Sprint 6
- Start: 2021/01/12
- End: 2021/01/22
Sprint Review
What went well
- Simon insisting on a robust demo file.
- Got great feedback on the collection info node.
- Seeing the progress is great. very active channel
- More community contribution.
- People getting involved (implementing features, design tasks)
- More time in testing patches and giving feedback.
- Opening up the channel for development. After a few moderations the community acts appropriate.
What didn't go well
- Lacking on planning effort results in little progress in the design tasks. Time to spend more time to the project.
- Proposal to have a 1 week sprint to only focus on design tasks (also technical).
- Did a lot of back and forth. Thought that something was working, but didn't think of all the test scenarios.
- There was a discussion about adding test scenarios in the design task (scoping what should work) and adding test cases.
- Time management (over promising, getting distracting)
- Beginning of the sprint was very hectic.
- Sharing stuff to late.
- Early on sharing on a public branch or with screen shots in the task or on the channel.
- Be more in touch with the users receive the project in the product owner role.
- Work with community improvements on scattering.
- If we want the community involved we have the spent time on it.
- Within the sprint we want to get more experienced first.
- Involving the community should not be the responsibility of the team. The development manager/community manager should.
- More team members mention this issue. Discussion went from the differences between the scattering example and distribute example.
- Make the process of giving feedback of community designs part of our own design discussions.
- Sharing earlier
- Ask more. Have a place where we can ask/discuss the project in an earlier stage. Like in the first sprints.
- Be more aware of the bcon phases for the upcoming sprints. Have a moment during the sprint planning for this.
- Should the end user testing be part of the development task.
- Add nice to have improvements for the product backlog. File it under (unaddressed feedback) on the product backlog. Already assigned to Dalai.
- Update the sprint log template.
- Remove unneeded parts
- Promised part, not mention specific tasks, but add the user story/use case.
- Goal.
- Make someone responsible at the beginning of the sprint for the demo.