< User:JesterKing | Drafts
Tracker management
Currently there is a Tracker Curfew in effect. This effort is focused on short-term tracker handling with as goal to bring down the list of open bugs to a more overseeable amount.
I see there is still a problem once curfew gets lifted, since the influx of reports is what got us into the current state.
As such I think it is important to address the problem at its root. Simple handling the result is not going to be sustainable.
- Limit bug reporting ability in to a smaller group
- User bug reports should go to a forum (say under devtalk), where the community can work together to distill reports to workable and good quality bug reports
- Once enough good data has been gathered a bug be logged at
Projected results
Using a forum as a prescreening or pretriaging area I think we can handle several issues in one go:
- lower noise/signal ratio on
- create a easier-to-use knowledge base on issues
- handle support issues outside on the forum
- involve the community at large more in improving Blender, without having to be a programmer