Reference/Release Notes/2.91/Animation-Rigging
< Reference | Release Notes | 2.91
Blender 2.91: Animation & Rigging
- Animation curves can now become much snappier, allowing for more sudden changes with fewer keyframes required (da95d1d851).
- All Keyframes types can now be inserted without changing the FCurve shape (8b72d9cc15).
- FCurves in the keyframe now have an active keyframe, similar to the active vertex in object edit mode. This makes it much easier to tell which keyframe the "Active Keyframe" panel corresponds to (983ad4210b).
- The Snap menu in the graph editor now can snap the full 2D Cursor and just the cursor value (5ebdbcafcb).
- "Copy To Selected" support for keyframes (rB0a66436f):
Non-Linear Animation (NLA) Editor
- "Sync Length" now no longer moves animation keys around (50919413fe).
- The NLA system now evaluates the strip based on the action bounds if it's flagged for syncing (89ee260ef2). Now the animator can freely insert and modify keys outside of the strip bounds. They will never have to touch the strip bounds directly. Changing the evaluation bounds is a simple as moving keys around.
- Non-active strips no longer gets hidden when entering edit mode (d067c13a9d):
- The Child Of constraint now sets the inverse matrix when it's created (ad70d4b095). This means that the object no longer jumps around when the Child Of constraint is added.
- Add an optional Evaluation Time slide to the Action Constraints. This makes it possible to specify the playback position of the action without using any objects (c9c0f89307):
- If using the "Allow Negative Frames" option, The Playback "Set Start Frame" / "Set Start Frame" operators allowed for setting a negative rendering range, which is not supported. This was corrected in ca38bce46a. A negative range can still be used if "Use Preview Range" option is used.