Projects/Geometry Nodes/Sprint4
Sprint 4
- Start: 2020/11/30
- End: 2020/12/11
- Goal: {high level sentence about the goal of this sprint}.
- Jacques: 6 days
- Pablo: 4 days
- Hans: 6 days
- Simon: 2 days
- Sebastian: 3 days
Nodes + Improvements
- T82765: Support for exposing object socket to the modifier
- T83108: Stable point random attribute for pebbles use case
- T83224: Nodes required to make the "random attributes" to produce stable outputs for the scattering
- T83059: Point Separate Node for flowers and trees
- T83057: Attribute Math: Greater Than for the trees and flowers
- T83225: Revise whether "attribute math" comparison modes should be their own node, for flowers and trees
- T82374: Mix Attributes Node for the trees and flowers use case
- T83226: Revise and sign off on the modifier name
- T82372: Point Instancer Node to instance Collections for the trees and flowers use case - needs updated mockup
- T82584: Sample Texture Node for trees and flowers scattering
- T82585: Attribute Color Ramp for trees and flowers scenarios
- T83237: Add error messages to nodes
Poisson Disk
- T83227: Tile baking for the poisson disk distribution for scattering
- T83228: Dithering support for the disk poisson point scattering node
- T83229: Jittering control for the disk poisson point scattering node
- T83230: Tile distribution for the disk poisson for scattering
Point cloud
- T83231: Select point cloud in edit mode for the tree leaves
- T83235: See point cloud instanced objects in edit mode for tree leaves
- T83234: Remove point cloud points in edit mode for tree leaves
- T83233: Add new point cloud points in edit mode for tree leaves
- T83232: Translate point cloud points in edit mode for tree leaves
Sample Files
- T83238: Tree leaves sample file
- T82365: Sample file for trees and flowers
- T82697: "Chansey" node organization design for procedural modeling
- T82876: Find a solution for viewport / render quality
- T83239: Find a solution to preview of a part of the nodetree
- T82702: Q&A development design in wiki
- Merging wasn't with issues. Dalai will take over for now.