Core widget toolkit designed for Blender
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 Building bWidgetsInstructions on how to compile bWidgets from source code
 bWidgets DesignHigh level documentation on the bWidgets source code
 Design OverviewHigh level overview on the bWidgets design
 Design PrinciplesBasic design principles bWidgets tries to follow
 Coding StyleInformation on the preferred coding "style" to use for bWidgets source code
 Why Not an Existing Widget Toolkit?Details on why Blender should use bWidgets rather than an existing widget/GUI toolkit
 Blender UI Code IssuesWhich problems does the current Blender widget code have and how does bWidgets try to solve them?
 Managing the DocumentationInstructions for the bWidgets doxygen documentation