Tools/User Reference Manual/Editor Vim
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Editing reStructuredText in Vim
This page contains additions you can make to your vimrc
To avoid conflict with any of your preferred settings for other file-types: "autocmd FileType" is used where possible.
" Example '.vimrc'
" needed to detect '.rst' files for special handling.
filetype plugin on
" indent based on filetype
filetype indent on
" These settings will only impact editing '.rst' files.
" so as not to conflict with any of your other settings.
" indentation settings
autocmd FileType rst setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3
" show a ruler at the right hand margin
autocmd FileType rst setlocal colorcolumn=120
" for wrapping text
autocmd FileType rst setlocal textwidth=118
" set spelling
autocmd FileType rst setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
" enable syntax highlighting
autocmd FileType rst syntax on
" all files use utf-8 encoding
autocmd FileType rst setlocal encoding=utf-8