Source/Line Art/Code Structure

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Line Art Code Structure

File structure

Here's current file structure for Line Art module.


   lineart_cpu.c      CPU Intersection and occlusion engine. Also handles some grease pencil stroke generations.
   lineart_chain.c    Chaining operation for occlusion result.
   lineart_ops.c      Operator registering.
   lineart_util.c     Utility functions. Including a dedicated memory tool.


   ED_lineart.h       Definitions of Line Art internal data cache structures, globals and ED_ functions.


   DNA_lineart_types.h     Definitions of Line Art exposed flags.
   DNA_scene_types.h       Definitions of SceneLineart.
   DNA_collection_types.h  Definitions of Collection Line Art flags.
   DNA_object_types.h      Definitions of Object Line Art flags.


   MOD_gpencillineart      Line Art gpencil modifier. Calls functions from lineart_cpu.c to get data.