Reference/Release Notes/3.1/Sculpt
< Reference | Release Notes | 3.1
Blender 3.1: Sculpt, Paint, Texture
Tiled images now support file names containing UDIM substitution tokens (#92696, D13057, rB180b66ae)
The following 2 tokens are supported and can be used while loading and saving images:
- <UDIM> : A 4-digit notation calculated as 1001 + u-tile + v-tile * 10
- <UVTILE> : A notation defined as u(u-tile + 1)_v(v-tile + 1)
Example: monster-basecolor.<UDIM>.png will load/save files like monster-basecolor.1021.png etc.
Example: monster-basecolor.<UVTILE>.png will load/save files like monster-basecolor.u1_v3.png etc. (Tiles from u1_v1 through u10_v100 inclusive are supported.)