Documentation for Adaptive Remeshing for Cloth Simulation
Physics » Cloth » Remeshing
Remeshing allows the simulation system to analyze the cloth mesh and determine the mesh's vertices, edges and faces that would be visually equivalent to a high resolution mesh. This reduces the simulation time while maintaining a similar visual appearance to a high resolution simulation.
'Important Note'
Remeshing requires the mesh to have UVs, the resolution of the mesh is determined by the UVs not the world space coordinates.
There are 2 different remeshing models to choose from:
- Dynamic Remeshing
- Physics » Cloth » Remeshing » Dynamic
- In this model, remeshing takes place every frame taking into account various different parameters. Note that the refine parameters are adjusted relative to each other.
- Aspect Minimum
- This determines the minimum aspect ratio for the triangle with the smallest aspect ratio.
- Size Minimum
- This determines the smallest triangle's size. Lower the value, smaller is the triangle, which means the simulation has the chance to be more detailed.
- Size Maximum
- This determines the largest triangle's size. Lower the value, smaller the triangle, which means the starting mesh used in the simulation will be more detailed.
- Refine Angle
- This parameter tries to estimate the size and orientation of the triangles necessary to have enough geometric detail when the mesh is curved. These estimations have a greater effect in determining the size and orientation of the triangles when this value is lower.
- Refine Compression
- This parameter tries to predict the buckling of the mesh, so it allows for more realistic folds. These predictions have a greater effect in determining the size and orientation of the triangles when this value is lower.
- Refine Velocity
- Geometric detail must be retained even when the vertex velocities change rapidly, thus this parameter tries to estimate the size and orientation of these triangles necessary to have enough geometric detail when the mesh's velocity is rapidly changing. These estimations have a greater effect in determining the size and orientation of the triangles when this value is lower.
- Refine Obstacle
- This determines how the collision with other collision meshes plays a role in finding the size of a triangle in the mesh. Smaller the value, greater is the effect of this parameter while remeshing.
- Static Remeshing
- Physics » Cloth » Remeshing » Static
- In this model, remeshing takes place in the first frame and the size of the triangles is determined only by the below listed parameters.
Static remeshing will not change the mesh even if it comes near a collision mesh or if its velocity/compression/angle changes.
- Aspect Minimum
- This determines the minimum aspect ratio for the triangle with the smallest aspect ratio.
- Size Minimum
- This determines the size of the triangles. Lower the value, smaller is the triangle, which means the simulation will be more detailed.