
Development Management Tasks

The following represents the tasks related to the development coordinator as well as chief architect roles. Based on our current capabilities we split them in three groups:

  • Feature / code / design review.
  • Release, bug tracker, communication.
  • Documentation, forum, new contributors/onboarding, infrastructure


  • Assign appropriate reviewers to patches
  • Make sure patches are not ignored too long
  • Review contributions on a high level
  • Help code reviews stuck on design or decisions get unstuck
  • Read and review design docs
  • Come up with alternative designs when needed

Release Management

  • Define and communicate roadmaps
  • Keep track of all tasks that need to be done for release
  • Reorganize and close tasks on to reflect current status
  • Assign release tasks to developers
  • Talk to developers to ensure they are working on the release targets
  • Make decisions on what is safe to add in the current release
  • Make sure manual is in a ready state

Development Planning

  • Help decide which major features to focus on
  • Find developers to work on important features that are not assigned to anyone
  • Help define vision for how to do these new features, work through design with developers
  • Ensure module owners are organizing and communicating development of their module well and help as needed

Follow Development

  • Keep eye on commits for any problematic code changes
  • Keep eye on usability or design issues introduced by commits
  • Follow up with developers and designers to ensure issues get fixed
  • Ensure daily builds stay stable, and that major breakage is fixed immediately
  • Ensure tests keep passing, poke developers when they break
  • Understand what developers are spending time on

Bug Tracker

  • Follow bug tracker reports on a high level
  • Set priorities to low / medium / high so developers focus on important things
  • Help bug triagers to resolve tricky reports and define policy for how to handle reports
  • Ensure bug tracker remains friendly on-topic place, deal with rude users or developers
  • Help bug fixes get unstuck when needed (Brecht)


  • Write meeting notes, ensure all developers have weekly reports
  • Write weekly overview of new features and changes
  • Write blog posts on
  • Coordinate with web team
  • Organize Blender conference and other presentations


  • Organize and lead weekly meeting on
  • Set up meetings between developers if issues need to be worked out
  • Talk to developers to see if things are going ok, what to improve
  • Detect when developers are stuck too long on things, and find solutions
  • Onboarding of new developers and other employees
  • Make sure developers have software and hardware they need
  • Keep Ton in the loop on important decisions and things happening in development


  • Answer new developer questions on devtalk
  • Answer new developer questions on chat
  • Set up commit rights for developers and explain rules
  • Keep close eye on new committers to ensure they are following guidelines
  • Guide and encourage contributors to work on topics that fit Blender’s goals


  • Answer users questions or get the right person to answer them
  • Moderate forums to stay on topic, handle flags
  • Warn or ban users when they show bad behavior
  • Pass on information to relevant developers when needed


  • Ensure release notes are complete, poke devs who don't update
  • Define overall structure of release notes, ensure consistency and fill in blanks
  • Keep eye on Blender manual changes to ensure correctness and completion
  • Help manual writers understand Blender features and release process
  • Keep developer wiki documentation up to date

Development Infrastructure

  • When any developer website or infrastructure goes down, organize it to get fixed
  • Keep track which infrastructure is working well, and where problems are
  • Lead any development infrastructure changes
  • Make decision with sysadmin on infrastructure setup and policies
  • Create wiki, blog and other accounts for developers
  • Organize better continuous integration and testing infrastructure
  • Organize improvements to