Sprint 9
- Start: 2021/02/15
- End: 2021/02/19
- Goal: Attribute Workflow initial implementations and missing designs.
- Jacques: 4 days
- Pablo: 1 day
- Hans: 4 days
- Simon: 1 day
Sprint Review
What went well
- Cutting meetings in smaller sections worked well.
- Attribute system coming together is proving how good the overall design turned out to be.
- The present approach to design tasks seems to be working.
- Response by the community seems very positive.
What didn't go well
- The may be over-promising the tasks for the sprint.
- Having other tasks are still getting on the way.
- Longer sprints (2 weeks) but with a weekly sprint planning revisit.
- Try to include the needed time to clean up designs for its final form as part of their design meetings.