File list

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:38, 7 November 2023 Demo-preserve-volume-fix-after.png (file) 84 KB   1
09:37, 7 November 2023 Demo-preserve-volume-fix-before.png (file) 85 KB   1
06:29, 28 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-straight.png (file) 354 KB Changed color management to Standard 2
06:26, 28 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-curved.png (file) 374 KB Changed color management to Standard 2
06:25, 28 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-comparison.png (file) 280 KB Changed color management to Standard 3
10:02, 26 September 2023 Demo-bbone-mapping-v3-0915.blend (file) 375 KB   1
17:04, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-curved-raw-ssm.png (file) 352 KB   1
17:02, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-smooth-raw.png (file) 353 KB   1
16:20, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-curved-bsp.png (file) 333 KB   1
16:03, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-def-curved.png (file) 96 KB   1
16:03, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-def-straight.png (file) 98 KB   1
16:02, 25 September 2023 Bbone-mapping-rest.png (file) 94 KB   1
13:07, 24 November 2021 Action manual frame range.png (file) 35 KB   1
12:50, 2 July 2021 Demo-mix-full-aligned-split1.mp4 (file) 82 KB Comparison of Full, Aligned and Split Channels constraint mix modes. 1
12:36, 2 July 2021 Demo-owner-local.mp4 (file) 77 KB Demonstrates the "Local Space (Owner Orientation)" constraint Target Space option. 1
16:43, 18 June 2021 Release-notes-300-animation-rigging-bbone-scale.png (file) 21 KB New scale-related B-Bone options. 1
17:24, 18 January 2021 Release-notes-292-animation-bbone-deform.png (file) 41 KB Difference in B-Bone deformation with Preserve Volume after the fix. 1