Process/Third Party Licenses
< Process
Third Party Licenses
An important part of the release process is to make sure is shipped with the complete license for all its dependencies.
Those dependencies come from a few places:
- extern
- intern
- SVN libraries
It is not enough to list the licences (MIT, GPL, ...). Often times the license also require its copyright holders to me mentioned. To help organize the process Blender uses OSS Attribution Builder.
This web application allow individual packages to be listed, together with their license and copyright notes. It then export a THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.txt document that is shipped together with Blender.
Every release is kept as a separate project. Each release we update the individual packages versions, as well as adding new ones. So the best way to start is by cloning an existing project.
It is important to check the new libraries in all the places (intern, extern, svn), create new entries or update the existing one.
For every release, a dump of the database should be pushed to the repository.
docker-compose up
- Then in a different terminal:
cp pgdata/dumps/pgsql-dump-$(date +"%Y%m%d")*.pgsql pgdata/sql-dump.sql
git add pgdata/sql-dump.sql
git commit -m'Blender 3.2 database dump'
What Changed ?
Usually there will be a "Libraries Changes for Blender 3.5" for you to use as a base.
Trust but verify
That document only tells part of the story!
The ground truth for the change is:
- intern (intern/CMakeLists.txt)
- extern (build_files/build_environment/cmake/versions.cmake)
- patches (build_files/build_environment)
For intern if you need more details about the changes you can do:
git diff --stat origin/blender-v3.1-release...origin/blender-v3.2-release -- intern ':!intern/cycles'
Patches are mostly relevant to mark whether the source is modified or not.