
Agile Development Process

In 2020Q3 we started an experiment of executing the Geometry Nodes project (part of Everything Nodes) using Scrum Agile Methodology practices. This page describes the process and our findings. It is intended as a framework. The actual implementation of the framework for geometry nodes are described in the project wiki.

Source of this page is It has been altered to fit the blender project. (e.g. distributed developers, open)


Product Owner

The product owner is responsible for delivering good results. Hence, the product owner is accountable for the product backlog and for maximizing the value that the team delivers.

The product owner defines the product in customer-centric terms (typically user stories), adds them to the Product Backlog, and prioritizes them based on importance and dependencies.

The product owner should focus on product development. The product owner should not dictate how the team reaches a technical solution, but rather will seek consensus among the team members.

Development Team

While team members are referred to as developers, the term refers to anyone who plays a role in the development and support of the system or product.

The team is self-organizing. While no work should come to the team except through the product owner, and the scrum master is expected to protect the team from too much distraction, the team should still be encouraged to interact directly with customers and/or stakeholders to gain maximum understanding and immediacy of feedback.

Scrum Master

Scrum is facilitated by a scrum master, who is accountable for removing impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the product goals and deliverables. The scrum master acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. The scrum master ensures that the scrum framework is followed.

Very important is that the Product Owner must never be the same person as the Scrum Master. The Product Owner manages the product and the Scrum master manages the process.


A sprint is the basic unit of development in Scrum. The sprint is a time-boxed effort; that is, the length is agreed and fixed in advance for each sprint. Most common is 2 weeks.

Sprint Planning

At the beginning of a sprint, the scrum team holds a sprint planning:

  • Forecast the amount of story points the team can handle for the next sprint, based on the amount of story points burned the last sprint and amount of time the team member has.
  • Select product backlog items that can be completed in one sprint backlog items are scored and story points are added to the items.
  • Prepare a sprint backlog that includes the work needed to complete the selected product backlog items
  • Agree the sprint goal, a short description of what they are forecasting to deliver at the end of the sprint.
  • During the first half, the whole scrum team (development team, scrum master, and product owner) selects the product backlog items they believe could be completed in that sprint
  • During the second half, the development team identifies the detailed work (tasks) required to complete those product backlog items; resulting in a confirmed sprint backlog As the detailed work is elaborated, some product backlog items may be split or put back into the product backlog if the team no longer believes they can complete the required work in a single sprint
  • Once the development team has prepared their sprint backlog, they forecast (usually by voting) which tasks will be delivered within the sprint.

The sprint planning is lead by the Product Owner.


Each day during a sprint, the team holds a daily scrum (or stand-up) with specific guidelines

  • All members of the development team come prepared. The daily scrum:
    • starts precisely on time even if some development team members are missing
    • should happen at the same time and place every day
    • is limited (time-boxed) to fifteen minutes
  • During the daily scrum, each team member typically answers three questions:
    • What did I complete yesterday that contributed to the team meeting our sprint goal?
    • What do I plan to complete today to contribute to the team meeting our sprint goal?
    • Do I see any impediment that could prevent me or the team from meeting our sprint goal?

Any impediment (e.g., stumbling block, risk, issue, delayed dependency, assumption proved unfounded) identified in the daily scrum should be captured by the scrum master and displayed on the team's scrum board (Task is gets an impediment state. While the currency of work status is the whole team's responsibility, the scrum master updates the sprint burndown chart.

No detailed discussions should happen during the daily scrum. Once the meeting ends, individual members can get together to discuss issues in detail (after party).

Sprint Demo

At the end of a sprint, the team holds two events: the sprint review and the sprint retrospective. At the sprint review, the team:

  • reviews the work that was completed and the planned work that was not completed
  • demonstrated the completed work to the stakeholders
    • Incomplete work cannot be demonstrated.

Sprint Review

At the sprint retrospective, the team:

  • Reflects on the past sprint
  • Identifies and agrees on continuous process improvement actions
  • Three main questions arise in the sprint retrospective:
    • What went well during the sprint? (one item per participant)
    • What did not go well? (one item per participant)
    • What could be improved for better productivity in the next sprint? (one item per participant)
      • The team member should propose something (no complaining, but actions) that should be shortly discussed and approved on or dismissed.

Make sure you prepared 2-3 improvement as someone else could also have the same item to address. But you are only allowed to put your top improvement on the table. The improvement should be solvable by the team them selves.

Backlog Grooming

Backlog refinement (formerly called grooming) is the ongoing process of reviewing product backlog items and checking that they are appropriately prepared and ordered in a way that makes them clear and executable for teams once they enter sprints via the sprint planning activity. Product backlog items may be broken into multiple smaller ones.

The backlog can also include technical debt (also known as design debt or code debt). This is a concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.

Process Artifacts

Items that are managed for the Scrum Process

Product Backlog

The product backlog is a breakdown of work to be done and contains an ordered list of product user stories and use cases. They can define features, bug fixes, non-functional requirements, etc.—whatever must be done to deliver a product. The product owner prioritizes product backlog items.

Sprint Backlog

The sprint backlog is the list of work the development team promised to address during the next sprint. The list is derived by the scrum team progressively selecting product backlog items in priority order from the top of the product backlog until they feel they have enough work to fill the sprint. The development team should keep in mind its past performance assessing its capacity for the new-sprint (fuel), and use this as a guideline of how much 'effort' they can complete.

The product backlog items may be broken down into tasks by the development team.

The sprint backlog is the property of the development team, and all included estimates are provided by the development team. Often an accompanying task board is used to see and change the state of the tasks of the current sprint, like to do, in progress and done.

Burndown Chart

The sprint burndown chart is a publicly displayed chart showing remaining work in the sprint backlog. Updated every day, it gives a simple view of the sprint progress. It also provides quick visualizations for reference. The horizontal axis of the sprint burndown chart shows the days in a sprint, while the vertical axis shows the amount of work remaining each day (typically representing the estimate of hours of work remaining).

Definition of Ready

The start criteria to determine whether the specifications and inputs are set enough to start the work item, i.e. a user story.

Definition of Done

The exit-criteria to determine whether a product backlog item is complete. In many cases, the DoD requires that all regression tests be successful. The definition of done may vary from one scrum team to another but must be consistent within one team.


A time-boxed period used to research a concept or create a simple prototype. Spikes might be accepted as one of many sprint delivery objectives. Spikes are often introduced before the delivery of large or complex product backlog items in order to expand knowledge. The duration and objective(s) of a spike is agreed between product owner and development team. For example, the objective of a spike might be to successfully reach a decision on a course of action. The spike is over when the time is up, not necessarily when the objective has been delivered.