demo scene to the file server and Demo Files download page, titled Ripple Dreams (temporarily deactivated until the Blender 2.93 release).
─ A new version of the Sculpt Dev branch after the 3.0 Master build was merged on April 22nd.
─ The BMesh Multires branch, so there's a download for some first public testing.
─ Update of the Cycles-X branch.
─ Posted notifications of the availability of these branch updates at the Blender Artists and Devtalk communities, to stimulate testing.
Discovered a reproducible crash in the new Sculpt Dev build. Sent a download link to the crash scene and info to Pablo Dobarro. The issue turned out to be caused by the Dyntopo version that was used in the Sculpt Dev branch, and the issue does not occur in the BMesh Multires branch I initiated today, featuring a newer version of Dyntopo. So the issue has been solved.
Noticed an issue in the Sculpt Dev build regarding a selection highlight color remaining visible in a separate camera view. Reported it to Pablo Dobarro in the Sculpt-Paint-Texture-Module at
While testing the Temp Bmesh Multires build I encountered a sudden slowdown issue, which I reported to Joseph Eagar at the Sculpt-Paint-Texture-Module channel at, and sent a download link to the problem scene. The bug was discovered and fixed.
Initiated a discussion in the Staff section of Devtalk and the BF Committers mailing list, about the (current lack of) inclusion of a tag that would unify the different types of meeting notes, so it would be easier for Blender users to follow all meeting notes.
Approached the creator of a scene featuring parametric buildings generated using Geometry Nodes, asking for submission of the scene as a Blender demo. The creator responded positively.
April 19 - April 25
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
The Blender Asset Bundle task (T55239) was reassigned to me. Started indexing and managing the Asset Bundle, including contributions from other Blender artists.
─ Approached Vilém Duha from Blenderkit to ask if he would like to contribute materials to the Asset Bundle. He responded positively.
Processed several procedural materials and textures by Simon Thommes into the material assets Blend file, including renaming, adding Asset Manager descriptions, keywords, committing to the repository, and updating the Asset Bundle task (T55239).
Added a new Geometry Nodes demo scene to the file server and Demo Files download page, titled Abstract Monkey (temporarily deactivated until the Blender 2.93 release).
Established a new Blender Asset Bundle info Wiki page, reorganizing content from a design note by Julian Eisel and combining it with the Asset Bundle task (T55239) intro text.
Simplified the Asset Bundle task (T55239) intro text, referring to the new Blender Asset Bundle Wiki page for more info.
April 12 - April 18
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
─ Car paint material with automatic angular discoloration and procedural flakes.
Approached two Blender artists to ask if they would like to share their interesting Geometry Nodes demo scenes via the Demo Files download page.
Checked and added two new Blender demo scenes to the Blender file server and the Blender Demo Files page CMS, in deactivated state.
Checked and added a new Geometry Nodes demo scene by James Redmond to the Blender file server and the Blender Demo Files page CMS, in deactivated state.
April 05 - April 11
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
Finished studio lighting setups for the Built-in Assets project (T55239).
Requested a repository folder for the Built-in Assets, so they can easily be connected to the Blender releases.
Set up SVN in order to be able to commit asset updates to the Phabricator.
Added the 'meeting' tag to all meeting threads in Devtalk, so visitors can search across different types of meetings (general, rendering, UI) using the 'meeting' tag.
Uploaded the demo scenes to the Blender file server, and added temporarily deactivated entries to the Demo Files download page.
Approached Blender demo scene creator James Redmond regarding a rendering issue in one of his Geometry Nodes demo scenes. We subsequently agreed that he will submit four new 2.93 Geometry Nodes demo scenes in time before the 2.93 release.
Approached Blender demo scene creator Grigoriy Ignatyev because a number of elements turned out to be invisible in the March 23 Alpha of 2.93. He will take a look at it. It's probably caused by changes in Geo Nodes.
Approached Blender artist Erindale Woodford regarding a Geometry Nodes scene that would be eligible for the Blender Demo Files page and possibly also the 2.93 splash screen. He prepared the scene.
Updated the Blender feature demo scene submissions list, including addition of a dual screenshot to show how multiple info text blocks can be included in a demo scene.
March 15 - March 21
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
Received the previously mentioned Blend file containing two new Geometry Nodes demo scenes for the 2.93 release. Updated the Blender demo file contributions note, and will check and prepare all 2.93 demo scenes soon.
Confirmed an apparent bug in the Grease Pencil Time Offset modifier: the Reverse option repeats the animation once (so it is played twice), then stops. Checked this by request of Frogstomp in the #blender-coders channel on
Approached a Blender artist on Twitter who shared a nice potential 2.93 demo scene, but the scene turned out to contain commercial 3D models.
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
Continued creation of a demo scene to showcase the improved Random Walk SSS algorithm in Blender 2.93.
Finalized the Random Walk SSS demo scene, and created two renderings, one in 2.92 and one in 2.93, for a comparison in the 2.93 Cycles Release Notes.
Added the Random Walk SSS demo scene to the Demo Files download page.
Removed all 2.92 requirement indications from the Blender Demo Files page now that 2.92 has been officially released.
Updated the Blender demo file contributions note with new Blender demo scenes, to be processed into the Demo Files download page.
