Projects/Geometry Nodes/Sprint2

Sprint 2

  • Start: 2020/11/09
  • End: 2020/11/13
  • Goal: Preparation to implement pebble user story in the next sprint


  • Jacques: 3 days
  • Pablo: 2 days
  • Hans: 3 days
  • Simon: 1 days
  • Story points: 50


  • Object Info node + object socket [#82535]
  • Prototype for instancing in node tree [#82534]
  • Points Distribution node density attribute field [#82376]
  • Better error handling of unsupported node group inputs [#82438]
  • Investigate Support for Enums data type for Node Group Inputs [#82157]
  • Design for the Object Info node [#82536]
  • Final "modifier name" (currently it is Nodes) [#82537]
  • Nodes design for the moss use case [#82538]
  • Nodes editor context design [#82366]
  • Final categories for the nodes [#82367]
  • Sample file for trees and flowers [#82365]

Burndown chart

Day Story points promissed Story points burned Expected burn
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
10 0 0 0


{list containing impediments that happened during the sprint}

Sprint Review

Due to the short sprint and not correct availability of the resources a lot of tasks were not fully finished. Open tasks will be finalized in the next sprint.


Went well

  • Discussion, communication of project and how community is responding [Dalai, Pablo]
  • Design tasks are ahead [Pablo, Simon]
  • Tasks were more clear, less guess time, more structures back log [Jacques]
  • Recording of the design discussions [Hans]


  • Unclear when devs are available for working, add number of days ahead of time to the sprint page [All]
  • Be more proactive when tasks are send to ready for testing and ask other team members to test, read, give feedback or do code review [All]
  • Categories
    • DoR: when adding new nodes, it should be clear to what category it belongs to
    • Add cleanup task for existing nodes.
  • Add workboard column for bugs that are still not confirmed. [Dalai]
  • Add EPIC/User Story to the task title/name [Dalai]