Modules/Sculpt-Paint-Texture/Get Involved

Sculpt, Paint & Texture: Get Involved

There are plenty of community tasks and bugs to help out with on the Module Workboard. If nobody is assigned to it, it's free to pick up. If you'd like to get in touch or have any questions, tag the module coordinators Julien Kaspar and Joe Eagar in the Module Chat.

Getting Code Review

Before submitting a patch, read through Contributing Code.

When a patch is to be reviewed by the Sculpt, Paint & Texture module, do the following:

  • Make sure the patch description follows the Ingredients of a Patch guideline.
  • Add developers and artists from the Sculpt, Paint & Texture module as reviewers. Be sure to pick at least one developer (when in doubt, add Joe) as blocking reviewer. That way artists are free to approve any changes in functionality and user interface, without the patch immediately going to "Approved" state.
  • Tag the patch with the 'Sculpt, Paint & Texture' project. This can only be done after the patch has been created, so you'll have to edit it after creation.

Contributing Art & Documentation

If code is not your goal, consider contributing in other ways. Every new feature needs art as a showcase.

Artworks & Demo Files:

For the Release Notes and Demo Files. Include your visuals in a new Blender release for others to see what Blender can do.

User Manual Visual material, additions and fixes to the manual to keep users and educators informed on Blenders functionality is also important. While this is maintained by the module itself, it's a big help to submit issues/bugs or even edits to the manual and submit those changes.

Ideally these contributions should be a gift to the wider community. That's why shared art & files are licensed as Creative Commons (Ideally CC0 or CC-BY)

Educational Content & Showcases Tutorials & feature showcases via your own or the official Blender channel are also welcome and help even more to communicate the use of Blenders features and capabilities. Reach out to us any time.

Testing & Feedback

New features and fixes are added frequently to the latest Alpha version (master). Any contributor and user is welcome to give feedback via the sculpt-paint-texture chat and report bugs. This is invaluable for polishing features for the next release.

Certain prototypes and early patches can also be found in the sculpt-dev branch at the built download site. Expect the branch to be unstable and subject to frequent big changes.