Added a 'Demo scene submission guidelines' section to the Blender demo file contributions note.
Edited 'README' text, renamed file, rendered and added the 'Taco rice' 2.92 Geometry Nodes demo scene to the Blender Demo Files page.
Approached a Blender user via Twitter, asking if he would be interested to submit his 2.93 Geometry Nodes demo scene(s) for inclusion in the Blender Demo Files page. He turned out to be interested. The scene(s) will follow. Added entry in Blender demo file contributions note.
March 01 - March 07
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk and
Checked a report of the APIC vs FLIP solver fluid simulation demo scene inexplicably not rendering in F12 production rendering mode (it only worked in the Eevee viewport). Fixed the issue by appending everything into a fresh Blender scene, and updated the Demo Files page download of the scene.
Prepared and added an APIC solver fluid simulation lava demo scene to the Blender Demo Files page, after approval by Dalai Felinto and fluid sim developer Sebastián Barschkis.
Posted a reminder at that my T83623 bug report hasn't been picked up yet. The issue is still there at the time of writing.
Updated Glen Melenhorst's Mr. Elephant demo scene, which had become very slow due to Eevee having changed. Changed the Volumetric Shadows to a value of 1 for a significant speed-up. Will update the Demo Files download around the 2.93 release, so the current version will remain compatible with current Blender versions.
Submitted bug report T86331 (Preferences window save menu issue).
Continued creation of a demo scene to showcase the improved Random Walk SSS algorithm in Blender 2.93.
February 22 - February 28
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk.
Added a 2.92 splash screen download entry to the Demo Files page, including credits, links and the right Creative Commons license type.
Created a marked-up HackMD note containing Blender demo file submissions, authors and related information, which I will keep up to date.
Prepared and added a fluid simulation solver demo scene by Sebastián Barschkis to the 2.92 Demo Files page.
Inspected the Geometry Nodes demo scenes from the Demo Files page, which turned out to look correct in the viewport, but incorrect in the production rendering. Approached the creator, who fixed the rendering issues. Added credits for newly embedded HDRI files to the 'README' text editor data blocks, and reuploaded the scenes to the Demo Files page.
Unlocked cameras in the Geometry Nodes files, to avoid user confusion, and updated the Demo Files page downloads.
Approached a concept artist to ask for permission to translate a drawing of his to a 3D demo scene to showcase the improved Random Walk SSS algorithm in Blender 2.93.
Started creating a demo scene to showcase the improved Random Walk SSS algorithm in Blender 2.93.
February 15 - February 21
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk.
Created variations of the Blender 2.92 splash screen in several sizes and two image file formats with the appropriate filenames for the Steam release, according to the Steam image submission guidelines.
Established a GIMP XCF template with all splash variations as layers, including fitting logos as separate layers for each size, to ease future creation of the Steam splash screen variations.
Final management of Blender 2.92 demo content submissions, including discussing with the participating artists, asking for adjustments, presenting a list of final demo scene submission download links, author names and website links to the Blender staff on
Prepared the selected demo scene submissions, combining some Blend files into one Blend file with multiple scenes, adding credits and instructions in a 'README' text datablock, and making sure they're saved from Blender 2.92.
Uploaded the demo scenes to, created thumbnails, added new sections and demo scene download entries with credits to the Demo Files page.
February 08 - February 14
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk.
Continued management of Blender 2.92 demo content submissions, including discussing the content with the participating artists, asking for adjustments, planning delivery and posting updates on Reported the first final demo scene submissions to the Blender staff.
Continued creating the first assets for the Built-In Assets project (T55239): studio lighting setups, including creation of limbos and pedestals, adding every item to the Asset Library and tagging everything.
February 01 - February 07
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk.
Continued management of Blender 2.92 demo content submissions, including discussing the content with the participating artists, planning delivery and posting updates on
Started creating the first assets for the Built-In Assets project (T55239): studio lighting setups.
Discovered and submitted issue T85454. This turned out to be a known limitation though.
Blender Wiki maintenance: checked links in Addons section, fixed broken Blender Add-ons link, added a list entry with advice to subscribe to the Add-ons (Community) project, and some more minor updates of that page.
Posted to #Blender-coders on that the Submit Add-on and Add-ons (Community) pages on both reference the, no longer used, Addon Catalog and should be updated.
Submitted a proposal for an Apply Scale option with automatically corrected modifier values to Devtalk and
Initiated a discussion with Julian Eisel about the Built-in Assets project (T55239), as a preamble to working on content for the Built-in Assets.
Tested if bug T84049 I reported still causes a crash in the latest Blender 2.92 Beta. The crash still occurred, indicated that.
Submitted a proposal for Subdivision Surface modifier improvement to Devtalk and The proposal has been initiated in patch D10187.
January 11 - January 17
Daily checking, moderation and participation at Blender Developer Talk.
Researched potential artists for the Blender 2.92 splash image, and communicated 11 portfolios and related contact info to Blender staff members.
Wrote two iterations of a Copyright Rules concept text for the Blender Wiki.
Finalized the Copyright Rules text and implemented it in the Blender Wiki, including an introduction text in the Communication section.
January 04 - January 10
Researched a number of things, such as tasks to perform on a regular basis, who is responsible for which Blender tasks, where and how to submit my reports, and more.