

The Blender project relies on several systems to aid in the development effort of the software itself. This section groups information about these systems.

  • Gitea ( - hosts:
    • Code Repositories for Blender, its translations and add-ons as well as websites such as the Blender Cloud and Blender ID;
    • Bug Tracker and Task Management;
    • Patch submissions, code reviewing and auditing.
  • Buildbot - automated Blender builds. Used for the nightly builds and testing different platforms.
  • HowToGetBlender - Various options to to get blender builds
  • MediaWiki - this developer wiki.
  • User Manual - documentation for users on how to use Blender.
  • Development Forum ( - A place for discussing Blender development using Discourse.
  • Code Blog ( - For communication of new and ongoing projects. Made in Wordpress.
  • Official Website ( - presentation of the Blender project, including the download page. Made in Wordpress.
  • OpenData - a platform to collect and display the results of hardware and software performance tests, analytics, telemetry and more.