

There are multiple types of icons in Blender:

  1. blender_icons.svg - Main icon sheets.
  2. alert_icons.svg - Large icons for dialogs (warning, info, etc).
  3. prvicons.svg - Used for large preview of documents, drives, etc.
  4. brushicons/ - A folder with PNG images for the built-in brushes (sculpt, Grease Pencil, etc)
  5. ../lib/resources/icon_geom.blend - Tool icons (as in the toolbar).

The source files for most icons are stored in /release/datafiles/, except the tool icons which are in the lib/resources folder in SVN.


UI icons.png

These are the small icons used throughout the interface, including menus.

The source is a vector SVG document containing a grid of icons. A Python script exports this file into two PNG images using Inkscape, then crops them into individual bitmaps as .dat files using Blender.

This results in two bitmap sizes, 16x16 and 32x32. We use the former when the interface is at 1x or smaller, and the larger for all other sizes. But this means that our resolution maxes out at normal resolution on high-dpi displays. We may consider replacing both sets with one at 64x64.


These icons are generally 14x14 within a 16x16 pixel grid. Features should be aligned to the grid and should not be smaller or narrower than one unit. These are designed to be viewed at very small sizes so are purposefully simple and chunky.

If in doubt just copy the style in use in the source document. See the Human Interface Guidelines on best practices to design Blender icons. Before adding new icons please consult with members of the User Interface module.


The following has been tested on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu), and on Windows through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

  • To modify or add icons you need to know how to build Blender
  • Inkscape 1.0+
    • On Debian/Ubuntu/WSL: apt install inkscape (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ships with Inkscape 0.9x, you need to get it from the PPA).
  • Blender
    • Needs to be accessible by running blender
  • Python 3+

How to edit icons

  • Open blender_icons.svg in Inkscape
  • Edit or add an icon in one of the empty rows, try to put it in a place where it makes sense (a row of similar icons), see UI_icons.h for reference.
  • Run make icons
  • Compile Blender (you can use the faster make lite to quickly iterate through versions)

How to add a new icon

  • Add the icon to blender_icons.svg
    • Place the icon in a group named after the coordinates in the grid (see others for reference)
    • Respect the alphabetical order already present in the list
  • Open /source/blender/editors/include/UI_icons.h
  • Find the section that makes more sense for the icon you want to add.
    • e.g. if you want to add an icon for the Sequencer, look for icons starting with SEQ_.
  • Find a DEF_ICON_BLANK(<number>) available and replace it with:
  • Some icons are coloured by the theme based on their category.
    • DEF_ICON_SCENE(<name>)
    • DEF_ICON_OBJECT(<name>)
    • DEF_ICON_OBJECT_DATA(<name>)
    • DEF_ICON_MODIFIER(<name>)
    • DEF_ICON_SHADING(<name>)
    • DEF_ICON_FOLDER(<name>)
 e.g. If you are adding a new modifier, use DEF_ICON_MODIFIER(<name>) instead of DEF_ICON.

For other categories read the header of UI_icons.h

Your new icon will be accessible just like regular icons:

  • layout.prop(sc, "example_prop", text="My Prop", icon='EXAMPLE_NAME')

Committing the icon

  • Add the icon name to /source/blender/editors/datafiles/CMakeLists.txt
    • Use lowercase, and place it in the same order than in UI_icons.h
  • blender_icons.svg
    • Make sure that the changes only add the icon and nothing else (no header changes, metatags, etc).

For reference, check out this commit or this commit that add icons.

Alert Icons

Alert Icons.png

These are large icons (256x256) for use in dialog and alert boxes.

  • Edit: alert_icons.svg
  • Run make icons
  • Result: alert_icons.png
  • Rebuild Blender.

File Browser Icons


These are large icons (256x256) for use in the File Browser.

  • Edit: prvicons.svg
  • Run make icons
  • Result: prvicons.png
  • Rebuild Blender.


Brush Icons.png

Brush icons are simple PNG files that can be edited using any image editing software like GIMP or Krita.

These images can be found in /release/datafiles/brushicons/. Assigning images to brushes is done manually as part of startup.blend.



This type of icon, used for toolbar tools, is larger and scalable.

These are created in a blend file and exported as vertex data, color in 8-bit RGBA and position scaled to 8-bit (so an effective resolution of 256x256). The display process involves rasterizing (with CPU) at the requested size and caching the results for performance. One flaw is that this single cache is rebuilt if the size changes, so this will happen constantly if you show multiple sizes simultaneously. We could display them faster without caching if they were treated as 3D geometry and used the GPU, but the jittering required for antialiasing messes up the layers of opacity used in their design. Another issue is that the only color information is the RGBA values, so we can't make highlight colors consistent through theming. So this area could use improvement.

You can find the sources of these icons in icon_geom.blend in the library with the Blender dependencies. (../lib/resources/icon_geom.blend). This library is located in Blender's Resources SVN repository.

To create the actual icons, follow the built-in README.txt inside icon_geom.blend. This will guide you through creating the icon mesh correctly.

Once you do the geometry in Blender, you can transform it into a .dat file with the command: make icons_geom

Built-in Assets

When adding matcaps, HDRIs or other EXR files, they must be compressed to be smaller before being committed using the following command:

oiiotool in.exr --ch R,G,B -d half --compression dwab -o out.exr