User:Aligorith/Scripts/my settings

Script to be run in Blender to apply all the default settings I'm used to working with in my default configuration.

This was created after having to reapply all my settings every other day during Blender 2.8 development, due to frequent breaking changes occurring with themes and UI layouts. I really should have created this sooner!


Example Usage: $ blender --factory-startup --python c:\blenderdev\

Substitute the path to to where you've saved it on disk.


# Apply all my standard customisations to a new Blender install
# Author: Aligorith
# Date: July 2018
# Versions: 2.7x/2.8

import bpy
import os

# Context
C = bpy.context

# Version - 2.8 or 2.7?
version =
version_string = "%s.%s" % (version[0], version[1])

is_b28  = (version[0] == 2) and (version[1] >= 80)

# Determine user-settings directory
# NOTE: Macs are not supported, and will not be supported.
if == 'nt':
	# Windows
	USER_SETTINGS_PATH = "~\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\%s\\" % (version_string)
	# Linux (or maybe Mac too), but assume it's Linux
	USER_SETTINGS_PATH = "~/.config/blender/%s/" % (version_string)


# User Preferences ===============================
U = C.user_preferences

# Show Quit Dialog - Off   --> This is really annoying when testing
U.view.use_quit_dialog = False

# Show Python tooltips - On  --> As a dev, it's important to show them
U.view.show_tooltips_python = True

# UI Scale - 1.1 to make it easier to see things
U.view.ui_scale = 1.1

# Navigate Manipulator (2.8 only) --> Gets in the way
if hasattr(U.view, "mini_axis_type"):
	U.view.mini_axis_type = 'MINIMAL'
elif hasattr(U.view, "show_manipulator_navigate"):
	U.view.show_manipulator_navigate = False
	print("Bulky navigate manipulator skipped")

# ---------------------------------

# FCurve Visibility --> Bump up the visibility to make them easier to work with
U.edit.fcurve_unselected_alpha = 0.82

# XYZ to RGB --> Off, since the (old/2.5) theme colors for axes are bad
U.edit.use_insertkey_xyz_to_rgb = False

# Use Negative Frames --> On - It's so much more convenient to be able to do it!
U.edit.use_negative_frames = True

# GP Default Color --> Green
if not is_b28:
	U.edit.grease_pencil_default_color = (0.497, 0.735, 0.167, 0.9)

# Sculpt Paint Overlay Color -> XXX: Black is not good
#U.edit.sculpt_paint_overlay_color = (...)

# ---------------------------------

# Turntable Orbit - Set this in case someone changes it in future!
U.inputs.view_rotate_method = 'TURNTABLE'

# Invert mousewheel direction -> it feels more natural to push/pull the view 
# towards/away from yourself, instead of adjusting the "zoom level"
U.inputs.invert_zoom_wheel = True

# ---------------------------------

# Auto-Run Python Scripts ->  Blender rigs are useless without this!
U.system.use_scripts_auto_execute = True

# Reset "temp" dir to be reusable
U.filepaths.temporary_directory = "/tmp/"

# Only save a single old version of the file
# XXX: This is the default... don't need more for now
U.filepaths.save_version = 1

# Don't autosave files -> Wastes too much diskspace, when you have a habit of saving anyway
U.filepaths.use_auto_save_temporary_files = False

# Bump up the number of recent files -> Makes it easy to keep all your testfiles handy
U.filepaths.recent_files = 25

# ---------------------------------

# Enable multisampling -> for nicer looking lines
U.system.multi_sample = '4'

# Theme Tweaks ===================================

# Default Theme
theme = U.themes[0]

# Icon Saturation --> Full... Desaturated is UGLY!
if is_b28:
	theme.user_interface.icon_saturation = 1.0

# Keymaps ========================================

wm = C.window_manager
kc = wm.keyconfigs.user

# Open File - F1
# NOTE: Replaces the useless "open manual" command
if is_b28:
	km = kc.keymaps['Window']
	idx = km.keymap_items.find("wm.doc_view_manual_ui_context")
	if idx != -1:
		kmi = km.keymap_items[idx]
	kmi ='wm.open_mainfile', 'F1', 'PRESS')

# Save File - Ctrl-W   (Note: Less essential... can stick with Ctrl-S)
#km = kc.keymaps['Window']

# Search - ???

# (Play - Spacebar)

# Default Settings ===============================

# Active Scene
scene = C.scene

# Don't save to /tmp/, especailly not on windows!
scene.render.filepath = "//render/"

# Reduced resolution
scene.render.resolution_percentage = 75

# Set higher compression
scene.render.image_settings.compression = 90 

# Viewport/Editor Settings ========================

# 3D View
#   - Disable Motion Tracking stuff
#   - Disable manipulators

for screen in
	for area in screen.areas:
		for ed in area.spaces:
			if ed.type == 'VIEW_3D':
				# Disable motion tracking
				ed.show_reconstruction = False
				# Disable transform manipulators?
				#ed.show_manipulator = False

# Bookmarks =======================================

BOOKMARKS_PATH = os.path.join(USER_SETTINGS_DIR, "bookmarks.txt")
if not os.path.exists(BOOKMARKS_PATH):
	with open(BOOKMARKS_PATH, 'w') as f:
		f.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Downloads"))
		# TODO: Testfiles - Location depends on machine used though