Sprint 7
- Start: 2021/02/01
- End: 2021/02/05
- Goal: Wrap up the requirements by the studio, as well as polishing.
- Jacques: 4 days
- Pablo: 1 day
- Hans: 4 days
- Simon: 1 day
- Sebastian: 0.5 days
Sprint Review
What went well
- The internal code review is working very well.
- The quality of the meetings was fun, for example the "Is Viewport" label discussion.
- The first big patches from the community got in.
- Time-boxing the design tasks.
What didn't go well
- Some tasks are bigger than expected and are dragging.
- Pablo didn't manage to do the things they wanted to, and prioritized.
- Simon spent too much time in the project.
- The design tasks are still taking longer than we can afford.
- Find the balance between the time allocated to the project and the other responsibilities.
- Reach out even further to 1:1 with the community.