User:Aligorith/Scripts/brepo init bat
Shell script for checking out and setting up new checkouts of the Blender sources, ready to use for development.
This is a Windows port of
. It works in pretty much the same way as the Linux version, except that the "optimise rebuilds" option isn't implemented yet.
Save the following script as "brepo_init.bat
", and put in "~/bin
" to make it available everywhere.
@echo off @REM Script to setup a new Blender repo ready for use @REM (this is the Windows version of a similar script used for Linux) setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set BLENDER_ROOT=%cd% set AS_DEV=1 set OPTIMISE_REBUILDS=1 set INSTALL_DEPS=0 set BRANCH_NAME=master if NOT "%1" == "" ( set REPO_DIR=%1 if NOT "%2" == "" ( if "%2" == "--install_deps" ( set INSTALL_DEPS=1 ) else ( set BRANCH_NAME=%2 ) ) ) else ( set REPO_DIR=master2 ) @REM Ensure directories exist @echo Creating repo directory - %REPO_DIR% if NOT EXIST %REPO_DIR% ( mkdir %REPO_DIR% ) cd %REPO_DIR% if NOT EXIST "blender" ( @echo Checkout out source code if "%AS_DEV%" == "1" ( git clone [email protected]:blender.git ) else ( git clone git:// ) ) cd blender @echo Checking out Blender Submodules... git submodule update --init --recursive @REM git submodule update --remote if NOT "%BRANCH_NAME%" == "master" ( @echo Checking out %BRANCH_NAME% git checkout -b %BRANCH_NAME% origin/%BRANCH_NAME% git submodule update --remote ) if "%INSTALL_DEPS%" == "1" ( @echo Installing dependencies... cd %BLENDER_ROOT% mkdir lib cd lib svn checkout ) @echo Making links... cd %BLENDER_ROOT%\%REPO_DIR% mkdir build mkdir build\bin mkdir build\bin\ReleaseWithDebInfo mklink /D install build\bin\ReleaseWithDebInfo mklink /D lib %BLENDER_ROOT%\lib @echo Ready to compile. Just type "make" cd blender