
< Tools(Redirected from Dev:Doc/Tools/Subversion)


The Blender source code and add-on repositories have moved to Git, however some things remain in Subversion repositories for now:

  • Prebuilt library dependencies
  • Test files

Repositories from old projects on are also still accessible through svn.

Repository access

Access to the repositories is provided via https:// both for anonymous (read access) and commit access (write access).

Windows, Linux and macOS libraries:


Read Access

The source code can be checked out anonymously.

You will need a Subversion client. Most systems have one installed by default. For a list of clients see Overview of Subversion clients.

When you checkout, you will probably see an error message about the certificate that is not issued by a trusted authority. However, the certificate is fully functional and will ensure secure transit of the data. You can permanently accept this certificate.

If you get the message "Certificate verification error: signed using insecure algorithm" without proposing to accept the certificate, open with the file ~/.subversion/servers and add on the bottom of it:

ssl-trust-default-ca = no

Commit Access

You need to generate a token that you can use as a password, as follows:

  • Got to Settings > Applications on
  • Under Generate New Token, set Token Name to "subversion"
  • Under Select Permissions, enable the "Read" permission for "user" (at the very end of the list)
  • Click Generate Token

When committing, you will be prompted for a username (same as on and password (token).

Subversion will store your password on your local system and use it next time you communicate with the repository.

If you forget your password, you can delete the token and generate a new one.

Additional information