Personal Info
- Name: Christoph Lendenfeld
- Email: [email protected]
- WWW:
- LinkedIn: christophlendenfeld
- Twitter: @vieleanimations
- on ChrisLend
- on ChristophLendenfeld
- Weekly Reports: Reports Page
About me
I'm an Animation/PipelineTD and Blender developer.
I studied at the lovely University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg, in rural Austria. The bachelor's course taught me the basics of code and in the master's course I was able to focus on Animation and Pipeline work.
With this blend of skills and a lot of time spent at home due to the pandemic I started my journey as a Blender developer. Having never touched C with faded knownledge of C++ it was a bit of a struggle at first but I persevered. I am mostly active in the Animation&Rigging module, since that's the part of Blender I use most.