Developer Intro/Environment/Linux CMake Eclipse
< Developer Intro | Environment(Redirected from Dev:Doc/IDE Configuration/Linux CMake Eclipse)
Starting out
- This document assumes you have built blender using the Linux/CMake Quickstart.
- Tested with Eclipse 3.7.2
Create Project Files
Create the project files. in your existing cmake build dir run.
cmake . -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
Import Project
- Start Eclipse (for the first time)
- Close Welcome Screen
- File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace
- Select root Directory (Browse to your CMake build dir)
... (acceps defaults), press 'Finish'
Configure Eclipse
Open preferences: (Menu) Window -> Preferences
- General -> Editors -> Text Editors
- Enable 'Show Print Margin', set to 120
- Enable 'Show Line Numbers'
- General -> Workspace
- Disable 'Build Automatically'
- Enable 'Refresh on Access'
- C/C++
- Indexer
- Disable 'Index Source Files not included in the build'
- Skip Files Larger then '1'mb
- Indexer
- C/C++
- Editor
- Typing
- Disable all 'Automatically Close' options.
- Typing
- Editor