Release Cycle
2.81 dates
- cut-off: 2019.09.13
- stabilizing branch: 2019.10.01
- release: 2019.11.14
- Preliminary 2.82 dates
- 2.82 work starts in master branch October 2019: 2019.10.01
- cut-off December 2019
- stabilizing branch begin January 2020
- release around 2nd/3rd week February 2020
The 2.8x release cycle
The release cycle targets around 3 month cycle. With the stabilizing branch creation work will be done in two branches:
- stabilizing branch (i.e. 2.81): fixes only
- master: new work (i.e. 2.82)
With the stabilizing branch in place for roughly 6 weeks prior to release date it leaves around 6 weeks between current release date and cut-off for next release.
Taking into account that master will be open for changes once stabilizing branch is in place that gives almost 3 months time to work on new features for the next release.
Stabilizing branch will essentially be bcon 3 (stabilizing for release and actual release), while at the same time master can be in bcon 1 (confirm targets, make release schedule, start work for master). For master bcon will be in effect from the cut-off date. Bcon 1 and 2 take around 6 weeks together.
B-Con Levels
Bcon Level | Duration | Task |
Bcon1: Set targets | 2-3 weeks | Confirm targets, make release schedule, start merging approved work to trunk |
Bcon2: Targets set, Merge | 3-4 weeks | Remaining branches can be merged in, but only the ones agreed on in Bcon1.
Module work can continue, focus is on stabilizing and fixing. |
Bcon3: Fixing/Stabilize only | circa 6 weeks | If a branch added in Bcon1/2 is still very unstable it will be reverted. Focus is on bugfixing and get release ready. Prior to release (same/previous day)splash & version commit, Release Ahoy and clear call for freeze/unfreeze. The Release Candidate release(s) happen |
(Test) Build Schedule
For 2.81 and onward there won't be special RC releases as such. Rather testing is to be done using builds generated by our buildbots (still WIP).